The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 166 The Crushed Sarutobi Hizuchi

Chapter 166 The Crushed Sarutobi Hizuchi
Inside the coffin stood three men with their eyes closed.

The first Hokage with long black hair and wearing a red armor, Senju Hashirama.

The second generation Hokage with white hair and blue armor, in Senshoubanjian.

The fourth Hokage with the golden thorn head and the Naruto's father, Namikaze Minato.This one was made after Lu Yan persuaded Orochimaru with a lot of effort.

What is different from ordinary people is that these three dead who were psychic out have all kinds of cracks all over their bodies, just like clay statues.

It seems to break when touched.

The three Hokages of the past slowly opened their eyes, judging from the eyes that gradually became agile, they still retained their sanity.

"Dirty soil reincarnation? Is it this young man who summoned us with this forbidden technique? It's really amazing." Senshou Feijian looked back at Orochimaru, and immediately figured out what was going on.

Senshou Zhujian smiled heartily, and said: "If this is the case, Sarutobi, we have to take action against you."

Of course Senshou Zhujian recognized that this technique was developed by his younger brother, so he also knew the function of this technique.

Namikaze Minato scratched the back of his head, feeling something was wrong, he seemed to be at a disadvantage due to his seniority.

Namikaze Minato raised his hand in embarrassment, laughed twice, and greeted Hiruzaru Sarutobi: "Master Sandaime, long time no see."

"Oh? Looks like you are the fourth generation, why did you die earlier than Sarutobi?" Qianshou folded his arms between the gates and asked in a little surprise.

Namikaze Minato scratched the back of his head, and explained with shame on his face: "It was because of a Kyuubi riot."

"Ah!" Senshou Zhujian yelled in surprise, and waved his hands at everyone embarrassingly when he realized that he had lost his composure.

Stretched out a finger to rest on his cheek, thoughtfully, said: "That thing can kill Hokage?"

Qianshou curled his lips and said with emotion: "It's really not as good as one generation."

Namikaze Minato could only smile awkwardly at the side.

While they were chatting, sinister laughter came from behind them.

"If you want to reminisce about the past, let's talk about it after you are in the same world." Orochimaru held three kunai in his hand, and a spell was connected to the kunai's iron ring.

The three kunai were respectively inserted into the backs of the heads of the three previous Hokages, but no blood flowed out, so it really looked like three sane ceramic figures.

The wound that Kunai had inserted returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

Orochimaru clasped his hands together and stood behind the three Hokages, with a brighter smile on his face: "It's done, Sarutobi-sensei, let you enjoy the pleasure of killing your own teacher."

The eyes of the three Hokages became hollow as the spell was put in.

Under the suppression of this kind of spell, the original personality will disappear, so although it can't perfectly display the fighting power before birth, it can become a pure killing machine.

Not afraid of injury, not afraid of death.

Sarutobi's rickety body burst out, and at the same time, his hands frantically formed seals: "Fire escape, fire dragon flame bomb!"

A ball of flame spewed out from his mouth, condensing into the shape of a dragon's head.

The air around the faucet became distorted due to the high temperature.

Qianshoufei was expressionless, without any fluctuations, just folded his hands together and formed a seal: "Water escape, water formation wall."

This water wall is several times higher than the water wall used by ordinary ninjas, and its thickness is amazing.

The fire dragon hit the water wall in an instant, creating a large expanse of white water vapor, and the entire enchantment seemed to be turned into a sauna.

The Anbu who stood outside the barrier couldn't help but marvel: "As expected of the Second Hokage-sama, in a place where there is no water, he can actually perform such a powerful water escape ninjutsu."

"Can the Third Hokage win?"

Seeing the powerful strength of Hokage, another Anbu couldn't help becoming anxious.

Inside the enchantment, a voice came from the place covered by water vapor: "Water escape, water dragon bomb."

The same dragon-shaped attack as Fire Dragon Flame Bullet was aimed at Sarutobi Hiru Zan. The only difference was that this ninjutsu was purely composed of water elements.

Due to the sudden attack, Sarutobi Hiruzen had no time to perform ninjutsu duel, so he bent down and jumped into the air.

Senju Bashima below raised his head, and seemed to be watching Hiruzaru Sarutobi in his empty pupils.

Qianshouzhujian clapped his hands together: "Wood Dun, the world of trees is coming."

With the movement of Qianshou Zhujian, a strange scene happened.

Time seemed to be speeded up countless times, and the grass and trees grew rapidly.

Finally, the plants stopped growing.

It was as if someone had moved a large forest onto the high platform out of thin air. Huge trees were overgrown, occupying almost all the space on the high platform.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was already caught in the middle of the branches, and it was difficult to escape from the trunk.

He stretched out his hand and bit his finger, spread it into a palm, pressed it on the tree trunk, and shouted: "Spiritualism, ape king, ape demon."


The white mist dissipated, and a large ape with a height of nearly three meters appeared on the tree trunk. The ape demon looked around, and said like two old friends joking directly: "It seems that Yuanfei, you have encountered a lot of trouble. .”

Afterwards, the ape demon stretched out his palm and was about to pull Sarutobi Hiruzen out of the tree trunk.

A strangely shaped kunai shot at the ape demon.

In desperation, the ape demon had no choice but to temporarily give up helping Sarutobi Hiruzen out of the siege, jumped high and grabbed the tree trunk above, avoiding the golden Kunai's attack.

Before it could breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a man wearing a Hokage gown appeared in the golden Kuzumi. It was the fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, who had never made a move.

"Spiral pills!"

An apple-sized blue ball made of chakras appeared in Minakaze's hand. The chakras in the ball spun wildly, so there was no need to doubt the ball's attack power.

The ball directly hit the ape demon's back.

As soon as the ape demon appeared, before he had time to show his strength, he took a spiral pill firmly.

The entire body of the ape was like a cannonball, spinning and breaking several tree trunks, hitting the ground.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared wide-eyed, and exclaimed: "Ape Demon!"

Orochimaru, who was watching leisurely below, laughed dumbly, and said: "Mr. Sarutobi, you should worry about yourself."


On the roof of the edge of Muye Village, Jiraiya also landed on it, and his breathing was a little short due to the full speed.

He looked at Muye Village in chaos with a serious expression on his face.

On the way, he saw a few ninjas from Hidden Sand Village, who were easily defeated by him.

He didn't understand why Muye Village fell into such a dangerous situation so easily.

What about Anbe?What about the roots?What did those big clans in Konoha do?
To actually allow this number of enemies to wreak havoc on Konoha's home court so recklessly.

And most importantly, why didn't the Third Hokage stand up and organize everyone to resist?
What happened during his absence?
(End of this chapter)

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