The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 438 Contract and Temporary Workers

Chapter 438 Contract and Temporary Workers

As soon as the notification sound comes out.

The faces of all the people present became ugly.

Originally, they were still in the mood to wonder where Lu Yan would go, but now that the news came out, they couldn't protect themselves.

The thinker was silent for a while, and took the initiative to stand up and preside over the overall situation, saying: "Everyone calm down, the purpose of the reincarnation system is not to kill us all."

"Let's recall, what does the so-called "depending on the voting situation" mean?"

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what the thinker meant.

However, he didn't expect everyone to understand, and continued to say: "If my guess is correct, if we continue to maintain a tie, then there will be no new killers."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a little relieved.

It's nothing more than when voting, if someone has evil intentions, his identity will automatically change from a passenger to a killer.

But the next moment.

Everyone is aware of the problem.

It's almost the last round of voting.

After voting, it was dark.

If no new killer is born, then everyone will complete the mission safely.

But if someone has evil intentions and changes his identity to a killer, then the rest of the passengers will declare the mission a failure.

The prerequisites for mutual trust are gone.

This is the real prisoner's dilemma!

You may guarantee that you have no bad intentions, but can you guarantee that others have no bad intentions?

Instead of entrusting your own safety to the choice of others, it is better to be selfish to the end and ensure that you can survive.

Fatty Hei obviously realized this too.

On that round, fat face, there was an ugly smile: "Well, let's keep the tie, shall we?"

"It's also fate that everyone can gather together for elite selection."

Unfortunately, no one echoed this time.

Everyone only looked at each other warily.

Human nature is the most untestable thing.

What's more, they are senior reincarnations.

Everyone does not know how many lives are on their backs.

Who dares to trust each other easily?


Watch channel.

Baby Milkshake: This dungeon is too difficult, is it true that only one person survives?
Red Bull Socket: I don’t know if you have noticed that when the elite screens this type of copy, the optimal solution is actually to encourage mutual trust?
Bai Buqian: Brother Red Bull, please elaborate.

Red Bull Socket: Harm, there is nothing to elaborate on.In fact, you will know if you watch more on this watching channel.

Red Bull Socket: The most ideal way to clear the level of most elite screening dungeons is to make the reincarnations trust each other.

Look at this flashing barrage.

Bai Buqian fell into deep thought.

Just like what the Red Bull Socket brother said, he is also vaguely aware of this.

Under this premise.

One has to wonder what is the purpose of the reincarnation system to create this elite screening?
Is it really to weed out those reincarnations who fish in troubled waters?
Perhaps part of the reason is this.

But... this task of trying to make reincarnators trust each other.

It's more like preparing for something.

Bai Bunoo stroked his chin, and a certain idea inexplicably emerged in his heart.


A dark corridor.

step, step, step
In the endless darkness, only the monotonous footsteps exist.

After Lu Yan came out of the homestay, he also realized that something was wrong.

This is not a corridor!

He always walked straight, without turning or going down the stairs.

How can there be such a flat ground in the corridor.

In the darkness, there was a slight heartbeat.

Lu Yan's memory is good, although the volume of his voice is somewhat different.

But the frequency of this beating is indeed the same as what I heard before.

Lu Yan clasped his hands behind his head, and leisurely walked in the direction of the heartbeat.

Probably only traveled less than two 300 meters.

He stopped abruptly.

Because in front of him, two blood-red light sources appeared.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be two huge scarlet eyes.

"The first...the reincarnation comes...interesting..."

It was as dull as two pieces of sandpaper.

Lu Yan picked his ears uncomfortably.

Then he said calmly, "Can you communicate?"

"...when...of course, I...not yet,...very comfortable with...your language."

In the darkness, the unknown being responded.

And the more you speak, the more proficient you are.

Lu Yan nodded, and sat down cross-legged in the darkness: "Then let's talk?"

The existence in the darkness was silent for a while, probably never seen a reincarnation like Lu Yan.

After a while, he slowly responded: "...Yes."

Lu Yan rested his chin in one hand, and asked casually, "Are you also a star race?"

"It is."

"Has the reincarnation system signed contracts with many guys like you?"

After so many elite screenings.

Lu Yan also realized this a long time ago.

That is, these elite screening copies actually exist.

Each dungeon also has a special creature, and its purpose is to train the reincarnated.

Whether it's the Banquet Hotel, the Yucai Experimental Middle School, or this Killing B&B.

All living beings with self-awareness inside know the existence of the reincarnation system.

And the reincarnation system still has certain restrictions on them.

"The more than you can imagine."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows: "So we are all in the same group?"


The being in the darkness let out a meaningful laugh.

It sounded sarcastic: "Us?"

In the mouth of this existence, it seems that he is somewhat dissatisfied with the reincarnation system.

"If you regard the reincarnation system as an enterprise, we exist as contract workers of the enterprise."

"And a low-level reincarnation like you can only be regarded as a temporary worker at best. There are as many as you want in the endless starry sky."

Lu Yan's glasses gradually narrowed.

He obtained several key pieces of information from this unknown being.

Low-level reincarnation?
Are the reincarnations of the Four Realms still low-level?

When can I get rid of this "temporary worker" status, and what kind of privileges will I get after I get rid of it?
"Whether it's a contract worker or a temporary worker, they are all working class. What are you proud of?"

Lu Yan sneered slightly.

If you really want to say it, a temporary worker like him who can't be fired by the reincarnation system doesn't look like a worker at all.

"You don't know anything about the greatness of the reincarnation system. I don't know how many beings in the starry sky want to be contract workers of the reincarnation system...but they can't get in."

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up, and he finally asked the question he cared about the most.

"So, the reincarnation system...why does it exist for?"

(End of this chapter)

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