The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 311 Eight Great Demons

Chapter 311 Eight Demons (two in one, [-] words)
ding dong~

The elevator made a sound.

Then the elevator door slowly opened.

The eight undead gods came out of the elevator aggressively.

Dong Bin immediately saw Lu Yan sitting on a chair with his back to them.

The rest of the undead gods also quickly turned their attention to Lu Yan.

After all, it is not easy not to notice such a big time history book.

"Lan Cai, this guy is Lu Yan, right?"

Lan Cai, who was wearing a dark blue tights, nodded slowly.

Shen Sheng said: "That's right, that's what Obito Uchiha called him."

Valon and the others glanced at it.

None of them had ever seen the appearance of an undead god.

Just looking at the appearance of the undead gods, it's like a small circus, and maybe they also work part-time in the funeral industry.

Valon patted Ah Fu on the shoulder, and said loudly, "Ah Fu, go, get these guys out, don't let them disturb Mr. Lu Yan."

Ah Fu understood what Valon meant: "Don't worry."

Turning his head to look at the undead gods, he showed a ferocious smile.

As he walked towards the undead gods, he rubbed his wrists.

"I really didn't expect that someone would dare to resist us at this time."

Lu Yan adjusted his sitting posture so that he faced several undead gods.

Seeing Ah Fu, under the signal of Wa Long, he was ready to attack the undead gods.

Lu Yan looked a little weird.

Even if the undead gods are watery, they are the strongest single combat power in this world.

Ah Fu really has the courage to say that.

Ah Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, observing the undead gods in front of him.

But the undead gods didn't take him seriously at all, and all their attention fell on Lu Yan who was holding the history book of time.

Ah Fu sees this as an opportunity.

Get a big drink.

"Crows take a plane!"

Then, with the strength of both legs, he jumped up suddenly.

Bend your elbows and slam down into the crowd.

Several undead gods within Ah Fu's attack range shifted their feet, dodging Ah Fu's attack calmly.

Ah Fu's attack was missed, and the center of gravity was not out of balance.

Lands lightly.

"One tiger kills two sheep!"

Ah Fu stretched out his hands, bumping left and right in the crowd of undead gods.

Lan Cai sighed.

The body suddenly moved behind Ah Fu, and a hand knife was struck.

Ah Fu's body went limp and he passed out on the ground.

Valon and the others widened their eyes when they saw this.

Ah Fu, who was able to compete with Jackie Chan, lay down so easily.

Valon swallowed, and secretly glanced at Lu Yan.

He shouted loudly: "Lasu, Zhou, Ah Fen. The spells are all in your hands, cast them together."


Ming Dongbin, the undead god with a long sword on his back, scolded in a deep voice.

For some reason, Lasu and others, who were eager to try, honestly withdrew their arms under Dong Bin's scolding.

Dong Bin pulled out the long sword behind him, pointed at Lu Yan and said, "Lu Yan is a devil, don't use this kind of trick to delay time."

"Let those man-eaters stop spreading, and return the history books to me, and I can spare your life."

"Don't be obsessed with it."

After listening to Dong Bin's words, Lu Yan smiled habitually at the undead gods.

After laughing for a while, he put the pen of the history book in his mouth and bowed his head.

Spread it casually, pick up the pen and prepare to write something in the history book.

Originally, the undead gods hadn't understood what Lu Yan was going to do, but Lu Yan's action of picking up the pen was too obvious.

No matter what Lu Yan was going to write in the history books, as immortal gods, their duty was to stop him.



Dong Bin raised his sword and was about to strike at Lu Yan.

But Lu Yan didn't even lift his head, just quietly writing something.

He didn't seem to care about Dong Bin's attack.

At this moment, a series of four figures appeared in front of Dong Bin.

A golden Kunai stands in front of the long sword's movement path.

Bang! ! !
The crisp sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded in the room.

Only then did Dong Bin notice the four figures standing in front of him.

The first Hokage with long black hair and wearing a red armor, Senju Hashirama.

The second generation Hokage with white hair and blue armor, in Senshoubanjian.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzane, has a thin body and is dressed in a black tight-fitting outfit.

In addition, Lan Cai, the last figure, also knew each other.

The fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, with a golden thorn head, wearing the Hokage Royal Robe.

Namikaze Minato had been sealed by Lan Cai before, but Lan Cai didn't expect that the sealing ability he was so proud of would be lifted by Lu Yan so easily.

Seeing four men appear suddenly, Dong Bin retreated a few steps calmly out of caution, and stood with the rest of the undead gods.

The undead gods act as guardians of this world order.

They can easily tell whether the person in front of them belongs to this world or not.

Obviously, these guys who look weird.

It was also brought to this world by Lu Yan.

And it can be seen from their aura, these four new guys.

They are not weak, at least not worse than that Uchiha Obito.

The undead gods were a little panicked.

"Why are there four more?"

"How many younger brothers does Lu Yan devil have under his command?"

"No matter how many people stand in front of us, we must take back the history books!"

Lu Yan didn't pay attention to them, and was still writing something intently.

He felt that Obito had been arrested before, so he released all the previous Hokages in advance.

With the strength of these Hokages, they should be able to wrestle with the eight undead gods.

"Woodun, the tree world is coming!"

"Water escape, water dragon bites!"

Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian opened the mystery at the same time.

Violent Chakra emanated from the whole body between the pillars and the gate, and the amount of Chakra was so huge that it was clearly visible to the naked eye.

The floor below seemed to be accelerated, and it was covered with green in the blink of an eye, and then the trees and grass began to grow wildly.

The thick tree trunk rose from the ground, directly breaking through the load-bearing wall of the building.

At the same time, there are still a large number of water waves emerging out of thin air.

It was as if someone had moved a big river above the roof of the building, and then suddenly poured it down.

Namikaze Minato turned into a golden light and appeared behind Lu Yan.

Grabbing Lu Yan's chair, he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In an instant, he appeared at the intersection downstairs from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The whole process was smooth and concise, and it didn't even affect Lu Yan's writing.

Under the joint attack of Senshou Zhujian and Senshou Feijian, this building with dozens of floors was easily destroyed like a block of tofu.

Valon and the others grabbed the legs of the previous person and connected them in a long string, floating in the air flickering.

This is what the Chicken Charm does.

Because the action was too sudden, the movement was too loud.

They were all nearly buried in the building.

Immortal God and others saw that the situation was not good, and immediately jumped out of the building.

He fell to the ground in a little embarrassment.

Qi Qi turned to look at the building in front of him.

At this time, the building was dilapidated, with thick tree trunks squeezed out of the concrete.

It can be said that the main reason why the building has not collapsed is that it is supported by these tree trunks.

Huge amounts of water have seeped out of the building.

And soon passed the insteps of the undead gods.

"Actually... can you do this to this extent?!"

Lan Cai was shocked.

Leaving aside the almost incomprehensible tree world, the water flow alone is terrifying enough.

It is not that the undead gods have not seen the formation of summoning water.

In fact, water demons of this size can also be summoned.

But even if it is a water demon, it still needs to draw patterns to slowly accumulate water.

How can it be like this white-haired guy who can summon so many with a clap of his hands.

"The strength of these two guys is not much worse than that of demons."

Just when the undead gods were shocked by ninjutsu.

A gentle voice sounded behind them.

"Well, it's finished."

The undead gods turned their heads one after another.

I saw Lu Yan sitting on the chair with a smile on his face, slowly closing the history books.

If only that's the case.

But behind him.

The undead gods saw those familiar figures.

With khaki-green skin, he is tall and mighty, but he has a dragon-headed fire demon, the Lord.

Also in human form, there is also the demon of the moon, Ju Lan, who is wearing a red and purple Taoist uniform, has four arms, and has a long tongue.

The body is like a green mountain, fat and huge, the mountain demon with short hands and feet, Po Gang.

It is worth mentioning that Bogang's gender is female.

The other female among the demons is the water demon with blue skin and waving hair like octopus tentacles, Basha.

Sao Feng is a light purple-skinned wind demon that looks like a giant toad.

It looks like a combination of hippopotamus and rhinoceros, and it is a blue thunder and lightning demon, Zhongsu.

The body is composed of earth boulders, a brown-skinned earth demon with a tauren-like body and a lion face, Dikui,

The last demon, Sky Demon, Westwood.

