Chapter 605 Fairy Beans
As soon as Raditz and Napa heard what Vegeta said, they immediately left the gravity room obediently.

The remaining Krillin and Piccolo, although Vegeta didn't ask them, but they also knew it in their hearts.

"Ah...haha, then Wukong, I'll go out first."

Kelin didn't want to affect the efficiency of Wukong's cultivation because of his relationship, so he offered to leave the gravity room.

The same is true for Piccolo, he doesn't want to rub Wukong's training resources with a shameless face.

"Is there no news from Boulma?"

Seeing that there were only three people left in the room, Wukong said with some doubts.

In fact, Boomer has already started work on building a second gravity chamber.

It's a pity that although Boulma had experience in building a gravity chamber once, considering technical issues, there was no way to get out the second gravity chamber in a short time.

"Hmph, those weak guys will only affect my cultivation."

Vegeta said with a proud face.

It seems that it is a matter of course for Kling and others to leave the gravity chamber.

Then he turned his head to look at Lu Yan, and asked eagerly, "Radiz, how long will it take before you can tell me how to transform into a Super Saiyan?"

Hearing Vegeta's question, Goku looked at Lu Yan with the same interest.

Super Saiyan, Lu Yan drew this cake for both of them, but he hasn't told them how to transform until now.

"Don't worry, I've done in-depth research on Super Saiyans."

Although Lu Yan only had a general understanding of the situation of the Saiyans, he still spoke with confidence.

Stretching out three fingers, he continued to add: "There are three conditions that need to be fulfilled to transform into a Super Saiyan."

"A peaceful heart, a sufficiently strong body, and a Saiyan bloodline. When these three conditions are fulfilled, one can transform into a Super Saiyan with a burst of extreme anger."

Anyway, when it comes to S cells, these two reckless people must not know, so Lu Yan simply said that they are of Saiyan blood.

"Of course, if any one of the three conditions reaches a certain level, it can make up for the lack of the other two conditions to a certain extent."

Just like in the original book, although Vegeta did not have a peaceful mind, he successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan by virtue of his terrifying physique.

"Peace of mind?"

Becky frowned.

This condition is indeed somewhat difficult for orthodox Saiyans.

They are generally arrogant and arrogant fighters, and their peaceful mentality hardly belongs to Saiyans.

And because Sun Wukong grew up on the earth, he is deeply influenced by the martial arts spirit of the earth, and he does not have the common faults of the Saiyans who are impetuous and arrogant.


When Lu Yan said this, he turned to Sun Wukong: "So I think Wukong will master Super Saiyan transformation faster than you."

Vegeta clenched his hands subconsciously.

A stable heart, this kind of thing cannot be obtained by hard work at all, it can only be cultivated in daily life.

If you want to force it, it will run counter to the requirement of a stable heart.

"No wonder……"

No wonder I thought for so long that no Saiyan has ever transformed successfully, so it turned out to be the case.

Vegeta had never thought that there was anything wrong with the character of the Saiyans before, but believed that this was a characteristic that should belong to the fighting nation.

If what Lu Yan said is true, the Saiyan group is on the wrong path.

Knowing this situation, Vegeta seemed a little depressed, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

The kindness in Wukong's character made him want to persuade him.

But before Wukong could speak, Vegeta suddenly raised his head, stared at Lu Yan with burning eyes, and said word by word: "As long as the body is strong enough, a peaceful heart is also optional. Bar?"

"Radiz, activate one hundred times the gravity!"

Lu Yan shook his head amusedly, stretched out his hand to stroke his chin, and said with a light smile, "If you only rely on a strong physique, you need an environment that is more than three hundred times the gravity."

In the original book, Vegeta succeeded in transforming into a Super Saiyan only after he practiced desperately in an environment of three hundred times the gravity.

At present, this gravity room can only reach a limit of one hundred times the gravity environment, which cannot meet their cultivation requirements.

Vegeta's face darkened.

But this is a hardware problem after all, and it's not good to lose your temper with Lu Yan and the others. He took a deep breath and said, "Then adjust it to a hundred times first."

"Even if it's a hundred times, you can't handle it now."

Lu Yan ruthlessly pierced Vegeta's fantasy.

Suddenly increasing from fifty times the gravity to one hundred times the gravity, there is a high probability that Vegeta will be directly crushed to death by the terrifying gravity.

After all, his current strength is only close to [-] combat power, and it is already difficult to withstand fifty times the gravity.

Lu Yan walked to the console and raised his hand to adjust the gravity to sixty times.

The heavy pressure instantly acted on the three of them.

The sudden increase in the burden on his body caused Vegeta's knees to bend slightly uncontrollably.

Under such terrifying gravity, the air in the gravity chamber seems to have some color changes visible to the naked eye.

Except for Vegeta who seemed to be struggling, Lu Yan and Wukong were still in good condition, and the effect of cultivation in this environment was very good.

From the corner of his eyes, Vegeta noticed the relaxed appearance of Lu Yan and the two, and he didn't want to show his timidity. His inner self-esteem made him grit his teeth and forcefully support it.

It will take some time for your body to adapt to this gravity.

Lu Yan suddenly seemed to remember something, turned to look at Wukong and asked, "Are there any fairy beans?"

This thing is a foul-level item in Dragon Ball.

Cultivated by the cat fairy on Kalin Tower, it has a heinous regeneration effect. As long as there is still a breath, eating a fairy bean can restore the full state on the spot.

Combined with Saiyan's near-death passive, it can increase combat power extremely quickly.

Wukong thought about it for a while, and replied with some hesitation: "The Immortal Kalin should have cultivated a lot of fairy beans."

The main reason is that he has been at home with Kiki and Gohan for the past few years, and he hasn't been to Kalinta for a long time, and he is not sure about the specific situation.

"Then trouble you to go there and bring back more fairy beans."

Lu Yan patted Wukong on the shoulder and encouraged him, "I have a very efficient cultivation method, which requires the assistance of Xiandou."

Wukong nodded, out of trust in Lu Yan, he would naturally not refuse.

Without first asking what this method is, he turned his head and left the gravity room.

Seeing Wukong leave, Lu Yan turned his head and glanced at Vegeta, and said, "Come on, you can do a thousand push-ups first to relax."

The corner of Vegeta's mouth twitched. If he couldn't beat him, with Lu Yan's attitude, he had to let Lu Yan know what a fighting nation is.

(End of this chapter)

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