The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 309 The World's Last Line of Defense

Chapter 309 The World's Last Line of Defense ([-]-word chapter)

Lu Yan didn't mind at all that the undead god recognized the wrong person.

He's not the kind of guy who likes the attention.

I am not in the mood to pay attention to the undead gods for the time being.

Lu Yan looked up and down the dark blue light on Namikaze Minato's body, and poked it with his hand.

It doesn't seem to feel anything.

It was as if a bubble had been punctured, but when Lu Yan withdrew his hand, the dark blue light still covered Minato.

Lu Yan suddenly laughed happily.

He looked at this layer of dark blue light with great interest.

He knew the eight undead gods.

And because he has read the original book, he also understands the undead gods better than most people in this world.

The eight so-called undead gods, their frontal combat ability is not particularly terrifying, it seems that all their talent points are focused on the sealing ability.

If you think about it carefully, no matter which world you are in, if you can obtain longevity through cultivation, you can definitely be regarded as an amazingly talented person.

There are only eight people in this world who have acquired the power of immortality. One can imagine how talented they are.

However, their main attack direction is still of the seal type.

It's not hard to understand why even Namikaze Minato was accidentally sealed.

"What does this seal feel like?"

Lu Yan was quite curious.

Namikaze Minato raised his arm.

After careful confirmation, he said, "Now I feel like an ordinary person."

Minato could still feel the chakra in his body, but the chakra seemed to be restricted by some kind of energy.

No matter how you adjust it, there will be a sense of jerkyness.

It's like a pool of stagnant water.

"Restrict energy flow."

Lu Yan smacked his lips.

The principle is unclear for the time being, and what is more outrageous is that Chakra is obviously not the power system of this world, but it can be controlled.

Even Lu Yan couldn't help but admire the undead gods' ability to seal.

the other side.

The undead gods are still confronting Uchiha Obito.

The blue armor on the undead god has turned into a blue tights.

Looks like a superhero from Tokusho.

Coincidentally, the name of this undead god is Lan Cai.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, but the setting of these eight undead gods is somewhat similar to the Eight Immortals in the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom.

Their tokens are lotus, drum, gourd, flower, flute, fan and sword.

And this undead god named Lan Cai, his token is flowers.

I also know where this armor came from.

However, although Lu Yan didn't know where the armor came from, he didn't think the tights made from the armor were useless.

The tights are still pretty awesome.

Back then, Jackie Chan wore this tights to deal with the devil of the earth, and even had a slight upper hand.

The displayed ability is roughly equivalent to the sum of the cow charm, the chicken charm and the rabbit charm.

At the same time, it can also provide some good defense power.

Now neither side is fighting.

Lan Cai's forehead was already soaked with sweat.

He learned from Namikaze Minato that Lu Yan's demon wanted to get the history books.

Even if he doesn't know what Lu Yan wants to do with the history books, Lan Cai is the guardian of the world.

Risking his life to stop Lu Yan.

The rest of the undead gods don't know when they will arrive.

Before that, only Lan Cai could stop Lu Yan.

Under tremendous pressure, Lan Cai roared at Obito Uchiha: "What are you waiting for! Do it! I will let you know what justice is!"

The Uchiha natives are all stupid.

Does he look that much like a villain? !

It's okay to fight, can you find out who the real master is first?

Obito slowly raised his finger, ready to point in Lu Yan's direction.

Lan Cai was concentrating on watching Uchiha Obito's every move, when he saw Obito raised his arm.

The look condensed.

It's finally time to do it!Be the first to attack!

Lan Cai no longer hesitated, and suddenly rushed forward.

He punched Obito heavily.

But Obito was like an illusion, Lan Cai punched nothing.

Instead, the whole person passed through Obito's body directly.

Lan Cai used all his strength and staggered forward a few steps before stopping.

Then he quickly adjusted his center of gravity and turned around.

Looking at Obito's back, he clenched his teeth: "Damn! Is this the oppressive force of the people who destroy the world?"

Lu Yan wasn't worried that Obito would be killed by Lan Cai, and he didn't intend to explain to Lan Cai.