West wood is small in size, but it has a pair of huge bat wings and sharp claws.

Yes, there are eight ancient demons in total.

All of them were released from hell by Lu Yan.

"Old fellows, here comes our trouble."

Dong Bin's tone was dignified.

Lu Yan was already very difficult to deal with, but he unexpectedly released all eight ancient demons.

The faces of the rest of the undead gods were also not very good-looking.

Judging from the aura of the demons, Lu Yan released the demons in their heyday.

Lu Yan still had a smile on his face.

He paid no attention to the demons standing behind him.

In fact, with his reserve of summoned beasts, even if he didn't make a move, he should be able to get rid of the eight undead gods.

But he suddenly felt.

Since it is in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures, of course it is more interesting to use the dark power of this world itself to deal with the undead gods.

Behind the undead gods.

Senshou Bashirama and the other three Hokages landed at the same time.

Cooperating with Lu Yan's staff, they surrounded the eight undead gods.

Lu Yan looked back at the eight demons with different shapes behind him.

He said in a gentle tone: "I'm giving you a chance, take it well."

The impatient Di Kui and Bo Gang laughed wildly.

Immediately walked towards the undead gods with heavy steps.

The other demons began to prepare their own attacks.

None of them looked directly at Lu Yan.

For the devil, the emotion of gratitude does not exist.

But the people they hate the most are right in front of them, even if objectively speaking they are helping Lu Yan with things, they don't mind much.

The holy master breathed flames from his mouth.

Grinning at Dong Bin, he said, "Old friend, let's catch up on the past."

Lu Yan waved his hand, motioning for Minato Namikaze to take him back a little.

"We'll just be spectators for once, just don't let those demons get away."

In fact, he didn't write anything too troublesome in the history books.

It's just rewriting hell so that it doesn't exist.

The resulting chain reaction is that the demons all escaped.

At the same time, they deeply hate the undead gods who defeated them.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

There was no need for Lu Yan to provoke anything, the demons and the undead gods fought directly.

Various elements splash on the street.

Thunder, wind, fire, water, etc.

The demons all showed their housekeeping skills, and their sole purpose was to kill these undead gods.

Both Splash of Thousand Hands and Column of Thousand Hands stood behind the battlefield with arms crossed.

Tobima raised her chin towards Hashirama, and said, "Brother, these monsters look similar to the tailed beasts in our world."

Hashirama nodded affirmatively.

"Every world will have monsters that represent destruction. If we don't come, they should still be able to deal with these monsters."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood aside obediently.

Even if it is Lu Yan's summoned beast, Sarutobi Hiruzen still respects the two brothers.

The battle in the field became more and more intense.

Demons and undead gods know each other well.

There is no intention of testing at all.

The shot is the killer move.

Ju Lan mobilized the gravitational force with both hands, allowing herself to float in the air.

The other two hands pressed falsely towards the undead gods.

Such extreme field control ability made the undead gods miserable.

At the same time, the long-range attacks of the Holy Lord and other demons can pose a great threat to the undead gods.

And because Bo Gang and Di Kui stood in front of them, the undead gods couldn't break through the line of defense at all.

The balance of battle is gradually leaning towards the side of the ancient demons.

When the demons were sealed back then, the undead gods were sealed one by one.

If you really want to be so positive and eight-on-eight, the undead gods are really not the opponents of the demons.

With his head resting on the stele, Lu Yan quietly waited for the outcome of the battle.

To him, it makes no difference whichever side wins.

Anyway, they are all to be ruled by him.

From the corner of his eye, Lu Yan caught a glimpse of a small black spot in the distant sky.

"Huh? What is that?"

Namikaze Minato understands.

He threw a handful of Flying Thunder God Kunai in the direction of the little black dot, and then his whole body turned into golden light and disappeared.

When Namikaze Minato reappeared.

There were no more black spots in the sky.

A helicopter with its wings still running rapidly is now in front of Lu Yan.

Jackie Chan, Papa, and Sergeant Blake staggered to and fro, paralyzed in the helicopter with staring eyes.

Xiaoyu remained awake, holding on to the cabin door.

Eyes stared like goose eggs.

"Lu... Lu Yan?"

(End of this chapter)

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