Chapter 1195 Blinking
Obviously, to start a civilian front-wheel drive vehicle, it is necessary to grasp the strength of the left foot at the critical point of the clutch.

Only in this way can we have a better grip.

On weekdays, Luo Ji didn't know how to drive fast.

In addition to the reason for the daily traffic jams in this city, part of the reason is that he doesn't like to put himself in a state of urgency.

But now it's different.

Luo Ji's Accord roared on the road, as if responding to the surging heart of its owner.

Thanks to the less traffic flow at night, Luo Ji can increase the speed very high.

Keep it at a level for a long time, once a car accident occurs, you will die on the spot.

But obviously, Luo Ji would not care about this at all.

Far away in Luo Ji's mind, he could see her sitting quietly in front of the fireplace.

The kind of beauty that came from the depths of the soul made Luo Ji desperate.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Lu Yan watched the scenery out of the windows on both sides retreat rapidly, and the light from the street lamps on both sides was pulled out into a trail.

After hesitating for two seconds, he said, "Actually, it's okay to slow down."

He wasn't worried about his own safety, let alone this kind of family car, even if a heavy tank ran over him, it would be like tickling.

What worries him is that he has already used supernatural power once today.

Don't forget, Lu Yan's special situation of resurrection in a full state on the spot is considered a supernatural power in itself.

And it's a passive skill.

If there is a car accident, even if he does nothing, he will be judged as a mission failure by the reincarnation system.

Perhaps the failure of the mission is not a big deal to Lu Yan.

But it would be too embarrassing if the mission failed because of this kind of thing.


There is a well-known psychological effect called Murphy's Law.

It means that if there is a chance that something will go wrong, no matter how small the possibility, it will happen.

As it is now.

Lu Yan suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, and his whole body felt like being pricked by a fine needle.

This is his body's natural warning.

When he was strong to a certain level, such early warnings rarely appeared.

But it's different now, he used [No Self] to suppress his physical state to the limit of ordinary human beings, and anything that could pose a threat to him now would trigger an early warning in his body.

Lu Yan raised his head suddenly, and he was less than 200 meters away from their vehicle.

A black car crashed into it in a retrograde manner.

It is also an exaggerated high speed.

No doubt, once hit.

Luckily, Lu Yan said that Luo Ji would definitely have to become a meatloaf.

Obviously, Luo Ji also noticed this situation.

But the problem is that the distance of 200 meters is only [-] meters, and the reaction time left for Luo Ji is less than a second when two cars are driving opposite each other at such a high speed.

If you do nothing, you will die.

If you turn the steering wheel in a hurry, it probably won't be much better.

Just when Luo Ji was about to try his luck, Lu Yan first pressed his arm on the side of the steering wheel, and then pulled down hard.


Lu Yan's voice turned out to be strangely calm.

At this moment, Luo Ji, who was a little flustered, calmed down inexplicably.

It's too late to say.

The front of Luo Ji's Accord just had time to pull out a thirty-degree arc when the retrograde black car crashed into the rear of the Accord.

This Accord car is like a spinning top, spinning rapidly under the twitch of the whip.


The tires grazed the ground.

Before he had time to feel the ear-piercing noise, Luo Ji felt his world spinning.

The strong centrifugal force put him in an uncontrollable weightless state.

The rear window glass splashed, and under the blessing of speed, it almost turned into a terrifying hidden weapon.

It can only be said that Luo Ji is worthy of being the protagonist of this world.

Pretty lucky.

So much sputtered glass slag didn't hit his vitals.

It just made a few more cuts on his face and arms.

The spinning "top" hit the municipal flower bed, and finally stopped.

Curls of blue smoke billowed from the twisted bonnet.

The rear of the vehicle was even more exaggerated, and the hit position was sunken, as if a part was missing out of thin air.


Lu Yan exhaled, and forcibly removed the stuck safety belt with its buckle.

He looked at the unconscious Luo Ji unkindly, wondering if he should call Shi Qiang directly and ask him to imprison this guy and calm down.

I don't know if it was because I was too obsessed with finding Zhuang Yan, or because I was prepared when the collision happened.

It could be said that Luo Ji hadn't been unconscious for too long, so he lifted his head from the airbag and opened his eyes in a daze.

Apart from being in a trance, fortunately, there were no injuries.

He was panting heavily, his chest rising and falling violently with his breathing.

Lu Yan looked at the black car behind him. If there were no accidents, ETO probably did this. In fact, Luo Ji couldn't be blamed.

Looking at the flames burning on the front of the car, he was silent for a moment, and said, "Get out of the car first."

He really wanted to complain.

Why do these ETO members always like to engage in this kind of assassination method.

Can't you use a gun?
Hmm... Even if it's a bit difficult, it shouldn't be impossible.

You can't just come twice a day just because the assassination method like a car accident is more convenient?
Lu Yan kicked the twisted car door open, then dragged Luo Ji out of the scrapped Accord, and walked a few more steps to keep a safe distance from the car that was about to explode.

The sound of ambulances and sirens has already sounded in the distance.

Obviously, for such an exaggerated car accident, there must be well-meaning people calling the police.

Luo Ji stood there with a gloomy expression, not daring to look at the black car.

He didn't know anything about ETO yet, and he felt that he was responsible for the accident.

Although he was very anxious to see Zhuang Yan, he couldn't do something like hit and run... The main thing was that he couldn't escape either.

You know, not only did Luo Ji drive more than a hundred yards in the urban area, but he also had a drink not long ago.

Drunk driving and speeding, the points on this driver's license are not enough for him to deduct.

Not to mention, it also caused such a serious car accident, where can he escape?
Lu Yan took out the mobile phone that Shi Qiang gave him, and dialed the only number in the address book.

Shi Qiang got through the phone quickly, and before Lu Yan could speak, he spoke in a rush.

"Hey! Lao Lu, why are you calling me now? I'm busy, and you may not believe it. The radio astronomy observation base in the suburbs actually reported that the universe flickered, saying it started at ten o'clock. , it’s been flashing for more than ten minutes, do you know what’s going on?”

(End of this chapter)

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