The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 180 The Wood Escape: The Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 180 The Wood Escape: The Arrival of the Tree Realm
"Water escape, hard vortex water blade!"

Qianshou Feijian flew back and jumped into the air, gradually condensing a cone-shaped water blade in his hand.

After gaining momentum, he stabbed at the top of Lu Yan's head. The water blade became bigger and bigger as it fell from the thousand-handed door. When it was about to touch Lu Yan, it had swelled to a full two meters in size.

Just looking at it, you can feel the terrifying sharpness.

Lu Yan finally stopped being beaten while standing, and raised his hand, which was a rare symbolic shield above his head.

The hard vortex water blade hit his golden armguard. Although it was made of water, there was a collision sound like gold and iron.

Water droplets splashed everywhere, and the originally huge water blade gradually became smaller with the continuous confrontation.

When it became smaller to a certain extent, with a wave of Lu Yan's hand, the water blade was twisted away, and the Qianshou Feijian was also thrown out.

As soon as the thousand-handed door fell to the ground, it disappeared in place.

For ninjas who are proficient in time and space ninjutsu, the attack distance is meaningless.

Between Namikaze Minato and Senjuban, a pioneer of the Flying Thunder God Art, a true peak level of the Flying Thunder God Art.

The speed and frequency of their joint attack is simply unimaginable.

Lu Yan stood where he was, and the sound of clanging metal clashed continuously from all over his body.

From time to time, impurities such as gravel and sand were shaken out of the gaps by the vibration caused by the impact.

It's like doing ultrasonic cleaning.

Lu Yan could only see a blue and gold figure appearing, stabbed him, and disappeared in an instant.

He almost couldn't even capture the figures of the two of them, let alone shoot at them.

Although Qianshou Feijian is the pioneer of the Flying Thunder God technique, he does not focus all his energy on speed. Whether it is water escape or a large-scale forbidden technique, it will distract his energy.

Namikaze Minato is different, his attack method, in addition to the spiral pill, only the flying thunder god technique is left.

In addition, Namikaze Minato is originally a person with extraordinary talents, and he put all his energy on the Flying Raijin Jutsu. If he can't play the Flying Raijin Jutsu to the fullest, he is sorry for his talent.

The only thing that can limit Namikaze Minato's speed is his own reaction nerves.

One is comprehensive development and the other is specialization.

As a result, even though both of them also used the Flying Thunder God technique to attack Lu Yan, Lu Yan was gradually able to capture the trajectory of Qianshoufeijian's attack.

"It hurts, but it doesn't hurt, but your mosquito-like attack is quite annoying."

Lu Yan's voice came from inside the armor. Although the words were annoying, the voice sounded as gentle as ever.

Suddenly, Lu Yan stretched out his hands, making a movement like the wild horse splitting his mane in Taijiquan.

As soon as he set it up, a blue figure appeared in his hand, it was the Thousand Hands Door.

It was like bumping headfirst into his arms.

At this time, Qianshou Feijian showed a confused and dull expression on his face. This was the first time he was caught on the spot when performing the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The golden light flashed, Namikaze Minato also stopped attacking, standing in front of Lu Yan, he was in a dilemma.

No matter where you stab it, it's fine if you don't break the defense, and now Qianshoubeijian is still held by the opponent, how can you fight?
Senju Hashima and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who were watching the battle from a high platform in the distance, also landed beside Namikaze Minato.

"Hahaha, Feijian, you are so embarrassing." Senshou Zhujian covered his stomach with one hand and laughed loudly.

He didn't show any concern about Qianshou Feijian being caught at all. After all, they were all people who had died once, and they couldn't die again.

What's more, the dirt reincarnated body will recover even if it is injured.

Hiruza Sarutobi's tone was hurried, and he urged Senju Hashirama: "Master Hashirama, don't be careless. If possible, it's best to get rid of this guy. He wanted to destroy Konoha last time. The village paid a lot. It took a great sacrifice to drive him back.

If you guys weren't reincarnated from the filth this time, I don't know how to deal with him. "

So in a sense, Hiruzaru Sarutobi still has such a strange sense of gratitude to Orochimaru in his heart.

"'Ah, so that's how it is." Qianshou Zhujian no longer teased Lu Jian who was caught in Lu Yan's hand, and his complexion changed: "I understand."

"Then, let's start the real battle."

Qianshou Zhujian clapped his hands, and two dark red lines appeared under his eye sockets.

It looks somewhat similar to Jiraiya's sage mode, but it doesn't have such tedious pre-preparation as Jiraiya, it just enters this state instantly with a clap of hands.

"Woodun, the tree world is coming!"

Violent Chakra radiated from Senjujuma's body, and the amount of Chakra was so huge that it could be clearly seen by the naked eye.

The ground under Lu Yan's feet seemed to be accelerated, and it was covered with green in the blink of an eye, and then trees and grasses began to grow wildly.

The thick trunk rose from the ground, piercing through the Thousand Hands in Lu Yan's hand, turning it into a large ball of confetti.

And Lu Yan was also supported by several tree trunks and rose into the sky.

If it is said that when the consciousness of Qianshou Zhujian was suppressed before, the tree world descended like a small forest.

Then when the tree world comes, it can really be called a forest.

Not long after, the entire Martial Arts Field was directly submerged in green, and the range of the tree world continued to spread.

It actually changed the terrain abruptly.

The scope of the martial arts arena in Muye Village is still very large, and it can even accommodate countless spectators.

Fortunately, most of the comatose spectators have been transferred by Konoha ninjas. Otherwise, after experiencing the bombardment of the detonating charms, not many villagers would survive the fall of the tree world again.

And the small number of ordinary villagers who were too late to transfer could only consider themselves unlucky. Fortunately, the main effect of the arrival of the tree world was not to hurt the enemy.

The main function of the coming of the tree world is more to turn the battlefield into one's home field.

The caster can control the trees, and it is convenient for the caster to perform other wood escape ninjutsu.

Qianshou Zhujian suddenly turned the entire area of ​​the Martial Arts Field into his home field. It was obviously such a shocking scene, but Zhujian curled his lips, as if he was not satisfied.

"Hey, it seems that the reincarnation of the dirty soil between the doors is still not perfect, can it only show part of its strength?"

Senju Feima lightly landed beside Senju Hashirama and Sarutobi Hiruzen, there was a terrifying big hole in the chest, and one could even see directly to the opposite side.

Confetti flew and began to fill the cavity like mending porcelain.

Qianshou Feijian said with some depression: "Brother, you are really merciless in this attack."

"Ah, hahaha, I can't die anyway." Senju Zhuma explained embarrassingly, and then changed the subject: "But that guy seems to be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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