Instead, he tried this seal with great interest.

Lu Yan tried briefly, and it seemed that violence alone could not break the seal.

He pressed his palm on Namikaze Minato's head.

A golden light flashed, and Namikaze Minato exploded into a ball of starlight.

Recondense into the appearance of a card.

This dark blue unknown seal immediately dissipated in place after losing its target.

Lan Cai noticed this.

His face became more and more ugly.

"Sure enough, it was a devil's act, killing his companion so easily."

at this time.

Obito seemed to move in an instant, and suddenly appeared in front of Lan Cai.

A chain quietly appeared in Obito's hands, like a butterfly wearing flowers.

Dexterously and precisely tied up Lancai.

Of course, Lan Cai will not be caught without a fight.

The arm was freed from the chain, and he punched Obito on the head with all his might.

The weird picture appeared again.

Lan Cai inserted into Obito's head without any hindrance.

Obito laughed disdainfully.

Tilting his head, he removed Lan Cai's fist from his head.

While moving out, the palm of the hand formed a mudra, pressing on Lan Cai's abdomen.

"Wood escape, the art of cuttings."

Immediately, several strands of blood spattered out.

Sharp branches came out of Lan Cai's body.

Lan Cai spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Tights degenerate into armor.

The whole person lowered his head dejectedly, dripping with blood.

Already lost the ability to fight.

In fact, the cutting technique is very destructive to the human body, if it weren't for the undead power in Lan Cai's body to play its role.

Just one hit would kill him.

Now Lan Cai looks miserable, but he is still far away from death.

Uchiha Obito is not worried either.

Anyway, Immortal God.

Kicking Lan Cai to the ground, he dragged the end of the chain to Lu Yan.

Obito held the chain, lifted it and said, "Mr. Yan, what should we do with this guy?"

Hear this.

Lan Cai was already on the verge of death, but it seemed as if he was returning to the light.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes were as wide as almonds.

Staring at Obito Uchiha, he shifted his gaze to Lu Yan in disbelief.

Another mouthful of old blood spurted out, and he finally fell into a coma.

Lu Yan looked at the unconscious Lan Cai.

Said: "Take the history book, let's go. Just throw this guy here, this guy is useless, just to say..."


Ayers Rock.

After Lu Yan and others left, Juyan fell into silence.

Seven men and women with unique shapes walked into the giant rock.

When he saw the scene inside the giant rock, he was shocked.

Several people hurried to the side of the platform.

There should have been history books on the platform, but now.

The history books are gone!
Instead, Lan Cai was thrown on the platform.

They saw that Lan Cai was covered with wooden branches, dripping with blood.

Wrapped by iron chains, like a dumpling.

"What's going on? How did Lan Cai become like this?"

"The history books were also taken away."

"Damn it, we must get back the history books."



Lu Yan has already returned to the French window.

With the existence of the Flying Thunder God Technique, no matter how far away it is, it is only an instant.

Lu Yan carried the stele on his back and slowly sat down on the chair.

Spread out the history books in your hands.

The history of the years is also very large.

Lu Yan didn't feel like he was opening a book, but rather like opening a giant double-door refrigerator.

Obito is like a book boy, holding the writing brush that comes with the time and history books in his arms.

The coffee machine is not so honest.

Flying left and right in the room, I still haven't gotten tired of playing.

Lu Yan put the history book on his knees, and took the brush out of the pen holder.

"It's really amazing, just write some words on it casually, and you can rewrite history."

"Mr. Yan, what are you going to write?"

Obito Uchiha was also a little curious.

In fact, after they got the history book, they read it.

They don't exist in the book at all.

It is impossible to directly improve one's combat effectiveness like Jackie Chan and the others.

Originally, Lu Yan brought the Suiyue History Book to see if it would affect him.

As a result, their names could not be found in the book.

In this way, the time history books are a bit tasteless to them.

Only in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures is it called an absolute artifact. Once it leaves, it is probably just a larger ancient book.

And even in this world.

Let's say use the time history book to help them rule the world.

According to the current progress, it is only a matter of time before man-eating beasts spread all over the world.

