Chapter 338 Fame
"what's wrong?"

Roger asked curiously.

As if he had been petrified, Lei Li looked up at Lu Yan on the roof of the cabin.

The Adam's apple squirmed up and down, still unbelievable.

He said numbly: "We... our bounty has come out."

Roger became interested, and hurried to Rayleigh's side.

He grinned and said, "Eh? So fast? Let me see how much my bounty has increased."

When Roger's eyes fell on the reward order, his eyes widened like Rayleigh's.

A hoarse cry sounded from the ship.

"Ten... billion Baileys?!!"

Luo Jie took a deep breath and looked up at Lu Yan on the roof of the cabin in disbelief.

Luo Jie's voice trembled a little: "Lu... Lu Yan, your bounty has come out."

"I'm not deaf, one billion, it's okay."

Lu Yan changed into a comfortable posture again, and casually perfunctory.

This attitude made Roger wonder if he had overreacted.

"No, Billion Bailey! Even in the second half of the great voyage, this bounty can be called a big pirate! Lu Yan, is this your reaction?"

In fact, even in this era, the reward of one billion Baileys is a bit underestimated to be able to kill a general-level combat power head-on.

It was really because Lu Yan made too few shots, and number one was a bit too old, and the navy headquarters couldn't figure out the exact extent of Lu Yan's actual strength.

We can only offer a bounty of one billion yuan in a more general way.

In front of Lu Yan's bounty of one billion yuan.

Roger's [-] million and Rayleigh's [-] million should have been happy for a while, but now they are a bit out of hand.

Moreover, the bounty of the two of them was mainly because the Warring States thought that they had read the historical text, otherwise they would not be able to reach such a high bounty.

But no matter what, the Roger Pirates, who obviously only have three people, but have a total bounty of 15 billion, are completely famous in this sea.


The boss of a certain underground world.

There was a sigh.

"Pass it on, let the little ones remember these three guys, this kind of pirate group with terrifying potential must not be offended."


Navy Headquarters.

"Warring States, are you really sure that this Roger has read the main text of history?"

A majestic man held a phone bug in his hand. The phone bug's face was somewhat similar to that of the Warring States Period.

"Yes, Marshal Kong, I'm at least [-]% sure that the Roger Pirates have read the historical text."

The phone bug made the sound of Sengoku.

Steel Gu Kong hummed, and said: "In this case, it is even more impossible to let them pass through the Chambord Islands."

"There are already enough pirate forces in the new world, there is no need for one more."


New world.

Rocks Pirates.

On the mighty main ship, a man wearing a captain's hat and a long scar on his face chuckled lightly.

Throw down the newspaper in your hand.

He said lightly: "If this Roger Pirates can enter the new world, let's take them in."

You must know that the current bounty is not as inflated as it will be in later generations.

Being able to reach a bounty of more than one billion Baileys represents the strength of a general.

This level of reward is probably only seen in the second half of the great route.

In the first half called Paradise.

There has never been such a high bounty!

But in the man's tone, there was no intention of asking Roger Pirates' opinion at all.

To ask why?
Because he is Rocks, the captain of the Rocks Pirates.

Before Roger's One Piece era, Rocks was synonymous with the strongest pirate group.

The four emperors of the later generations, except for the red hair, the other three emperors were all crew members of the Rocks Pirates.

In addition, there are future pirate admirals like Golden Lion, who are also crew members of the Rocks Pirates.

Get a glimpse of the whole leopard.

The terrifying strength of the Rocks Pirates can be seen.


on an island.

A fair-skinned man in a black tuxedo crossed his legs and read the news in the newspaper.

The man stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Only cattle and sheep live in groups."


On the sea under a clear sky.

He didn't know that he was already the Roger Pirates who were being targeted by various forces at sea.

At this time, they had just rushed to the waters near the Chambord Islands.

Rayleigh took control of the rudder and saw the islands not far away, with a smile on his face.

"We're in the Chambord Islands."

Roger stood up from the deck, sweating profusely.

Stretching his waist, he said loudly, "Then let's go to the island for a stroll. We've entered the last island in the New World. Lu Yan, you can't just stay on the boat."

Lu Yan bent his fingers, casually placed them on the human stele, and tapped rhythmically.

"Then let's go to the island."

Seeing that the other two people in the boat had no objections, Rayleigh controlled the rudder and slowly docked on the shore.

Roger jumped excitedly from the deck to the shore.

It is worth mentioning that the Chambord Islands are not the same as ordinary islands.

The entire archipelago is mainly composed of the world's largest mangrove "Yarchman mangrove", whose roots are always exposed on the sea, forming the Chambord Islands.

In other words, this piece of land is actually the root of a mangrove tree.

In addition to the main tree, there are also dozens of other smaller trees, which together form an archipelago.

The area of ​​the archipelago is also divided into areas from 1 to 79 according to the number of the big trees.

At this time, the navy is still stationed on the Chambord Islands.

It is not like the later generations, which directly reduced the entire archipelago to an illegal place.

In fact, this is not to blame for the Navy.

The main reason is that the geographical location of the Chambord Islands is too important, and it is the only way to enter the New World.

Many pirates gather here.

Almost every day there will be countless chaos caused by pirates, and the casualties of the navy stationed on the island can be imagined.

Reports of naval casualties on the island were also disastrous.

Even now, the Navy Headquarters can only barely support it, let alone after the opening of the Great Navigation Era.

Coupled with the relocation of the Navy headquarters, they simply chose to turn a blind eye.

The Navy eventually gave up its suppression of the Chambords.

Of course, the current Chambord Islands are still under the control of the navy.

In the current Chambord Islands, only areas 1-29 are illegal areas that belong to pirates and underground dark forces.

On the streets of Area 21.

Roger pulled Lu Yan and Lei Li and hurried towards the tavern.

When sailing at sea, Roger was suffocated.

At this time, he finally had a chance to drink, and he was ready to get drunk.

Bang! ! !
Roger kicked open the door of the tavern.

He shouted at the top of his voice, "Bring up your best wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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