Chapter 645 Champion
After all, Kelin knew Lu Yan's strength, and he suspected that if there was a real fight, he would be killed if he was not careful.

Since he was unlucky and met Lu Yan in the first round, it would be safer to choose to forfeit the match.


The staff held the battle table in their hands and froze in place.

Normally, they had paid the registration fee and advanced to the quarterfinals. Even if they knew they couldn't beat them, they should show their face on stage. Why did they give up so easily?

"Are you sure?"

The staff confirmed again.

Clint nodded without hesitation.


If the contestants insist on withdrawing from the competition, they will not force the contestants to come on stage.

Watching the staff lead the other two players out of the lounge.

Lu Yan glanced at Kelin, and said jokingly, "I won by lying down."

Hearing this, Kelin stared at Lu Yan with wide eyes: "What's the point of winning? If you show your real strength, these players can't even beat you together."

Kelin didn't restrain his voice, and the other four advanced contestants heard this.

Before Lu Yan could respond, a strong man with curly hair stood up abruptly, and the other three advanced contestants were also ready to move.

The curly-haired man walked up to Kelin and Lu Yan.

"Hey! Little bald head, what are you talking about?!"

Although from Kelin's perspective, these ordinary people are no different.

But these advanced fighters are also top fighters among ordinary people, so how could they not have a temper.

"Ah, sorry sorry."

Krillin is not as fierce as Vegeta, knowing that it was his fault, he immediately admitted it.

"Is it enough to apologize? You don't even have the guts to go to the ring, you coward."

The man with curly hair became more and more arrogant.

Clint was a little annoyed.

After all, he is also telling the truth, it is not appropriate for a curly-haired man to continue showing weakness like this.

"Just tell the truth."

Klin pursed his lips: "Radiz, let me help you get rid of your opponent in advance."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows: "Enough is enough."

"rest assured."

Kelin moved his wrist and looked over with a smile.


There was a burst of noise from the crowd outside the lounge.

The battle of ordinary people will not last too long.

However, the audience was very happy to watch. This kind of fist-to-body violence can easily stimulate the wild genes of human beings.

The staff once again walked into the lounge with the battle table.

But inexplicably felt that the atmosphere in the lounge was a bit wrong.

All the contestants were obediently standing in front of the wall, only the contestant named Raditz and the little bald head were still sitting on their seats.

I saw that the "punishment stand" contestants didn't have any scars on their faces, but their movements were very stiff, as if they were enduring pain.

The staff member swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he did not forget his duty,

Staring at the battle table, he said: "The third game..."

But before the staff finished reading, the four advanced contestants rushed to speak.

"I give up the game!"

"I...I also quit the game."

The staff looked at the four contestants suspiciously.

He said to himself: "It's strange, what's going on in this martial arts meeting?"

Including Klin, there are five players who have given up.

There were only eight players in total, and more than half of them chose to abandon the match.

Since you want to give up the competition, why do you still sign up?
The spectators all bought tickets to watch the game. If one player abandons the game, the impact is not very big, but if so many abandon the game, the audience's opinion will be great.

But this kind of thing is not something that a small staff member like him needs to consider.

He just needs to follow the instructions.

"Then Raditz come with me."


Lu Yan followed behind the staff and came to the ring.

The venue of this World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association was transformed from a gymnasium.

The soccer field in the center of the stadium was converted into a ring.

There were no empty seats all around, and the faces of most of the audience were flushed because they were too excited.

Above the auditorium directly in front of the arena, there is a delicately decorated throne, on which sits a strong man.

With a black afro and a serious expression, paired with a large brown exercise suit, it gives off a wild and dangerous feeling.

This man is the last World No. [-] Budokai champion, Mr. Satan.

Judging by his appearance, he really belongs to that kind of top fighter.

Lu Yan knew very well that even though this guy looked okay, he was actually not much better than ordinary people.

Satan stood up, spread his arms, and shouted: "Start the battle, the winner among you will have the honor of fighting me!"

Lu Yan kept staring at Satan without looking back.

His opponent was a big man in a white judo uniform, and he noticed that Lu Yan didn't even look at him directly.

The big man realized that this was an opportunity and rushed towards him with great strides.

Lu Yan didn't even look back, just swat his hands like swat a fly.

His hand didn't even touch the big man practicing judo, and the strong wind directly knocked him off the ring.

Seeing this scene on the stage, the auditorium, which was originally full of people, fell silent.

We are all ordinary people, who has seen such a thing like magic.

With just a wave of his hand, a fat man weighing several hundred kilograms was blown away.

Mr. Satan froze in place as if he had been hit by a spell, with a fine layer of sweat dripping unconsciously from his forehead.

[Wait a minute, my opponent is this mysterious guy? ! 】

The host Pete held the microphone in one hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

He didn't forget his identity, and shouted hysterically into the microphone.

"Won... the winner is, Mr. Raditz!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

The audience gradually reacted and let out huge cheers.

Being able to see such an amazing scene is already worth the price of admission for them.

After the atmosphere calmed down a bit, Pete picked up the microphone and shouted: "Next, let's invite the champion of the last World's No. [-] Budokai, the strongest man in the world...Mr. Satan, come on stage!"


2 minutes passed.

Under the watchful eyes of countless audiences, Mr. Satan still stood on the high platform, showing no intention of moving.

Pete blinked and lowered his volume a little: "Mr. Satan?"

"Ah... ah?"

Satan glanced at Pete, but still did not leave his position.

"Well, it's your turn to go on stage."

Pete repeated it again.

Turning his head to look at Lu Yan who had been staring at him with a smile on the ring, Satan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he could even feel his calf trembling uncontrollably.

Anyway, extending the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife.

With this in mind, Satan gritted his teeth and walked towards Lu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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