The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 336 The Dust Settles

Chapter 336 The Dust Settles
Garp reached out and patted Sengoku on the shoulder with some sighs.

"Leave aside the matter of the Roger Pirates, now we should consider how to report the current situation to Marshal Sora."

"The people of CP0 died in front of us!"

Zhan Guo's face darkened, he slapped Garp's hand away, and said bluntly: "You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing."

In fact, the Warring States period is very incomprehensible.

This No. [-] is obviously a general-level combat power, belonging to the strongest group at sea.

As mentioned before, people in this world have low offense and high defense.

The battle between the two top combat powers lasted for days and nights with ease.

But what's going on now?

Is it because Lu Yan's attack power is too outrageous, or is number one just too old?
He was killed in two or three blows.

Warring States didn't quite believe that Lu Yan's strength could crush a general, after all Lu Yan still looked so young.

A more reasonable explanation should be that No. [-] is too old and his defense has dropped too ridiculously.

On the shattered earth.

No. [-] carried the headless body of No. [-] and the unconscious No. [-], and quickly disappeared on the street without saying hello to Zhan Guo and the others.

The leading general of the King's Army walked to Zhan Guo: "Here, Major General Zhan Guo, right? Can you please go see His Majesty the King."

This general is not stupid, the city has been destroyed like this, and there are not a few people who have been affected.

You have to find someone to pay for these.

Otherwise, if the king blamed him, would he even want to be a general?

Who to pay for?

Doesn't this just happen to be a rear admiral who has revealed his identity?

Alabasta is an ally after all, and after paying so much money, there is nothing wrong with being protected by the navy from a procedural point of view.

Garp and Sengoku looked at each other.

Warring States smiled bitterly.

"CP really left us a mess, please contact Marshal Kong and ask him what to do next."



It was already evening when Lu Yan ran to rescue the scene.

Been busy for so long.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened.

The twinkling stars in the night sky are reflected on the sea surface, making the hearts of those who see this starry sky gradually become peaceful.

Lu Yan carried Roger and Lei Li back to the boat.

"Hey, Master Lu Yan, are you back?"

The coffee machine hangs danglingly on the railing, like a round sunny doll.


Roger gasped.

Lu Yan threw the two of them on the deck like dead pigs.

The vitality and defensive power of people in this world are outrageous. As long as there is one breath left, it is not so easy to die.

So Lu Yan's actions were not so careful.

Luo Jie was lying on the deck. When he thought of the scene just now, his blood boiled: "Lu Yan, I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

The wound on Lei Li's abdomen has also scabbed over. Although it has not healed, there is no danger of his life.
So he is also in the mood to joke now.

"That's right, if Lu Yan hadn't come to the rescue, I would have been almost killed by you."


Luo Jie scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, quickly found an excuse, and said, "Didn't you know that Lu Yan would come?"

Lu Yan also leaned against the railing and sat down.

The longer he spends with Roger, the more he feels that Roger's personality is very similar to Luffy.

In their normal relationship, the two captains were at the bottom of the ship.

Lu Yan stretched his waist with a smile.

Luo Jie rolled his eyes and was suddenly a little curious. He approached Lu Yan and asked, "Lu Yan, why did you drag me out to sea in the first place?"

Before Luo Jie knew Lu Yan's strength, he might have thought that he was worried that he would be in danger if he went to sea alone.

But after the battle just now, Luo Jie was sure that even if Lu Yan went to sea alone, he would definitely be able to break through the sky.

Lu Yan stretched lazily.

He said with a smile: "Maybe I think you will become the One Piece."

"One Piece?"

Roger's eyes lit up: "I like this name."

Seeing Roger who suddenly committed a crime, Lei Li slapped himself on the forehead, unable to bear to look directly at him.

Lei Li took a moment to change the subject, and said, "Speaking of which, why did the Navy and CP0 appear together on Alabasta?"

"Also, looking at the outfits of the two navy officers, they are still hiding their identities, and they are not pirates. What tasks require the two admirals to act secretly?"

Lu Yan thought about it thoughtfully.

The island of Alabasta seems to have some things that the world government does not allow in the original book.

Ancient weapons?

Or a historical text?

These are indeed invisible things to the world government, but they are of no use to Lu Yan.

For the historical text, maybe Roger will need it very much.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan yawned.

"Then when you recover from your injuries, go and find out for yourself. I'm not interested."

After saying this, Lu Yan lay back on the roof of the cabin slowly like an old man.

With both hands resting on the back of the head, looking at the clean and deep sky, I feel inexplicably peaceful in my heart.

Roger grinned: "This guy still looks so tired."

Raleigh shrugged in agreement.

Silent all night.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Lu Yan was awakened by a loud movement.

He turned sideways and looked towards the deck expressionlessly.

Roger and Rayleigh were shirtless doing push-ups on the deck.

Judging from the sweat on their heads, it was obvious that they had been exercising for a while.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan had to sigh.

People in this world are indeed livestock!

He was still covered in blood yesterday, almost belching.

How long has it been since?

In just one night, he had already recovered to seven or eighty-eight degrees.

If it were an ordinary person in the real world, he would probably have just escaped the danger period.

"Yo, Lu Yan, you're awake."

Roger clapped his hands and stood up.

Showing off his trademark goofy grin.

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't respond, Luo Jie raised his fist and shouted loudly: "Lu Yan, let's practice!"

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up, revealing his usual kind smile.

"No, I'm afraid I'll accidentally beat you to death."

Roger: "..."

Luo Jie thought about Lu Yan's berserk state, and felt a little palpitated.

Give up resentfully.

Standing on the deck boredly blowing the sea breeze.

Roger took Rayleigh and walked into the city. After arriving on this island, he hasn't had a good time shopping yet.

I originally wanted to go shopping yesterday, find a doctor, and see the nightlife in Alabasta by the way, but something went wrong halfway.

Roger: "No matter what you do today, you have to go shopping..."

(End of this chapter)

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