Sooner or later, Lu Yan will be able to complete the task of ruling the world.

So the only use of getting the time history books is probably to prevent Jackie Chan and the others from using the time history books to make a comeback.

Lu Yan thought about it.

Handing the history book to Obito, he said gently: "Please spray a fireball to burn this thing."

ding dong~
The elevator door opens.

Valon and the others walked out of the elevator in high spirits.

Seeing that Lu Yan was there, he bowed obediently.

They played outside for a long time.

Following Lu Yan's order before, Wa Long and the others brought a spell to destroy the line of defense.

Later, the line of defense was destroyed by them, but only Walloon was more enjoyable.

Ah Fu and other younger brothers are carefully hiding in the house.

In order not to make the younger brother feel dissatisfied, Wa Long immediately decided to have a good time alone.

So back and forth to ink for a long time.

Only now come back.

Valon's voice sounded a little excited.

"Mr. Lu Yan, we will soon rule the world."

Lu Yan smiled politely at Wa Long.

Valon rubbed his hands together and took two steps forward.

He said obediently: "When will the money you promised us arrive?"

"When I rule the world, all the money in the world will be yours."

Lu Yan gently stroked Wa Long's head, drawing big cakes for them.

In fact, Lu Yan didn't quite understand it.

It's just that the Mafia gang, including Valon and the others, have a crazy or even pathological obsession with money.

Can do anything for money.

In the original, no matter what kind of changes happened.

Walloon and the others will all focus on making money.

Even if the time comes, there will only be man-eating beasts left in the world.

Money is useless, and Wallon and the others still want to make money.

This was beyond Lu Yan's comprehension.

Valon seemed to have thought of something.

Respectfully said: "Mr. Lu Yan, please take a look."

The younger brother sensiblely turned on the TV in the room.

Change to any channel at will.

You can see the report on the cannibal above.

"An official person revealed that those monsters that suddenly appeared are called man-eaters."

"No terrorist organization has come out to claim responsibility for this..."

"According to the latest reliable news, man-eating beasts have been found on the Canadian border, and experts speculate that man-eating beasts may have spread throughout the United States."

"The Minister of Defense attended the meeting to discuss ways to deal with man-eating beasts..."

"Mr. President appeals to the public to lock their doors and windows, and to minimize going out unless necessary."

"Greenland closes ports and airports..."

"According to reliable sources, the culprit of this man-eating beast disaster is a transnational criminal group, the Mafia."


TV was turned off.

Wa Long bowed slightly towards Lu Yan, and honestly reported the current situation.

It turns out that the current situation has developed extremely badly for the country.

Some people have even proposed that the president step down.

The country has also begun to recruit strange people from all over the world. As long as it is determined that there is a way to deal with the man-eating beasts, the military ranks will be issued immediately.

It is also seeking international assistance.

After all, it is a community of destiny.

Once it gets out of control, other countries in the world will have no good fruit to eat.

Of course, these moves.

It's actually useless.

Because they haven't even figured out who the culprit of the man-eating beast incident is.

As long as Lu Yan is still messing around, it is impossible for this incident to subside.

Lu Yan clicked on his reincarnation interface.

The above shows that the task progress has reached 3%, and it is still rising.

Lu Yan closed the task interface with satisfaction.

Everything was going in a good direction, and he couldn't think of anything else that could stop him from completing the task.

Just judging from the progress of the task, the task of ruling the world does not refer to the territory.

The number of people it should refer to.

Not so much world domination.

Rather, he is the one who rules the world.

Lu Yan panicked.

Why does it look like this, it seems that he is still encouraging him to kill everyone in the world?
sin sin.

Lu Yan patted his chest, patted and patted, and the movement gradually stopped.

Because he suddenly felt that several exuberant breaths of life appeared within his range of perception.

If you count carefully, there should be eight paths.

One of them had a sluggish breath, but also a little familiar.

It seems to belong to the undead god named Lan Cai.

"I don't know if Obito burned the history books?"

Lu Yan muttered something in a low voice, and then the corner of his mouth curled up.

"These undead gods came quite quickly. They are the last obstacle to my world domination."

(End of this chapter)

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