The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1191 Familiarity

Chapter 1191 Familiarity

Shi Qiang let out a typical silly smile, waved his hands, and said, "Wait a minute, when those people come, you can't be so angry that you just hit them."

"Although, those guys are not big figures, but at least they represent the major war zones. It would be too embarrassing to beat someone up."

Most of the time, Shi Qiang's words and deeds are out of his mind.

But when exhorting others, it is very clear.

Lu Yan glanced at him, but said nothing.

Soon, the door was knocked.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

The door was pushed open.

A group of people filed in.

Among them, European faces account for a considerable proportion.

With so many people gathered in this simple room, it seemed extremely crowded.

"Let's go to the conference room and talk." The staff is still very discerning.

"No, let's talk here."

Lu Yan stretched, but he didn't stand up from the bed, he just sat up straight.

A neatly dressed official who walked ahead spoke first, and asked again in very blunt Chinese.

"Which one is Mr. Lu?"

"Who are you?"

Shi Qiang put on a stinky face, that face was full of flesh, as if he was about to fight in the next second.

The man in a black suit said in fluent Mandarin: "We are observers in various theaters, and our mission is to confirm whether the Trisolaran civilization really exists."

The official in the black suit had a formulaic smile on his face. Although his attitude was not very good, compared with the previous one, he was obviously much kinder.

Shi Qiang nodded, his eyes seemed to say "this is not bad".

He walked over and patted Lu Yan on the shoulder, and briefly introduced: "This is Lu Yan."

"Mr. Lu, we're going to hold you up for a few minutes."

The black suit official bowed slightly, looking polite.

Lu Yan's expression remained the same, his eyes drifted away from the group of people.

Probably for the sake of efficiency, the black-suited official did not persuade Lu Yan to go to the meeting room, but took two steps forward and said, "Then let's start directly."

"Mr. Lu, before entering the formal conversation, it is necessary to inform you that all the details of this conversation will be recorded and kept on file, and you will be responsible for your subsequent remarks."

Lu Yan: "..."

"The first question, Mr. Lu, where did you learn about the existence of the Trisolaran civilization?"

Lu Yan: "..."

The two looked at each other eagerly for nearly a minute.

The black suit official couldn't hold back anymore.

This seems to be a bit impossible to ask.

Seeing this scene, Shi Qiang was very happy.

However, considering the identities of these people, they could only turn their backs and hold back their laughter.

Another well-dressed official watched the situation stalemate from the beginning, clapped his hands, and drew everyone's attention to him.

"Mr. Lu, I must remind you that silence is meaningless. If you refuse to communicate, we will directly inquire, and if you do not answer, it will be regarded as acquiescence."

Hearing this, Lu Yan twisted his neck: "Okay, what kind of answer do you want to hear? I can cooperate."

Speaking of the latter, he skillfully put on a kind smile that meets social expectations.

It's not that he's messing around, nor is he intentionally causing trouble.

It was purely because he couldn't come up with any substantive evidence at this meeting.

You must know that in the original work, until the end of the plot, the three-body man did not actually show up.

At least before the solar system became two-dimensional, the Trisolaran civilization just dropped some sophons and a few water droplets (detectors made with strong interaction) towards the earth.

Most of all, he knew very well that this conversation was completely pointless.

As the Asian theater begins to attack ETO members, sooner or later they will know that the Three-Body Civilization really exists.

However, Lu Yan's monkey-like rhetoric not only failed to satisfy these observers, but made people feel angry.

They started to record Lu Yan's attitude one after another, and attached conclusions.

In many cases, there is no need for an answer.

Subjective conclusions are also conclusions.

Lu Yan didn't care about this at all.

He turned to look at Shi Qiang at the side, and asked, "Is there anything delicious in the canteen of the combat center?"

For now, let's eat first.

Shi Qiang grinned.

"What's the point of the cafeteria, let's go eat stewed food."

From a certain point of view, it is quite dangerous to leave the combat center.

After all, Lu Yan has already used supernatural abilities today, if he encounters that kind of lunatic who came to kill him with a small nuclear bomb, it might really lead to the failure of the mission.

Being sent away by two desperate ordinary people is a bit embarrassing no matter how you think about it.

But after thinking about it, the members of ETO are not reckless, so they can't just repeat the old tricks so quickly.

What's more, Lu Yan also communicated with Sophon, and Sophon said that he could contact him at any time, so he probably wouldn't ask anyone to plot against him again.

"Let's lead the way."

While talking, the two of them pushed through the crowd as if no one else was there, and walked out of the room.

Leaving a group of observers and officials staring at each other in the room.

They really don't understand what kind of brain circuit these two people have.

Are you fearless?

Come out of the combat center.

Shi Qiang drove a military jeep onto the main road. His own car had already been scrapped in an accident.

This car was what he asked Chang Weisi directly.

According to Shi Qiang, this car is also bulletproof and very safe.

Lu Yan sat in the co-pilot, and through the car window, he could see the outline of the city in the distance.

Before it was completely dark, many neon lights were already on, and the streets were full of traffic.

Before entering the urban area, you can feel the breath of the bustling metropolis.

After entering the city, young people walking their dogs, elderly people walking after dinner, and couples holding hands.

These factors make the bustling city a little more human-like.

Compared with the busy operation center in response to the invasion of alien civilization, it is completely like two worlds.

Shi Qiang was driving the car, and suddenly said.

"Brother, do you think we can catch ETO members?"

Lu Yan: "?"

"What's the matter, are you still playing tricks with me? Didn't you take the initiative to leave the combat center to catch a few important members of ETO and go back and slap those people in the face?"

Shi Qiang had an expression that I understand you.

Not to mention, he borrowed the car from Chang Weisi relying on this set of arguments.

If there is no accident, there will definitely be a team of people following them.

Lu Yan: "..." I didn't think so much.

But... that's all.

Lu Yan was about to let Shi Qiang eat first, when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure through the car window.


"What's the matter?"

Although Shi Qiang didn't understand why Lu Yan asked him to stop, he immediately pulled over and stopped the car.

(End of this chapter)

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