The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 614 The sudden appearance of Qi

Chapter 614 The sudden appearance of Qi
"Kakarot, punch me!"

Vegeta's aura was full, and he tried his best to punch Monkey King.

Goku didn't even transform into a Super Saiyan, but with a slight sway of his body, he escaped Vegeta's attack.

"Haha, Vegeta, the speed is too slow."

It seems that he was stimulated by Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan. After Vegeta healed his injuries, he went crazy to fight Goku.

Trying to figure out the way to become a Super Saiyan from the battle.

Of course, it must be fighting Wukong under normal conditions.

If Wukong transforms into a Super Saiyan, the difference in combat power between the two will be too great, and there will be no effect of cultivation at all.

After all, Wukong has only just transformed into a Super Saiyan, and he doesn't have a high degree of mastery of this transformation, so naturally he will not use Super Saiyans to bully Vegeta.

Lu Yan sat cross-legged next to the console, resting his chin on one hand, looking thoughtful.

Two weeks have passed since Frieza's army arrived.

During this time, the Frieza Corps spaceship didn't leave Earth, but it didn't cause much commotion either.

It's just that this development is slightly different from his prediction.

"Hiss, it shouldn't be, why hasn't Frieza come to you yet?"

Lu Yan muttered to himself.

Could it be that Frieza gave up the huge temptation of growing five centimeters taller for the so-called dignity?
Thinking of this possibility, Lu Yan was in awe.

at this time.

The passage of time around them suddenly stopped, and Goku and Vegeta, who were fighting, seemed to be performing slow motion.

A curly-haired man in a blue coat appeared beside him without anyone noticing.


"Huh? So fast, are you done shopping?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't mean to be frightened.

After all, in the Marvel Universe, we have made an agreement with the Transcendent.

On the first day he came to the world of Dragon Ball, he released this man as agreed, and let the transcendent have fun by himself.

The transcendent shrugged, snapped his fingers, and a lit cigarette appeared between his fingers.


After exhaling a circle of smoke, the transcendent said slowly: "Not yet, I just came back to see you. But... do you know that this world is very strange?"

"How to say?"

Lu Yan suddenly felt that he had the talent to be a fan.

"There's something wrong with the number of universes."

The transcendent squinted his eyes, let the smoke drift away from his face, and said eloquently: "This world has the concept of multiverses and parallel universes. Logically speaking, the number of universes should not be so small."

"is not it……"

"Will it be cleaned up on time?"

Hearing Transcendent's tone like telling a horror story, the corners of Lu Yan's mouth twitched.

Although this world is indeed so cruel, it is not as scary as the transcendent imagined, as if there is some mastermind behind the scenes.

In fact, they are just two children with supreme power.

"This is not important."

Lu Yan waved his hand, not intending to explain in detail to the transcendent, but instead changed the subject and asked, "By the way, can you make people grow five centimeters taller?"

The Transcendent looked back and forth at Lu Yan.

"Did you misunderstand my power?"

Although because of the loss of the world's blessing, his abilities have been greatly weakened.

However, no matter how it is weakened, the base is here.

Just like 1000 million, even if it is weakened by [-]%, there will still be [-] million left.

For a migrant worker with a monthly salary of 300 yuan, he has to work without food or drink for nearly [-] years to earn it.

"That's good, I guess I need a little help from you."

Lu Yan nodded.

The transcendent put out the cigarette butt in his hand and stood up: "Anyway, you can call my name if you have something to do, I can hear it... Well, if you can't do it once, just call it a few more times."

He still didn't finish his words and left some room.

After all, he also discovered that the water in this world is quite deep.

"I'm leaving."

Before the words fell, the figure of the transcendent had disappeared in the gravity chamber.

With his departure, the flow of time returned to normal.

During the whole process, neither Goku nor Vegeta realized that someone had appeared.

This can be called a dimensionality reduction blow. The reckless man can indeed reduce ten times with one force, but for now, Goku and Vegeta can't even feel the existence of the transcendent, and it is temporarily impossible to deal with the transcendent by recklessness of those.

After confirming this point, Lu Yan was in a good mood.

When you are free, let the transcendent give Raditz and Napa a thought seal, and let them take the initiative to protect the earth.

Goku didn't control it well, and suddenly turned into a Super Saiyan, with extremely violent power, he directly lifted Vegeta and hit the wall.

After all, Vegeta was indeed beaten into a near-death state by Frieza, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Under normalization, Goku will still be beaten by Vegeta.

After being suppressed for a long time, Goku couldn't hold back, and directly transformed into a Super Saiyan.

This made Vegeta dizzy.

Fortunately, Wukong didn't have any malicious intentions, it was just a passive outburst, and Vegeta quickly recovered.

"Hmph! It seems that you, who are normalized, are no longer my opponent."

Although Vegeta said this, but looking at Goku's golden arrogance all over his body, he couldn't hide his envious eyes.

Just by looking at his longing expression, you can tell how much he really wants to transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Don't worry, Vegeta, your condition has already been met, it's just one opportunity away."

Wukong comforted him very understandingly, and suddenly, his brows frowned slightly.

Huh? ...

There is an unfamiliar air.

But very powerful, even stronger than Frieza.

And without warning, it just appeared on the earth.

"what happened?"

Lu Yan noticed Wukong's strangeness, and asked with a smile: "Could it be Frieza who made some noise?"

Wukong shook his head, clenched his fist unconsciously.

"It's not Frieza, but it's so strong, even stronger than Frieza."

It's very strange, Wukong can be sure that he doesn't know him, but he feels a little familiar.

"Kakarot, don't rob me this time!"

Vegeta opened the door of the gravity chamber and flew in that direction on the spot.

Lu Yan thought about it silently.

The plot has been messed up by him, they didn't even go to Namek.

King Kurd, that is, Frieza's father, should never come to the earth again, and artificial humans are even more impossible, and there should be more than two years before they appear.

Then the answer comes out.

It was a handsome boy with a long sword on his back, the same generation as Gohan, the son of Vegeta, and also a Saiyan...


(End of this chapter)

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