The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 612 The Spirit of Martial Arts

Chapter 612 The Spirit of Martial Arts
You, Monkey King, are always at your wits' end when you are alone.

In this case, directly cultivate all the Saiyans of Raditz.

When the crisis of artificial humans reappears, a nest of Super Saiyans will rush forward without thinking. There are so many reckless people to a certain extent that most of the time they can solve the battle in one wave.

If it doesn't work, you can gather five Super Saiyans to make a Saiyan God.

Except for the ceiling powerhouse like a God of Destruction who suddenly ran over and lifted the table, Lu Yan really couldn't think of any other unexpected situations.

As for whether guys like Raditz and Napa will cause trouble at that time...

Thinking of this, Lu Yan touched his magic sealing box, and planted a surefire flag on the spot.

Lu Yan had to complain about the power system in this world again, it was really crooked.

Everyone is exercising their bodies, or tempering their martial arts skills.

There is no spiritual training system at all, and Babidi, a half-baked magician, can easily control Vegeta of Super Saiyan II.

Mental resistance is almost negligible.

And in Lu Yan's magic sealing box, there are quite a few summoned beasts with powerful mind control abilities. In theory, there shouldn't be any problems.

Lu Yan looked sideways at Vegeta and smiled, then looked up at the sky again.

In the wide sky, Wukong is still kneading Frieza like a toy, every attack will cause a wave of power visible to the naked eye to spread.

Frieza was going crazy.

Although he is quite fleshy, even if he has withstood so many rounds of terrifying blows from Wukong, he is still far away from a life-and-death crisis.

But it was a shame for him to be beaten by what he thought was a wild monkey.

Damn... really... unforgivable!
Frieza bursts out of his anger, briefly pushing Goku back.

Ling stood in mid-air, his whole body was covered with large and small wounds, and he was panting heavily.

How dare you let yourself be so embarrassed!

Then, let you wild monkeys and this garbage planet... disappear together!

Frieza's muscles swelled out of thin air, and he raised his right hand high, bursting out with [-]% power in his ultimate form.

A purple energy ball rapidly grew in size in his palm, and in an instant it expanded to a huge energy ball with a diameter of more than [-] meters.

Just looking at this energy ball, it seems to be able to smell a smell full of destruction.

After recharging, Frieza didn't hesitate too much, and the Destroyer Energy Ball made a bold move, smashing down towards where Wukong was standing.

If it was before turning into a Super Saiyan, facing such an attack, Goku would probably be helpless and could only watch it fall.

But now, although this kind of attack is still terrifying, Wukong also believes that he can continue.

Step forward with one leg, bend your knee slightly, make palms with your hands, and put your wrists together.

Slowly withdraw and stop at the waist.

Dazzling blue energy is born between the palms.


With a roar, Wukong pushed out his palms, and the golden aura around him exploded.

The ground under his feet cracked instantly, and the already potholed ground collapsed again.

Kamehae Qigong Bo directly attacked Frieza's destructive energy ball.

The light beam of the Kamehae Qigong wave alone has reached a diameter of two meters, and the end of the attack is nearly ten meters wide.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying power is contained in it.

The entire sky was reflected in blue and purple.

The falling speed of Frieza's destructive energy ball dropped sharply, until it stopped, and was pushed back abruptly in the end.

Frieza was extremely shocked, and gathered together again, continuously injecting purple energy into the destruction energy ball.

But the situation is still not optimistic. Driven by Goku Kamehae's qigong wave, the destruction energy ball gradually flew in the direction of Frieza with a slow but firm trajectory.

"Damn wild monkey..."

A drop of sweat dripped from Frieza's forehead, and evaporated immediately, his face was extremely ugly.

The current situation is obvious. Although Frieza is very reluctant to admit it, Monkey King's combat power has far surpassed him.

Seeing that the duel had already been defeated, Frieza decisively dodged out of the way.

The destructive energy ball was pushed out of the earth by the Kameha qigong wave, and entered the deep universe, and it was unknown which unlucky planet it would hit.

At the same time, Wukong's figure suddenly appeared in front of Frieza like a ghost.

Even with the qigong wave of this kind of attack, Wukong's aura is still stable, and the golden air wave around his body is burning like a flame, without any feeling of lack of energy.

Frieza was out of breath and consumed a huge amount of physical energy, and now his strength is not even one in ten.

Wukong stared at the embarrassed Frieza with a complicated expression, as if he was making a very difficult decision.

He is actually an upright martial artist with extremely noble martial ethics.

Throughout the entire chapter of Dragon Ball, except for the unavoidable situation, every battle is to stop.

After all, in this world that can be resurrected.

Even if the opponent is a villain, as long as he puts on a posture of repentance, or if he no longer has the ability to do evil, he will really let the opponent go.

The point is that he respects his opponents as equal martial artists.

It can be said that he is naive, or he can be said that he is stupid, but this noble martial arts spirit is the real charm of Wukong's personality.

Martial arts masters like Guixianren and Tianjin Fan have sincere admiration for Wukong.

But the fact is that there are so many pure martial arts masters in the world, and there are more of them, such as Tao Baibai and Raditz.

This is why in the original book, when he decides to kill Frieza, he has a sad look on his face.


Wukong sighed, looked at Frieza seriously and said, "You go, take your people and leave the earth."

Hearing that Wukong was willing to let him go, Frieza not only did not show joy, but his face became more and more ugly.

Grief, indignation, unwillingness...

Frieza may be an out-and-out villain, but he is also an emperor across the universe.

This condescending attitude is a shame to him!

He wants to maintain his dignity as an emperor.

Two groups of purple energy balls appeared in Frieza's hands. Just like the original book, Frieza knew that he was invincible, but still launched a suicide attack on Wukong.

In desperation, Wukong was forced to fight back.

At this moment, a gentle voice resounded through the entire world.

"Zen Ding Seal~"

Invisible ripples passed by, and Frieza, including Wukong, were all frozen like a picture.

Lu Yan tried his best to sound amiable: "Let's stop here."

After all, in a sense, Frieza is like a spoiled child, and if he speaks a little harshly, it will arouse his rebellious heart.

(End of this chapter)

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