The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 318 The Chapter Store Opens

Chapter 318 Opening of the Samsara Mall

Lu Yan has lived for so many years, and he has already passed the stage of pursuing everyone's admiration and admiration.

The false name of being the strongest in the world is dispensable to him.

Even if someone wanted to use free attribute points to exchange rankings with him, he would not hesitate.

It's a pity that I can't change it.

Come back to your senses.

Lu Yan planned to distribute the free attribute points equally among strength and life.

As for the intelligence column?
Dogs don't even order.

There are a total of 672 free attribute points, Lu Yan allocated 300 points to the life column in one breath, and all the remaining free attribute points were all used for strength.

The attribute points were quickly squandered by him.

Lu Yan raised his palm, clenched his fist and opened it again.

He could feel heat pouring out of his body one after another, as if there was a steady stream of power flowing through his body.

The heart was beating violently, and the blood transfusion ability had once again increased to a higher level.

In addition, the bones have also been strengthened.

If Lu Yan broke off his arm now, he would be able to see it.

The bones in his body are like pure white jade, with restrained fluorescence.

The free attribute points provided by the reincarnation system are not like pills or big tonic pills.

As long as attribute points are added, this new force is your own.

You don't need to spend a lot of effort to adapt, as long as you experience it silently, you can do it like a finger.

It's as if I have been training for years.

This feeling of being able to clearly realize that you have become stronger is intoxicating.

Lu Yan's current basic attribute is .

【Strength: 772】

【Life: 722】

【Intelligence: 100】

The two items of strength and life both broke [-].

According to this progress, when he reaches the level of the Four Realms, both strength and life should be able to break through a thousand at the same time.

The next step is the most useful reward link. At this point, Lu Yan is actually still hesitating.

Whether it is the will of death or the light of order.

It can be proved that in the prize pool of the golden turntable, there are some abilities and items that can improve the reincarnated people.

It's not that Lu Yan doesn't care, he doesn't mind making himself stronger.


Perhaps compared with becoming stronger, emotional value is also quite important.

Especially when he realized that his heart was becoming more and more closed.

Creating intimacy is a very important thing.

Intimacy in every sense is not necessarily between a man and a woman.

Physical, including intellectual intimacy.

As for this, Lu Yan felt that the coffee machine gave him a good feeling.

"Designated item, Rat Charm."

A burst of electricity sounded.

The golden turntable had just surfaced before it was taken back by the reincarnation system.

【Ding. 】

[The host has selected a purple item, twelve spells: rat. 】

[Item modification in progress...]

[The distribution is complete, please pay attention to the host to check. 】

After hearing the reaction of the reincarnation system.Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was quite worried. After all, the extra rewards of the perfect level can only specify items below gold.

If the Rat Charm is a golden item, you can't get it even if you specify it.

Lu Yan really can't say for sure that the Rat Charm is not worthy of the gold level.

After all, this ability to give life to dead objects already belongs to the category of creating life.

Even if there is no way to make the resurrected life have too much power.

But no matter how you say it, it is not impossible for someone who looks like a creator god to have authority, and it is not impossible to match it with gold.

Fortunately, the restriction of the Rat Charm lowered the score a bit, only purple.

Lu Yan spread out his palm, and a rat charm issued by the reincarnation system appeared in his palm.

Looking at the simple and thick lines carved on the stone charm.

A smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.

Then he lifted the lid of the coffee machine with ease, put the rat charm in it, and closed the lid again.

Not at all.

The coffee machine wobbled up from the ground.

Raising his armrest, he scratched his head.

"Hey hey... hey hey..."

Make a simple and honest laugh.

"I'm alive again."

The coffee machine turned around, and suddenly jumped onto Lu Yan's chest and lay on his stomach.

Wow yelled: "Lu Yan Zuyin!!! I almost thought I would never see you again!"

Lu Yan sat up, smiled and patted the body of the coffee machine lightly.

He said in a gentle tone: "Okay, you have wasted a precious chance for me to draw a lottery."

"Eh?! Isn't I precious?"



Duan Jianhui stroked the back of his head.

Still feeling a bit confused.

He shook his head suddenly, forcing himself to wake up.

The street lights outside the window have been turned off.

At this time, although the sky was pale.

But the light in the living room was still not very good.

Duan Jianhui could only identify the surrounding environment with the faint light.

When his consciousness gradually came to his senses, he realized that he had once again survived the world of experience.

A smirk of the rest of his life after a catastrophe appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

He looked around the living room, but did not find Lu Yan.

He looked in the direction of the balcony again.

According to past experience, usually after he wakes up, he can see Lu Yan standing on the balcony watching the scenery.

But now on the balcony, there was no familiar figure.

Duan Jianhui's pupils suddenly narrowed, and his heart missed half a beat.

"Lu... Lu Yan?"

Duan Jianhui called out softly.

No one answered.

He was so startled that he fell off the sofa all of a sudden, and got up in some embarrassment.

Barefoot, even forgetting to wear shoes.

He ran to the balcony in three steps at a time.

He quickly ran back from the balcony, pushed open the door of his bedroom, but did not see Lu Yan.

Duan Jianhui walked back to the living room a little dejectedly, and slumped down on the sofa.

"Damn, it's just an ordinary reincarnation experience. Why did that kid Lu Yan die? Isn't he the invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War? This is invincible."

Duan Jianhui couldn't help but feel a strong sense of sadness for the death of the rabbit.

In particular, Lu Yan is still a reincarnator standing at the top, if even Lu Yan died so easily.

How long can an ordinary reincarnation like him survive?

"Damn it, Lu Yan, what the hell..."

A slight white light flashed.

Lu Yan, who was carrying a huge stone tablet, appeared in the living room, causing Duan Jianhui to swallow half of what he said.

"Lu... Lu Yan? Are you alive?"

Lu Yan was a little strange.

But I didn't particularly care.

She smiled kindly and said, "I won't die."

Duan Jianhui only thought that Lu Yan's words were comforting him, but he didn't think that what Lu Yan said was true.

He took a deep breath, patted his chest, and asked, "So you went to the reincarnation space just now?"

Lu Yan nodded.

Added: "I'm just going to call you, it's better if you wake up, let's go, go to the reincarnation space."

"I also just found out that the Samsara Mall has opened, and I was worried that there was no place to use the Samsara Coins."

(End of this chapter)

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