Lu Yan stood still in front of the gate.

For some reason, the eyes of these people made him feel a little sad.

Seeing Lu Yan standing still, the PIA members in the hall couldn't help but move towards him.

"Sir, save us!"

A scientific researcher in a white coat was the first to speak. This expression of despair mixed with expectation was like a devout believer praying to his Lord.

The words of this scientific researcher resonated with the other people present, like a small gap in the gate of flood control, and then a tsunami roared.

"Great spokesperson of advanced civilization, please be sure to uphold justice in the universe..."

"We did nothing wrong..."

"Save mankind..."

Noisy voices filled Lu Yan's eardrums.

hard to imagine.

These people are either high-level scientific researchers, or elites with backgrounds in intelligence work.

But at this moment, they are all like children who have made mistakes and are seeking help from adults.

Lu Yan suddenly felt ridiculous.

Even if these people who pin their only hope on themselves are only part of the PIA members, it is still ridiculous.

No matter from which point of view, they can be regarded as the elite among human beings.

But precisely because of this, their giving up is even more sad.

It was also at this time that Lu Yan realized how difficult this training mission was.

He raised his hand and waved it left and right, motioning for them to get out of the way.

Seeing Lu Yan's actions, the expressions on many people's faces became even uglier.

Obviously, they didn't get the answer they wanted, which made them very disappointed, but at least Lu Yan didn't reject it outright, and still kept some hope.

Comforting himself in this way, the crowd silently made way for him.

"Continue to lead the way." Lu Yan said to Cheng Xin with a sideways glance.

Shi Qiang, on the other hand, did not make jokes, and quietly followed behind the two of them.

Under the guidance of Cheng Xin, they came to the door of a meeting room.

It seems that Vader had informed in advance that there was no need to report Lu Yan's arrival, so the two guards guarding the door directly opened the door of the meeting room.

There is no doubt about the sound insulation effect of the oak door with a thickness of more than ten centimeters.

As soon as the door was pushed open, fierce quarrels could be heard from the conference room.

"Are you crazy? Have you ever thought about how many spaceships can be built even if the resources of all mankind are mobilized in the few days left?!"

"Then why don't we just stay on the earth and wait to die? Trisolaris has already started preparations for the relocation project! Even the Trisolarans can't do anything about it, so what can we do?"

"No, anyway, I don't agree!"

Vadim shook his head resolutely: "The hasty escape is nothing but a meaningless struggle before dying..."

Lu Yan walked into the conference room.

It can be noticed that there are not many people in this meeting room, but they are all the heads of various powerful organizations in PIA.

They sat around a long parliamentary table with a huge display screen directly in front of them.

Lu Yan could clearly feel the breath of despair from them.

After noticing this, he quickly shifted his gaze to Vader who was sitting at the main seat.

Sure enough, this psychotic guy was still smoking a cigar as if nothing had happened, with a sickly joy in his eyes.

"Mr. Lu, you are here."

After seeing Lu Yan, Wade didn't show any excitement like most people did. He just pointed to an empty seat beside him: "Don't worry, sit down and talk."

"Mr Vader!"

A middle-aged Asian man said with a cold face: "This is already an imminent thing."

Lu Yan learned his name and position from the sign placed in front of the middle-aged man.

This is the Deputy Director of PIA.

In fact, the entire PIA has a total of three deputy directors, but unfortunately none of them are well-known.

Faced with such dismantling, Vader was not annoyed, he shook off the ash on a cigar,
He glanced around the conference table, then pointed to an elderly French woman: "Then Counselor Ke Manlin, please introduce the current situation to Mr. Lu."

"The unidentified flying object we named 'Rubik's Cube' entered the Kuiper belt three hours ago and collided with Pluto 37 minutes ago, causing the tearing of Pluto."

The ability to discover so quickly is thanks to the quantum communication provided by sophons.

As far as the distance between Pluto and the earth is concerned, it will take five or six hours before the changes of Pluto can be observed.

"If the weather is nice tonight, those astronomers should still be able to witness the impact."

At this moment, Vader was still in the mood to joke.


Lu Yan didn't care about Vader's inappropriate joke, he just wondered why such a word was used.

"Yes, it is tearing. In front of the 'Rubik's Cube', Pluto is like a rag being torn apart violently."

Vader spread his hands flamboyantly.

"What do you mean?"

"It's literally."

Ke Manlin stood up and clicked twice on the screen: "Let me explain.

What needs to be explained in advance is that our previous judgment on the 'Rubik's Cube' was wrong. It is not a weapon, or in other words, not entirely.

Its true face is a high-dimensional... uh... block, well, please allow me to call it a block.

We all know that the world we live in is a three-dimensional space. If a higher-dimensional block appears in the three-dimensional world, it is like a person walking on a piece of thin paper. It will cause the thin paper to shatter.

String theory expounds the possibility of four or even higher dimensions in the microscopic world, and even the Three-Body civilization can expand an elementary particle to a lower dimension.

But for the macro level, it is technically unimaginable to create a high-dimensional object. "

What needs to be made clear is that high-dimensionality is a real dimensionality reduction blow to low-dimensionality.

The most frightening thing is that behind this "Rubik's Cube" there is an unimaginable high-level civilization.

Faced with the malice of such a high-level civilization, human civilization can't find any way to resist.

Just like the person in a painting, it is impossible to jump out of reality and punch you anyway, but you can destroy the painting in various ways.

Lu Yan was silent for a moment.

I found that I didn't understand: "I'd rather face a guy who has 53 battles and can transform in three stages."

Vader: "..." What the hell are you talking about?

Throwing out the strange thoughts in his mind, Vader patted the conference table and said expressionlessly: "Don't worry, I have even worse news."

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