The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 191 The First Meeting of Tsunade

Chapter 191 The First Meeting of Tsunade
The robe on Lu Yan's body was already worn out, and there was a hole pierced by a short knife at the front and back.

He turned his head and looked at the bustling town in the distance, which seemed to be a prosperous business place.

Then he lowered his head and moved his nose.

The originally strong bloody smell on his body has become insignificant with the passage of time and the cover of the fragrance of leaves and soil.

However, it is still very uncomfortable to wear such dirty and torn clothes on the body.

"Looks like it's time to change into new clothes."

Lu Yan was playing with the magic sealing box in his hand, and walked towards the commercial town.

He was studying this magic sealing box along the way, so he didn't go far.

At present, due to the lack of basic comparison materials, there is no way to determine whether the magic sealing box can turn the ninja into his summoned beast.

But it is indeed possible to release the person who was sealed into a card by him.

But there is no feeling of being able to control it, and I don't know if it has something to do with the time of the seal.

Lu Yan put away the magic sealing box in his hand, and had already arrived at the gate of this commercial town.

In the ninja world, there are actually only a few dangerous villages like Konoha Village, and most of the small towns are populated by ordinary people.

Nor will outsiders be strictly censored like Ninja Village.

And this small town is the epitome of the lives of ordinary people in the ninja world. It seems that a festival is going on, which is very lively.

The town is crowded with people, and the residents are smiling and playing in the street.

The road is full of selling stalls, as well as the unique mask stalls of the festival and wrestlers performing arts.

"Sweet and fragrant takoyaki, would you like a box?"

"Travellers traveling north and south, eat and drink enough before setting off~"

Lu Yan walked aimlessly on the street, and there were noisy hawkers everywhere.

He has always felt that human beings are annoying, and he would often dig a hole to bury himself in and sleep endlessly, but every time he was in such a scene, he found that he actually loved this secular world very much.

Thinking about it, Lu Yan couldn't help showing a smile, feeling that he was really contradictory.

The shabby Xiaopao on his body seemed a little out of place with the bright and beautiful crowd around him. Fortunately, there happened to be a clothing store next to him.

After Lu Yan pulled the Xiaopao on his body to make the wrinkles less obvious, Shi Shiran walked into the clothing store.

Not long after entering, he was thrown out by two wrestlers.

"Bah, beggars are still here to buy clothes!"

"Leave far away!"

Two tall wrestlers, shirtless, stood at the door of the store, staring at Lu Yan viciously, and if he still didn't know what to do, they were ready to deal with him.

After Lu Yan was kicked out, he still had that amiable look on his face, not angry.

Although he likes to eat Overlord's Meal, he eats it secretly and sneaks away after eating. If someone finds out and drives him out, he won't hurt others. Under normal circumstances, he is quite reasonable.

It's not just money.

Lu Yan reached out and groped in his pocket for a long time, but he really couldn't take out the money, and he was a little discouraged.

He found the problem.

After joining the Xiao organization, it seems that Xiaonan, who is in charge of finance, has never paid him a salary.

Resignedly waving at the two strong men, he turned his head and left, ready to see where he could get some money.

Coincidentally, there is an izakaya just across the street.

Seeing this place, Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

As a man with rich working experience, it is not easy to earn some money to buy clothes.

After walking in, the structure inside was somewhat beyond Lu Yan's expectation.

Unlike the serious taverns in Yuyin Village and Muye Village, this izakaya is full of rows of flat long tables.

Men with bare breasts and breasts were shouting around the long table in full swing.

Dice, chips, and cards were placed messily on the table.

The main business of co-authoring this izakaya is not selling alcohol.

Lu Yan stretched his head and leaned in.

Gambling, as something that existed before human beings invented currency, Lu Yan still knew, but he didn't like this activity at all.

Not for anything else, mainly because his luck was really bad, as if he had been cursed by some kind.

Some clues can be seen from the fact that he was blocked and robbed when he just crawled out of the soil.

If he could make money by luck, he wouldn't be poor for so many years.

However, with so many people in this casino, nine out of ten bets lose anyway, so it's better to give him the money.

Just as Lu Yan was thinking about which hero to borrow some money from, a high-spirited female voice came to his ears.

"Exchange all this money into chips!"

Lu Yan looked in the direction of the voice, and there was a whole box of coins, just placed on the bar counter.

And the owners of this box of coins are actually two women.

One of the women has long light yellow hair combed into a large ponytail at the back of her head, a blue-purple mark on her forehead, short light yellow eyebrows, bright brown pupils, light red lips, fair skin and big breasts. Plump.

At this time, the mature woman was propping her hands on the bar, and it was obvious that she had said that sentence.

The other woman is like a follower, holding a pink suckling pig in her arms, and wearing a black dress like a secretary.

The woman holding the pig in her arms was a little anxious, and said, "Master Tsunade, please save some, this is our last money."

The woman known as Tsunade waved her hand and said confidently: "Don't worry, I will definitely make double the money this time!"

Lu Yan stared at it for a while, his attention was all on Tsunade's box of money.

With so many words, it doesn't matter if you give him a little bit, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Yan hummed an unknown tune, pretending to be nonchalant and came to the bar.

When no one was paying attention to him, he quickly made a move, and a stack of banknotes fell into his hand, and then stuffed it into his pocket.

With his shooting speed, ordinary people can't find it at all.

After succeeding, Lu Yan walked towards the door in such a leisurely manner.

Suddenly, a white and tender arm rested on his shoulder, and said: "Hey, boy, you look pretty good, why don't you just do something you don't ask yourself?"

Lu Yan turned his head calmly, showing his usual kind expression, and said gently, "Ma'am, what are you talking about?"

Lu Yan's calm and composed reaction choked Tsunade.

Tsunade's eyebrows twitched, although she lost money in casinos all year round and was known as the legendary fat sheep.

But it was exported by herself, so she can accept it, but if it was stolen by someone, then she can't accept it.

"Boy, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson for your lord." Tsunade rubbed his white and tender fists, but it didn't seem to have much deterrent effect.

"The money was stolen before the gambling started. It's a bad omen. How about this, you kid will play with me. If you win, it's okay to give you the money."

Lu Yan sighed helplessly, he knew his luck all along, but since he was caught, there was nothing he could do.

"Come on then."

(End of this chapter)

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