The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 607 Facing Frieza

Chapter 607 Facing Frieza

Gravity chamber.

As if Lu Yan didn't feel the gravity that could crush ordinary people into meatloaf, he stood beside the console like a normal person.

His eyes fell on Vegeta and Son Goku who were confronting each other.

Not long ago, these two people each triggered a near-death passive, and their combat power skyrocketed again.

After all, there is no combat power detector, and without a fight, it is really not sure how much stronger each other has become.

"Come on Kakarot, let me see how strong you are now!"

Vegeta's breath was exposed, his hands clenched into fists, and he assumed a fighting posture.

Goku also put on a fighting stance, grinning: "Be careful Vegeta, I'm going to attack!"

Before the words fell, Wukong's figure burst out.

When the fist was close to him, Vegeta stepped forward and resisted Goku's attack.

However, before he could taunt, Wukong made another sudden effort.

Vegeta's figure suddenly flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and hit the wall heavily.

[It seems that I still haven't controlled my power well. 】

Sun Wukong muttered in his heart.

This is probably a flaw in the Saiyan's dying passivity.

Need to see luck!

After each narrow escape, the inflated power is not a constant amount, but increases randomly.

It may double at once, or it may directly double ten times at once.

Even if the two are both Saiyans, after a near-death passive enhancement, there will be a huge gap in combat effectiveness.

Vegeta quickly got up and looked at Monkey King in disbelief, with desire and jealousy for powerful strength in his eyes.

Even though they have triggered the near-death passive three times, why is the gap in combat power not only not weak, but getting bigger and bigger?
"It's not over yet!"

Vegeta gathered Qi with one hand, and an energy ball appeared in his hand.

After the qigong bomb took shape, it directly hit Wukong.

Wukong easily slapped the qigong bullet and sent it flying. With such a huge difference in combat power, even if it hit him, it probably wouldn't hurt or itch.

Vegeta also found that there is an insurmountable gap in strength between himself and Goku, but he is not very depressed.

It's nothing more than a bit of bad luck, anyway, there are fairy beans, relying on the unique near-death passivity of Saiyans, the gap in strength can be easily made up.


Vegeta shouted violently, and was about to charge at Goku again.

at this time.

Goku frowned suddenly, raised his hand to signal Vegeta to stop first, his puzzled expression seemed to be confirming something.

"what happened?"

Lu Yan saw that something was wrong with Wukong, so he asked.

Wukong turned his head to look in a certain direction, and said thoughtfully, "Brother, I feel! Lots of powerful qi."

Hearing this, Lu Yan was also a little confused.

In the original book, the earth should not have encountered any crisis during this time, right?

The story of the artificial man is still a long time away from now.

Is it Frieza?

But at this time, shouldn't Frieza be wandering in the universe, how could he suddenly come to the earth.

"It's so evil."

Wukong put the red practice uniform on himself, and said to Lu Yan: "Brother, I want to go and have a look."

Lu Yan had no reason to stop, raised his hand to press on the console, and glanced at the number displayed on the screen before turning off the gravity, two hundred times.

That's the kind of gravity Goku and Vegeta can handle right now.

It is because in this environment, the battle between the two does not seem to be too amazing.

However, after three terrifying upgrades to the near-death passive, Lu Yan estimates that Wukong's combat power has increased to nearly 300 million.

As for Vegeta, there should be more than 200 million.

In fact, starting from 150 times the gravity, Lu Yan's body could no longer bear this terrifying pressure.

Use serious dodge throughout the whole process, otherwise, even if his physical strength is not low, it is impossible for him to behave so easily.

"Then let's go take a look together."


This is a sparsely populated wasteland.

Occasionally, one or two reptiles can be seen emerging from the ground to breathe, otherwise, it is like a lifeless area.

It was such a wasteland, and a group of uninvited guests suddenly ushered in today.

The dense spaceships blocked the sunlight and cast a shadow over the wasteland.

A round flagship broke away from the spaceship cluster and slowly landed on the ground.

The hatch is open.

Frieza floated out of the flagship in his baby ship.

Behind him, the grotesque Ginuit team and Belibrow followed closely behind. Everyone looked at Frieza's back with reverent gazes on their faces.

Frieza tilted his head slightly, fluttering his nostrils.

"The air on this planet is pretty good, but it's too remote."

Frieza seemed to feel sorry for this planet, he turned his head and said to the tall, blue-skinned man.

"Ginyu, take your people to clean up this planet."

The cleaning in Frieza's mouth naturally refers to killing all the creatures on the earth.

Ginyu bowed respectfully.

"Dear King Frieza, I promise to complete the task."

This Ginuit team can be said to be the most powerful team under Frieza's command.

Each team member has tens of thousands of fighting power, and Ginyu, the captain, has a fighting power of more than [-].

It can be said that the previous Vegeta three-person team together could not beat the weakest player among them.

at this time.

"Beep beep beep~"

Ginyu was wearing a combat power detector and suddenly let out a rapid siren.

Ginyu was startled, and turned his head to look in the direction marked by the detector.

In the sky in that direction, there are three figures flying towards their position at high speed.


Frieza's diamond-shaped eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth.

Super Saiyan?
He didn't forget the purpose of coming to this remote planet.

"Hey, Vegeta is here too."

Three figures fell one after another.

Vegeta was startled when he saw Frieza's face.

But after feeling the surging power in his body, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said, "Frieza, it turned out to be you."

Whether it was the arrogant tone or the act of calling him by his first name, they all told Frieza a fact.

That's when Vegeta, his lackey for so many years...betrayed.

"It seems that you are very confident."

Frieza still maintained his own elegance, without showing a look of frustration.

Vegeta slowly clenched his fists: "Frieza, you can just laugh, if you don't laugh, you won't have a chance..."

"Because today is your death day!"

(End of this chapter)

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