The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 148 Death Forest

Chapter 148 Death Forest
In the land of fire.

In a certain forest, towering trees grow wantonly, in a patchwork pattern.

The verdant leaves block the sunlight, preventing the light from shining on the land through the leaves.

A figure suddenly appeared on the huge tree trunk.

The body's own inertia caused the trunk to shake for a while, shaking off a large leaf.

The figure was wearing a red cloud robe with a black background, slowly raising his head, it was Lu Yan who had come from the Land of Rain.

Squinting your eyes and looking into the distance, under the cover of the thick tree trunks, you can't tell any direction at all. It seems that the scenery in every direction is exactly the same.

Lu Yan seemed to be talking to someone, muttering softly: "It should be in this direction."


A dark green pitcher plant emerges from a tree trunk and stops just as its head emerges.

Jue responded with his characteristic feminine voice: "The direction is correct, we have now reached the territory of the Fire Kingdom."

A week has passed since the departure from Yuyin Village.

The main reason is that Lu Yan walked and wandered around, and when he saw the casino, he would go in and wander around.

It took so long to be so inked along the way, otherwise it would have saved even more time.

"If nothing else happens, the Chunin exam has already started, Lu Yan, hurry up, at least get there before Orochimaru takes action."

Hearing this, Lu Yan showed a smile on his face, and said slowly, "Don't worry, if that guy named Orochimaru will make a move in the Chunin exam, then he won't be able to escape."

After all, with the double perception enhancement of Death God's Will and Symmetra, as long as he can recognize the life breath of Orochimaru, no matter where he escapes, Lu Yan is confident that he can catch him.

After a brief stay.

Like diving, it slowly retracts into the trunk, as if it has embarked on a journey again.

Seeing that Jue had already set off, Lu Yan didn't stay any longer.

Stepping down with both feet, using the bouncing reaction force like a flea, jumping from one tree trunk to another, constantly rushing towards Muye Village.


Leaf Village.

The venue for the second round of examinations.

Deep in the dead forest.

Naruto Sasuke cautiously lurks near the central tower.

Naruto stretched out his hand to push the grass in front of him, looked at the scene in front of him, and didn't choose to act rashly.

The Chunin exam is divided into three parts. The first part is the written test. With the help of Sasuke Sharingan, the two passed the test without any risk and entered the second round.

Throughout the second round of exams, there were a total of hundreds of ninjas, many of whom were outstanding from other ninja villages.

The test site is the present death forest. Each team receives a scroll, which is divided into two volumes, heaven and earth.

The content of the second round of the test requires the contestants to collect all the two scrolls of heaven and earth within five days and reach the finish line before they can pass the test.

In other words, under the best luck, each team must defeat at least one opposing team in order to collect the two scrolls of heaven and earth.

The death forest is full of traps and full of poisonous snakes and insects. It is an extremely dangerous place. Generally speaking, it is not easy for Chunin to reach the end safely.

Therefore, it is an extremely dangerous test site for Genin.

Fortunately, Naruto and Sasuke are not ordinary ninjas, and their taijutsu alone beat those contestants by several blocks.

The two teamed up to easily defeat a team of miscellaneous fish, collected two scrolls of heaven and earth, and arrived at the finish line, the central tower, two days before the end of the exam.

Although they had already reached the finish line, the two of them did not take the lead easily, mainly because there was a young man standing in front of the central tower at this time.

There are extremely obvious dark circles around the boy's eyes, which are so black that they shine. The word "Love" is engraved obliquely above his forehead, and he is carrying a khaki gourd about the size of his body on his back.

The boy folded his arms and stood in front of the gate of the central tower with a cold expression, as if he was waiting for something.

Naruto gently closed the bushes, hid them back in place, and asked eagerly in a low voice: "How is it? Shall we deal with that guy directly?"

Sasuke reached out and touched his chin, frowning hesitantly: "I have an impression of that guy. His name is Gaara, and he is a ninja from Sand Hidden Village. It feels a bit like you to me. It may not be easy."

Sasuke didn't doubt that the two of them working together would not be able to solve Gaara, but he didn't want to reveal his strength so early, after all, he had to advance to the third round to meet those big shots.

"But that guy has been blocking the door, if we don't get rid of him, how can we get in?"

Naruto's idea is very simple, since the guy named Gaara dared to block the door, then he dared to rush out and beat Gaara.

"Wait a little longer. I guess there are other teams hiding around here besides us. Some people will lose their composure. Let's hold back for now. We've reached this point. Don't forget our purpose."

After Sasuke finished speaking in one breath, he stopped talking and lay quietly in the grass.

Naruto hesitated, and asked: "Then it's been too long, what if Sakura wakes up?"

You know, to take the Chunin Exam, you need to gather a three-person team.

As a result, Sasuke resorted to beauty tricks, so he recruited Haruno Sakura to sign up together.

The rules of the second round of the exam require that the three-person team must not reduce the number of members to complete the exam.

So in order to avoid accidents when she ran around during the exam, Sasuke used illusion to make Haruno Sakura fall into a deep sleep as soon as they entered the second round of exams.

Along the way, the two alternately carried her on their backs to the finish line.

After arriving at the end point, hide her in a safe place in advance, and prepare to carry her into the central tower after the safety is confirmed.

If time dragged on for too long, Haruno Sakura might wake up by herself.

Sasuke is just a 12-year-old boy now, so he wouldn't be so cruel, otherwise he wouldn't just make Haruno Sakura dizzy.

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's really not possible, we will force her in with her back."

After a conversation, the grass where the two were located fell into silence again.

From a distance, it looks almost like an ordinary grass.

On a towering ancient tree not far from the grass where the two were hiding, a big snake covered in gray and white scales snaked its way up the trunk.

The big snake stayed on a tree trunk with excellent visibility, just enough to clearly see the two people hiding in the grass.

The snake's body was tightly wrapped around the tree trunk, and after being fixed, the big snake opened its mouth.

A pale human body emerged from the snake's mouth, only the upper body got out of the snake's mouth, and the body was still flowing with white mucus, which looked extremely disgusting.

"Hehe, I found it, what a wonderful body."

(End of this chapter)

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