Chapter 1182 Tomoko
In fact, at the beginning, Chang Weisi, like Shi Qiang, thought that Lu Yan was a member of ETO.

This can explain why Lu Yan knows so much information about ETO and Trisolarans.

As for the fact that the identity information cannot be found, it must have been modified.

But after a period of contact, Chang Weisi was able to notice that Lu Yan didn't take ETO seriously in his words, and even when he talked about the Trisolaran, he had a casual attitude.

This is incredible.

Even Chang Weisi, the person in charge of the combat center, couldn't control his inner shock when he learned that there were indeed aliens, and their technological level was far ahead of the earth.

In any case, Chang Weisi can at least be sure that Lu Yan is definitely not an ordinary person, and even dare not guarantee that Lu Yan is a human being.

"who am I?"

Lu Yan gave Chang Weisi a strange look: "Is this some kind of philosophical question?"

"Mr. Lu, since you are so frank, then we will not hide it."

With Shi Qiang's sultry face, it's hard to believe that this guy is a positive character: "Ms. Ye is not at home, let's go, if you don't go, I will call the police."

"When did you leave...I understand...Okay, come back first."


Shi Qiang unceremoniously dragged the neighbor out from behind the door: "Tell me, it sounds like you know that Teacher Ye is not at home? Where did she go? Did you say when she will be back?"

The other side was quickly connected, and Shi Qiang quickly said: "Old Chang, Ye Wenjie is not at home, and the phone can't be reached. I'm afraid I have to ask your people to check."

After all, Ye Wenjie is indeed the commander-in-chief of ETO, and the facts cannot stand investigation.

"The Trisolarans sent two protons to the earth. This thing is called a sophon. It can be regarded as a microcomputer the size of a proton. In addition to being used to lock the development of earth's technology, it also has the function of monitoring."

"Just left?"

What's more, Ye Wenjie also recorded all the information about the Trisolarans in the computer, even if it was temporarily deleted, the technical staff of the combat center can easily restore these evidences.

Chang Weisi put down the landline on the desk, turned around and looked at Lu Yan who was still sitting on the sofa, the old god was there.

Ye Wenjie, the commander of the ETO, is just a retired employee on the surface, and she seems to be very leisurely every day, with nothing important to do.

"Call Ye Wenjie and ask where she is." Shi Qiang said to the neighbor.

Hearing this, Lu Yan frowned slightly.

Especially leaving before I arrive, it is really impossible not to think about it.


The neighbor's eyes gradually became subtler.

He could tell that it wasn't that Lu Yan didn't want to say it, he was just too lazy to say it.

He didn't hide anything, and said bluntly, "Ye Wenjie isn't at home, do you know where she went?"

He didn't feel right. In the original plot, the capture of Ye Wenjie and a large number of ETO members went smoothly, didn't they?

"Well, I will trouble Mr. Lu to confront Teacher Ye face to face in a while."

This situation made Shi Qiang feel that what Lu Yan said was more credible.

But he didn't mean to elaborate, just perfunctory.

"Mr. Lu, what do you mean... everything we do is under the supervision of this sophon?"

Shi Qiang turned around and pointed to the iron gate: "Then what, Ye... Doesn't Teacher Ye live here?"

I can only pick a little that I know and answer.

Unfortunately, there was always a busy signal on the other end of the phone, and no one answered.

Shi Qiang has always acted in a rush, so he didn't delay, and soon arrived at the door of Ye Wenjie's very old-fashioned faculty dormitory.

Shi Qiang took out his ID and shook it.

Lu Yan's fingers were slightly bent, and he tapped lightly on the tempered glass tabletop.

bang~ bang~ bang~
He didn't knock on the door too violently at the beginning, after all, everything so far was still based on Lu Yan's one-sided opinion.

Chang Weisi clasped his hands together on the table in front of him, interlocking his fingers.

"Why did you report to the police? I am the police."

At this point in time, Trisolaran probably hasn't decided to give up ETO yet, right?
If this is the case, it is very logical for Sophon to inform Ye Wenjie.

"not at home?"

However, he knocked on the painted iron door for a long time, but there was silence in the room.

Suddenly, Lu Yan realized a problem.

Suddenly knowing that he has been monitored by aliens all the time, and he can still maintain his superficial composure, Chang Weisi's mental quality is excellent.

"This question has nothing to do with the work you are going to do, and I have no malicious intentions."

Where is Ye Wenjie going in such a hurry?

It's just after lunch, so it's time for a nap.

Shi Qiang's attitude was very bluffing. The neighbor was an ordinary citizen, so he took out his mobile phone to make a call honestly.

"Since you have come out, please cooperate with the investigation."

A lot of questions were thrown like cannonballs, which shocked the neighbor a little bit.

Confirming this is enough for Chang Weisi, he is not like Shi Qiang, who likes to break the casserole and ask the bottom line to make people bored.

Hearing this, Chang Weisi could barely maintain a calm face, but there was a violent turmoil in his heart.

What's wrong now?

Shi Qiang hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"I live here. No, what are you doing?!"

"No... I didn't say anything, Mr. Ye just left for a short time, and he seems to be walking behind you, and seems to be walking in a hurry."

"We want to find out your origin, and you should understand why?"

has a problem!
Bang bang bang!
Shi Qiang accelerated the frequency of knocking on the door, and the rapid knocking sound made the neighbors next door couldn't help opening the door and sticking their heads out to check the situation.

Shi Qiang's face suddenly darkened.

Although he was suspended from work, his documents have not yet been confiscated.

"What are you doing?"

Considering Ye Wenjie's teaching career for so many years, she is highly respected, even Shi Qiang, who is so generous, showed a little superficial respect.

A few flashes of thought flashed in Chang Weisi's eyes.

To be honest, he already believed most of what Lu Yan said, but he still felt his scalp tingling for a while when the aliens had dropped the device on the earth.

Hearing this, Lu Yan nodded to express his understanding.

At this point in time.

Maybe it's because of different professional fields, or maybe it's because of the violent mood swings, but Chang Weisi didn't pay too much attention to the so-called locking technology development.

After all, Chang Weisi is a soldier, so he pays more attention to intelligence.

So he knows exactly what it means to be crushed at this level of information.

"That's why Ye Wenjie left just before Da Shi arrived, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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