The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 603 Rush to Earth

Chapter 603 Rush to Earth
Frieza rested his chin in one hand, and didn't react too much overall, but if you observe carefully, you will notice a strong killing intent flashing in his pupils.

Belleblo, who stood respectfully beside Frieza, froze for a moment, and bent her body slightly: "Master Frieza, where is the destination?"

Although Belleblo is Frieza's confidant, he dare not refute Frieza's decision.

Just follow Frieza's orders.

Frieza flicked his finger on the screen of the aircraft to check the location, and said slowly, "A fringe of the universe...a planet called Earth."

After all, Frieza has also been the emperor of the universe for so many years, and his subordinates are like clouds.

Normally, there are almost no situations where he needs to be dispatched in person.

Only this time, Frieza wanted to go out in person, mainly because of an ancient legend in his race.

Not only him, but the entire frozen demon clan are very concerned about the so-called Super Saiyan.

Even though Frieza has never seen a Super Saiyan, even in order to prevent the appearance of a Super Saiyan, he directly blew up the Vegeta planet of the Saiyan.

But for the Super Saiyan, the powerful warrior who is said to be able to defeat their frozen demon clan, it can't be taken too seriously.

Sitting in the baby spaceship, Frieza looked at the starry sky outside the window with vacant eyes, and his tone seemed to be discussing a dead person: "This time, let's kill those monkeys by the way."

Although Belleblo didn't know what happened yet, she didn't dare to ask any more questions, and obediently left the main cabin to report Frieza's order to the pilots of the fleet.



The island of the Turtle Immortal.


Guixian took a breath, looked at the three tied up Saiyans in front of him, felt the huge energy in the three people's bodies, and even his legs were a little weak.

"Wukong, where did you go to catch these three guys?"

Turtle Immortal glanced cautiously at Piccolo, who was sitting cross-legged on the turtle's back.

Yes, Piccolo will also be there at this time. He is clutching his new arm, breathing weakly, and has not recovered from the previous serious injury.

After all, it was dismantled by Napa like a toy. Even if the Namekians had the ability to regenerate super fast, it was not so easy to recover.

Wukong and Lu Yan stood side by side, their state was very relaxed.

Needless to say, Lu Yan, Wukong didn't even use his full strength when fighting Vegeta, so naturally he didn't need to recover anything.

Wukong grinned and said, "These three guys are all fighters of Frieza's Legion. Their strength is really good, but they were still defeated by me and my brother."

Guixian nodded twice with a stiff neck.

When Lu Yan first came here, he told them about the situation of the universe, so Guixian also knew about Frieza.

However, I really didn't expect it to come so quickly.

"That... Raditz, what should we do with these three guys?"

Kelin subconsciously asked Lu Yan.

As the strongest human being on Earth, Krillin could feel a huge gap between himself and Vegeta's trio.

He looked worriedly at the ropes tied to the three of them, not thinking that this would stop them from moving.

Fortunately, both Napa and Vegeta are still in a coma, and only Raditz is still awake.

Raditz groped secretly, and found that this was an ordinary rope, which could be broken with a little force.

But when he looked around, especially after seeing Lu Yan's figure, he resolutely kept quiet from his heart.

He is a bachelor, anyway, the Vegeta team usually does not have his turn to make decisions, so there is no danger to his life at the moment, so just stay honest.

Hearing Kelin's question, Wukong also looked at Lu Yan with doubts on his face: "Yes, bro, are we going to let them go?"

Wukong's thoughts most of the time are actually very naive.

No matter how brutal the opponent is, as long as he is defeated, he will never choose to kill again.

So when Vegeta and the three are tied up, Goku will think that they have lost the threat.

If it weren't for Lu Yan's strong demand to control them, Wukong probably would have let them go.

Lu Yan touched Klin's smooth head, and said with a smile: "Wukong, take Klin to practice first, and leave them to me to deal with."

Wukong nodded, and didn't care what Lu Yan wanted to say to Vegeta and the others, and urged Wukong to fly into the air.

On the way back, Piccolo had already asked Wukong why he became so strong.

Naturally, Wukong would not hide it, and honestly told Piccolo about the gravity chamber.

After Piccolo, the great devil back then, was crushed like a toy by Napa, his heart was filled with anger at his own weakness and his desire to become stronger.

So on the way back, we had agreed to go to the gravity room to practice together.

"Then let's go there first, brother, come over as soon as you finish."

After finishing speaking, Wukong turned around and flew towards the gravity chamber, followed by Krillin and Piccolo who also performed the Wukong technique.

Soon, only Guixianren, Lu Yan, and three tied Saiyans were left on this ultra-small island.

Guixian took a look at Lu Yan's expression, then turned around and entered the room very interestingly.

Lu Yan sat down cross-legged, stared at Raditz, and didn't speak. They were quietly waiting for Vegeta and Napa to wake up.

After a period of buffering, Vegeta and Napa finally woke up slowly.


Just after waking up, Vegeta was still a little dazed, but after seeing Lu Yan's handsome face, he was startled suddenly and fully woke up.

At this time, he realized that he was actually tied up.

"you're awake."

Lu Yan said with a smile.

"whispering sound."

Vegeta snorted coldly, exerted a little force, and directly broke the rope tied to his body.

He stood up from the ground, patted the dust on himself, and said with a smirk, "You alone? Where's Kakarot?"

Although I don't know why Lu Yan didn't kill them while they were unconscious, Vegeta didn't have the slightest thought of repaying them.

He would only think that Lu Yan was stupid for keeping them all.

"Don't worry, I'll try to make your death as easy as possible."

Vegeta moved his hands and said eagerly.

He had never fought against Lu Yan from the very beginning, so he naturally didn't know Lu Yan's strength, but thinking about it, it shouldn't be possible for him to be stronger than himself.

Lu Yan said calmly as if he didn't see Vegeta's intention to do something.

"Do you know Super Saiyan?"

(End of this chapter)

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