The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 610 Prepare to play dead

Chapter 610 Prepare to play dead
"No, brother, your current strength should not be as strong as mine."

Sun Wukong shook his head, moved his steps, and stood in front of Lu Yan.

"You don't have to worry, after this king kills Vegeta, I will let you go with him too."

Frieza's indifferent words, paired with his pair of slender eyes, made people shudder.


Vegeta clutched his chest, stood up with great difficulty, hot blood dripped from between his fingers: "Damn it..."

He stared at Frieza's short figure with an ugly face, and the sharp pain in his chest clearly told Vegeta that he no longer had much ability to resist.

"Why can't I turn into a Super Saiyan!?"

Vegeta's heart surged with anger, and his face began to turn pale because of the excessive bleeding.

"You can still stand up, Vegeta~"

Frieza raised his naturally drooping arms slightly, and continued gracefully: "But it's still a long way off, I'm too lazy to play with you."

"whispering sound."

Vegeta gritted his teeth, looked in the direction of Lu Yan and shouted, "Are there any more fairy beans?"

He felt that even if he couldn't transform into a Super Saiyan, but with enough fairy beans, and relying on the Saiyan's near-death passive, he might be able to generate a powerful combat power close to Frieza.

Hearing Vegeta's inquiry, Lu Yan reached out and groped in his pocket, and found that there were still four celestial beans left.

Then he raised his head, showing a helpless expression: "The fairy beans have been used up."

"Although I don't know what fairy beans you are talking about, it is impossible to defeat this king no matter what."

Frieza stretched out an index finger, put it on his lips and blew lightly: "Half, I only need to use half of the energy to turn you and this planet into dust in the universe."

Vegeta's forehead was bulging with blue veins: "Frieza, don't be shy!"

Before the words fell, the whole person endured his injuries and went straight to Frieza.

A powerful punch blasted out.

It was just the next scene that completely plunged Vegeta into hatred for his own weakness.

Frieza stretched out the index finger on his lips, and easily blocked Vegeta's attack.

"What Super Saiyan? In front of Frieza, the emperor of the universe, he is vulnerable."

Frieza smiled contemptuously, and the thick tail suddenly struck out behind him, knocking Vegeta to the ground on the spot.


Vegeta spat out a mouthful of blood, and half of his body sank directly into the ground, letting out a heart-piercing scream.

This overwhelming strength made Vegeta lose all hope.

He can now be sure that Frieza's combat power may really be 1.2 million, and the gap between himself and him is not one or two points.

The only possibility of a comeback now is probably to transform into a Super Saiyan himself.

But it's a pity that Vegeta didn't feel the feeling of transforming into a Super Saiyan anyway. He felt that he was already angry enough. Could it be that he couldn't transform without a peaceful heart?


At this moment, Wukong uttered a loud shout, and suddenly appeared behind Frieza, raised his leg and gave a powerful and terrifying side kick, which hit Frieza's neck heavily.

There was a muffled sound of physical collision.

The tactile feedback from the legs made Wukong suddenly change color.

He didn't show mercy with this kick, and he kicked it with all his strength, but it was like an ordinary person kicked a steel pipe.

Frieza's head only tilted a slight arc, but the force of the shock actually made Wukong grimacing in pain.


Frieza's long tail immediately shot out like lightning, wrapped around Goku's neck, and then raised it high.

Then, without even turning his head, he bent his arm and hit Wukong hard on the back with an elbow.

It directly interrupted Wukong's attempt to counterattack.

This is the horror of 1.2 million fighting power. Whether it is Goku or Vegeta, their current fighting power is only a few million.

Once Frieza gets serious, the two Saiyans together are no match.

Just like it is now.

Vegeta was seriously injured by Frieza's ray, and then he was hit again, and his injuries were added. Now he is almost close to the state of being able to trigger the near-death passive.

Wukong's situation is also not ideal, because the plot is destroyed, he has not been to Kaiwangxing, and he has not learned Jiewangquan and Yuanqi bomb.

Basically there is no means of explosion.

Unless you transform into a Super Saiyan, you don't even have the qualifications to fight Frieza.

It's a pity that even though Lu Yan had told them how to transform into a Super Saiyan, they couldn't do it at all.

Just like people cannot control their own body, you can only control your own hands and feet, and control your own thoughts.

You can't control how much enzyme your liver secretes, how much insulin your pancreas secretes, let alone dopamine, the hormone that dominates mood and emotion.

Therefore, even knowing that as long as you are angry enough, you can transform into a Super Saiyan, it will not help.

So Lu Yan moved.

He is going to use a special method to stimulate Wukong, and Vegeta, he really can't do anything now.

The door of death opened, and high-temperature blood-red steam gushed out from the whole body, and the energy of the golden armor was still flowing.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye, and when it reappeared, it was already behind Frieza.

Because there was no Qi in Lu Yan's body, Frieza couldn't even judge Lu Yan's specific strength.

Out of conservative considerations, Frieza retracted his tail and let go of Wukong's control.

"Let's go, I'll hang him."

Lu Yan said seriously without turning his head.

Before the words fell, he had already rushed towards Frieza.


Wukong's body trembled slightly, he couldn't do such a thing as abandoning his relatives and leaving.

But the fact now is that they can't beat Frieza together, and reason tells him that he should take revenge from a gentleman, and it is not too late in ten years.

"It's you who made the wild monkeys stronger, right? Are you interested in coming under my king's command?"

As the emperor of the universe, Frieza still has some charisma in addition to his terrifying combat prowess.

Lu Yan shook his head with a serious face, and said, "You devil who destroys planets, stop wishful thinking!"

"It's so ridiculous, it seems that you are also a stupid guy."

Frieza didn't even move his body, and pointed out a purple ray in his hand with a tentative look.

To his surprise, Lu Yanming, who looked like a majestic man, was directly pierced through the heart by this ray.

"Cut, it's really useless."

(End of this chapter)

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