The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1201 Announcement

Chapter 1201 Announcement
Operation center.

Chang Weisi's office.

"I don't have any good tea here, don't mind."

Chang Weisi put a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of Lu Yan.

The cup is steaming hot and the fragrance of tea is overflowing.

"I'm fine." Lu Yan chuckled lightly.

As soon as Chang Weisi sat down, he said, "Anyway, I should thank you for capturing Ye Wenjie."

"Should be."

Lu Yan's attitude was very casual, but his response was not offensive.

In the huge office, there were only Lu Yan and Chang Weisi, and the voices of their conversations could even echo.

It is worth mentioning that when they returned to the combat center, they were taken away separately.

Ye Wenjie, the nominal commander of the ETO, will be interrogated by professionals.

As for Wang Miao and Luo Ji, two intellectuals, Shi Qiang was in charge.

The above arrangements are quite easy, except for Lu Yan.

Chang Weisi couldn't make up his mind due to his special situation, so he could only try to communicate with him in a friendly manner.

Chang Weisi picked up his cup and took a sip of tea.

Although it was his office, for some reason, facing Lu Yan, he felt inexplicably nervous.

Chang Weisi already knew what happened at the radio astronomy observation base through the reports of those soldiers.

Combined with the observed situation, it can basically be concluded that it is true.

But because of this, Chang Weisi didn't know how to face Lu Yan. After all, he had no experience talking with "alien".

Chang Weisi's mind turned crazily, and decided to skip these unnutritious topics.

"Let me just say it straight, Mr. Lu, who are you?"

Hearing this, Lu Yan frowned slightly.

"How many times have you asked this question?"

"Yes, but Mr. Lu, you should know what I'm asking."

Now that the words have been uttered, Chang Weisi no longer slaps around: "Humans cannot recompress an exploded miniature nuclear bomb, cannot create a large number of white flames out of thin air, and it is even more impossible to stand on the earth. The fist destroys the sophons unfolding in low dimensions in outer space."

After talking so much in one go, Chang Weisi's expression became extraordinarily solemn.

It is true that they still do not know that the crisis of Trisolaran civilization has turned around, but even if there is no turnaround, the fleet of Trisolarans will not arrive until more than 400 years later.

Compared with the things that will happen after dozens of generations, the existence of Lu Yan standing in front of them is the real unstable factor.

After Lu Yan heard what Chang Weisi said, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"You don't treat me like a human?"

Chang Weisi's expression froze.

He didn't know which sentence offended Lu Yan, so he quickly made amends.

"Mr. Lu, we just want to know, what is your purpose on earth?"

We here do not just refer to a certain regime on the earth.

It is a global council.

As in the original book, in the process of combating ETO, countries have confirmed the existence of alien civilizations and the fact that there are already fleets heading towards the solar system.

In the panic, I chose to unite.

With the framework of the National Alliance, a global organization was established to deal with alien civilizations.

The difference from the original book is that due to the existence of Lu Yan, the council established this time is not the Planetary Defense Council for short.

But PDCC (Planetary Defense and Communication Council)

The full name is the Planetary Defense and Communication Council.

In other words, in the eyes of high-level officials from various countries, Lu Yan actually represents another alien civilization that can communicate.

And during the discussion at the meeting, it was agreed that the technological level of Lu Yan civilization was even higher than that of the Three-Body Civilization.

It was because Chang Weisi had talked with Lu Yan before that he was in charge. Otherwise, according to the procedure, it would be normal for the diplomatic personnel to communicate with Lu Yan.

"I said that my mission is to continue human civilization, do you believe me?"

Lu Yan tilted his head slightly, and couldn't tell whether he was joking or answering seriously.

Chang Weisi was silent for a moment: "I will convey the truth."

This kind of thing should be judged by people at a higher level.

Lu Yan also knew that it would be difficult for him to win people's trust when he said so empty-handedly.

Then he added: "Not long ago, I communicated with the Trisolaran civilization, and they should give up their aggression against the earth."

Hearing this, Chang Weisi's eyes lit up with a bright light.

Some eagerly said that it didn't fit his image: "Mr. Lu, you can't joke about this kind of thing."

"There is a price."

Lu Yan glanced at Chang Weisi, and continued: "Probably, Mars or other planets must be given up for Trisolarans to live in. Correspondingly, Trisolarans also need to share their advanced technology with humans."

Chang Weisi did not show any surprise.

It is normal to have an exchange of interests.

"If the Trisolaran civilization is willing to accept such conditions, I think human civilization can also agree."

Compared with fighting a war with no hope in sight, it is obviously profitable for human civilization to pay for a planet that is not under the control of human beings in exchange for peace.

"By the way, the high-energy particle collision experiment should be able to continue, and there will be no sophon interference."

At the end, Lu Yan added another sentence.

Chang Weisi stood up and said solemnly: "Mr. Lu, humans will thank you."

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth twitched.

Chang Weisi didn't know why, so he asked instead.

"I don't know, how should we call the civilization you belong to?"

This so-called advanced civilization didn't exist in the first place, so Lu Yan didn't know what to call it, so he said it casually.

"Let's call it Shi Qiang Civilization."


under the sunset.

Zhang Yuanchao came back from get off work in the chemical plant.

He has worked hard and conscientiously in the chemical plant for 40 years, and he will be able to retire in a few months.

So even if the body is very tired, you can feel the rush.

But all of this, starting today, has changed.

Zhang Yuanchao is different from the old Yangtou next door. He doesn't care about the situation of the country or the world. He feels that these things are far away from him.

All he can do is to be a common man and live his life well.

But today, as soon as Zhang Yuanchao got home, he didn't do anything else, but immediately turned on the latest plasma TV in the living room.

All channels are broadcasting the same news.

On this day, the world view of all earthlings is refreshed.

They knew that in the vast universe, apart from human beings, there really are other alien civilizations.

Human civilization is neither unique nor alone.

Since there is no need to face the invasion of alien civilizations like in the original book, the vast majority of people did not panic too much after hearing the news, instead they became curious about alien civilizations.

(End of this chapter)

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