Chapter 1171 Attack
"Instant coffee."

Lu Yan looked at the waiter as a matter of course.

If it wasn't for knowing Lu Yan's identity, the waiter probably thought that this guy was here to make trouble on purpose.

The waiter's professionalism is still very good, but after hesitating for a moment, he bowed and said: "...Okay, just wait a moment."

After watching the waiters leave, Lu Yan waved to the leading colonel.

"Sit down, don't be so nervous."

Although the senior colonel named Liu Shaoxi felt that this was inappropriate, he couldn't disobey Lu Yan's instructions.

After a few shirks, he sat down opposite Lu Yan.

Of course, even when he was sitting, his back was still straight and his nerves were tense.

After a while, Liu Shaoxi, who was a little bit on pins and needles, couldn't help asking: "Mr. [Savior], do you have any other orders?"

He looked at the team of armed men hiding in the street corner.

No matter how many armed police forces there are, they will not be able to help Lu Yan, let alone provide him with any protection.

It is precisely because Lu Yan holds power that is difficult for human beings to understand, so sooner or later there will be ambitious people who can't help but want to master this power.

It feels like you really don't know anything.

Lu Yan picked up the coffee cup, took a sip and put it down.

He just wanted to give people a rest for the sake of the hard work of so many people on the other side.

"Let... that what, the person in charge of the Global Alliance of Nations tell me."

Many things, once started, it is difficult to stop.

"Yes, don't worry."

In fact, with the power displayed by Lu Yan.

Even if there is, it can be understood.

"Those guys outside, are they terrorists?"

Lu Yan's tone turned cold: "You made such a move with due intention. I don't care, but your current attitude? Are you really ready to deceive me?"

"This... ugh."

Lu Yan was indeed just curious, and had no intention of blaming him.

Probably in their eyes, no matter how strong Lu Yan is, he is still human.

Lu Yan's eyelids twitched, "Slow down."

Lu Yan knew this, and knew that it was unavoidable.

Hearing this, Lu Yan looked at Liu Shaoxi with some dissatisfaction, but he didn't mean to blame him.

I have to say that the world is so big, there are always courageous guys.

It's okay to fail the usual missions, but this time the spoils will definitely have an ability to speed up. Lu Yan pondered whether it would be better if he could complete it by himself.

"Two gentlemen, please take it easy, please feel free to ask if you need anything."

"No, I'll let you sit and rest for a while."

Lu Yan never doubted how bad human nature can be.

The waiter had good eyesight and could see two steaming cups of coffee on the dinner plate.

Lu Yan showed a smile in line with society's expectations, and stretched like no one else was there.

"Okay, I will transfer you right away, please wait a moment."

Lu Yan really couldn't remember for a moment what positions this official joint organization had, so he casually mentioned the title, and he believed that the other party would understand.

Even if the power of all human beings is gathered, there is no such ability.

The other end of the phone fell silent.

The liaison officer didn't laugh or explain, but still said in a friendly tone.

"Not that serious."

The middle-aged man sighed helplessly: "This is not a decision that one person can make. You should also know that we dare not trust you completely."

None of the representatives from those countries dared to say that they had controlled Lu Yan.

As soon as the words fell, he took out the special satellite phone from his pocket under Liu Shaoxi's look of surprise and doubt, and pressed the call button.

"Mr. [Savior], hello, I am your No. [-] exclusive liaison officer, what do you need?"

"Mr. [Savior], are you looking for me? Are the security personnel dissatisfied with you?"

Fortunately, he just needs to ensure that no army will do anything to him in the next few hours.

"Haven't made a decision yet?"

The middle-aged male voice sounded very puzzled.

Not long after, the waiter came over with the plate.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome for him.

Tapping lightly on the table with his fingers, he felt the bitter taste filling his mouth.

He was suddenly curious, and said in a chatty tone: "Does the order from your superiors include monitoring me?"

As for whether these people were monitoring him, he didn't care.

"Forget it, you don't dare to say it anyway."

But to Liu Shaoxi's ears, these words were like a bolt from the blue.

The disparity in power was too great. They didn't dare to offend Lu Yan, but they were also unwilling to do nothing. At least they had to ensure that they had a certain understanding of Lu Yan's movements.

"Surveillance? What surveillance? Have you misunderstood something? Satellites in low-earth orbit have a global surveillance range."

Liu Shaoxi's face froze, and he quickly said: "Mr. [Savior], we have not received any task to monitor you, why do you ask?"

Maybe they are stuck in a tangle, or maybe they are contacting other high-level officials.

"You know what I'm talking about."

Lu Yan silently counted ten in his heart, and a thick middle-aged male voice came from the other end of the phone.

In fact, in the order received before departure, although it was not stated explicitly, there was indeed a substantive requirement similar to surveillance.

After a set of standard movements, the waiter carefully backed away, he didn't dare to stay in front of Lu Yan for too long.

"All of us have reached a consensus that it is absolutely not allowed to initiate military operations against you."

Hearing this, Lu Yan was happy.

Soldiers regard obedience as their bounden duty, Liu Shaoxi will not ask the reason for doing so, but he is not stupid, of course he can understand what this behavior means.

Less than a second after the bell rang, the phone was connected, and a sweet young female voice rang.

Lu Yan's attitude seemed to make the middle-aged man on the phone relax a lot.

After all, his winning condition this time is to ensure that humans will not suffer too much loss.

"Report, I'm not tired." Liu Shaoxi responded loudly like a conditioned reflex.

Lu Yan smiled lightly, and continued to add: "I just want to ask, is the decision to monitor me agreed by all of you?"

"Is it just surveillance?"

Lu Yan put the satellite phone on the table, pressed the hands-free button, then picked up the cup and took a big sip of coffee this time.

That's exactly what happened.

Liu Shaoxi looked in the direction of Lu Yan's gaze, and his expression suddenly changed.

Quickly got up and tried to push Lu Yan down...but failed.

Then he reacted very quickly and shouted in the communication channel: "There are armed men at eleven o'clock, the number is unknown, everyone is in combat mode, protect Mr. [Savior]!"

"Notify the local special police and quickly block all intersections on the street!"

(End of this chapter)

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