Chapter 619
Before everyone could react, they saw Vegeta rushing towards Frieza's spaceship.

"Hey, Vegeta, this is..."

Goku scratched the back of his head, looking at Vegeta so impulsively, he was a little dazed.

However, Vegeta didn't break in, and the spaceship landed by itself.

The cabin opened automatically, and Frieza flew out of the cabin door with his hands behind his back, and landed in front of everyone.

"Is this Frieza?"

A look of shock flashed across Trunks' face, and he put his right hand on the hilt behind him without moving, ready to strike.

Looking at Frieza who was looking directly at him, Lu Yan could probably guess the reason for his visit.

But since Frieza asked someone to do something, Lu Yan naturally wouldn't speak first.


Vegeta fell quickly, with a ferocious smile on his face, and said: "I will let you feel the despair brought by Super Saiyan again today!"

Looking at Vegeta whose mouth was crazily raised, Frieza didn't know how to react.

In fact, he came here on his own initiative this time, not to kill people.

Five centimeters tall is really full of temptation for Frieza.

It's just because of the dignity of the emperor of the universe that he has been reluctant to bow his head to seek Lu Yan's answer.

After all, as the emperor of the universe, Frieza has always been smooth sailing. If there is anything he wants, his subordinates will send it to him sensibly.

But not this time, because of the existence of Wukong, the super Saiyan, his power to traverse the universe has lost its original effect.

But he was not willing to let him leave in such a disheartened manner.

So during this period of time, his fleet has been staying on Earth. Frieza finally made the decision to ask Lu Yan to find out the situation until now.

"Vegeta, it seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

Frieza hadn't figured out how to talk to Lu Yan, so he simply passed the time with Vegetto for a while.

He also maintains a graceful posture, with his hands behind his back, unlike Goku, the Super Saiyan who beat him head-on.

Vegeta was used by Frieza as a free thug from the beginning, and he never took a wild monkey like Vegeta into his eyes.

Not before, not now, and even less likely to be in the future.

Even though Vegeta called himself a Super Saiyan, Frieza just treated him as a joke.

"Hmph, Frieza, just laugh as much as you want."

Vegeta clenched his fists and put on a horse stance: "Because after you pass today, there will be no more Frieza in the universe!"

In an instant, a terrifying breath spread from Vegeta's body.


Vegeta's energy continued to rise, his roar became louder and louder, and his energy became more and more fierce.

With the last loud shout, Vegeta's pupils turned into the light green that is unique to Super Saiyans, and the strands of hair that had been raised up instantly turned golden yellow.


Seeing this scene, Frieza could no longer maintain that graceful posture.

He couldn't figure out why even a guy like Vegeta could become a Super Saiyan.

Didn't it say that a Super Saiyan meets once in a thousand years?
The Super Saiyan who appeared last time is still alive now.

"This gesture, no matter how many times you look at it, is extremely beautiful."

Vegeta has straightened his back, and his expression seems to tell everyone present what it means to be complacent.

"Frieza, are you scared?"

The corner of his mouth raised an evil arc, looking at Frieza's slightly trembling body, he spoke sarcastically.

Frieza, the cosmic emperor who destroyed Planet Vegeta, trembled in front of him.

For this day, Vegeta paid unimaginable blood and sweat.

"As expected of His Royal Highness!"

Napa couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

This is already the third Super Saiyan that has appeared, so it seems that even he may not have the opportunity to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Napa couldn't help but start to imagine what it would look like when he became a Super Saiyan.

Subconsciously touched his bare head: "Do you want to grow your hair from now on?"

Goku and Trunks looked very calm, they have already cultivated to the full power of Super Saiyan, neither Vegeta nor Frieza is nothing in front of them.

With such a big gap in strength, naturally there won't be too much psychological fluctuation.

"Just let you know!"

The smile on Vegeta's face faded, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and he swung his fist heavily towards Frieza.

"Tch, even if you become a Super Saiyan, is this the only way you can go?"

Frieza said stiffly, but the movement under his hands was not slow, and he crossed his hands to cover his chest.

After the dull sound of physical collision, the huge potential energy pushed Frieza backwards, hitting the spaceship before stopping.

His feet left two deep marks on the ground.

Such a situation made Frieza's heart heavy.

Lu Yan watched Frieza and Vegeta's battle with a smile, and had no intention of standing up to stop it.

Anyway, Frieza is rebellious by nature, so being hit like this a few times will help him adjust his mentality.

Vegeta didn't know what Lu Yan was thinking, but he didn't give Frieza any time to breathe. An extremely huge qigong cannon was already roaring towards Frieza.

The Qigong Cannon was flying too fast, and there was no time for Frieza to dodge it, so he had to forcefully catch it.

Just when Frieza was resisting this attack with all his strength, Vegeta's figure appeared beside him without anyone noticing.

This kind of qigong cannon, which is powerful enough to sink a piece of land, turned out to be just a feint attack!

Vegeta smiled contemptuously, turned sideways and kicked Frieza's waist hard without hesitation.

Frieza only felt a sharp pain, and he shot out directly, flying upside down for several kilometers, embedded in a rock.

"So strong..."

"Is this really Vegeta?"

Because of Frieza's order, all the members of the Ginuit team stayed in the spaceship and did not come out, but this did not prevent them from watching the battle.

Seeing Frieza being so crushed by Vegeta, these team members couldn't help but have other thoughts in their hearts.

Wukong asked hesitantly: "Brother, don't we do something?"

After all, Frieza hadn't done anything when he came here this time, and he was caught and beaten by Vegeta.

Bullying the weak is not in line with Wukong's martial arts spirit.

Lu Yan tilted his head and glanced at Wukong, and said calmly: "Then you go and stop it, it's almost enough to fight for so long."

(End of this chapter)

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