Chapter 651

Sensing the change in the environment, Monkey King's face became serious.

He can be sure that if the battle between Vegeta and Saitama continues like this, it won't be long before the planet will disintegrate under the aftermath of the battle.

On the surface of the sea, the battle between Saitama and Vegeta did not converge due to the change in the environment, but became more intense.

Vegeta's eyes became more and more crazy, but Saitama never fluctuated much.

Obviously, Saitama has now gradually mastered the initiative of the battle, and Vegeta's defeat is a matter of time.

Of course, before Vegeta is defeated, maybe this planet will not be able to hold it.

The figure flickered, and the two sides collided like sparks hitting the earth, causing hundreds of muffled sounds in an instant, and the air waves caused by the explosion spread in all directions.

Wukong gritted his teeth again and joined the battlefield.

He no longer has the idea of ​​defeating Saitama, he just wants to end the battle first.

Facing Wukong's attack, Saitama's body suddenly became unreal.

It was so clever that it avoided the attacks of Vegeta and Goku.

A crimson light shot up into the sky, it was a phantom caused by Saitama's red glove waving.

Saitama didn't even look at Goku, and punched Vegeta hard in the chest.

In an instant.

Terrifying power erupted, and hot blood spattered.

The scuffle finally stopped briefly at this moment.

This punch directly knocked Vegeta into a faint, lost control of his body, and fell into the ocean.

Saitama's bald head is incomprehensible to many powerful people.

The ability that can be continuously enhanced in battle completely surpasses the concept of the word human.

"That was... what?"

Goku stayed behind Saitama, in great shock.

After such a fierce battle, Saitama's momentum became stronger and stronger.

Moreover, Qiyu seemed to be unable to choose at that moment just now, which reminded Wukong of the scene of Lu Yan and Cell fighting a few years ago.

Seriously dodge.

The rule ability that Lu Yan obtained from Qiyu, Qiyu himself will naturally also.

Because the distance was so close, Wukong could notice that the bald head had a calm face now, and he didn't even take a breath, obviously still able to do a job with ease.


The last time he encountered such a helpless opponent was the artificial Sharu.

"Wukong, enough is enough."

Lu Yan's gentle voice came, and his figure slowly rose, and he didn't stop until he was at the same height as Qiyu.

He waved his hand towards Wukong and added, "Let me come."

"Lu Yan devil, are you finally not hiding?"

Qiyu looked at Lu Yan very seriously, and said every word.

In fact, until now, Lu Yan has not yet figured out how to deal with Qiyu.

But there is no way, if he doesn't stand up again, both Goku and Vegeta will be beaten to death by Saitama.

Lu Yan smiled helplessly at Qiyu.

"I want to hide, but forget it, it doesn't matter, let's check first."

Before he finished speaking, blood-red steam surged out of his body.

Saitama is very familiar with the scene of opening the Eight Doors Dunjia Formation.

But Lu Yan's increase was not over yet.

In his body, another more terrifying force erupted, triggering an extremely powerful hurricane, sweeping across the entire sky.

The glaring current surged wildly, and the sound of lightning and thunder made Saitama's scalp tingle.

Under Saitama's gaze, endless golden whirlpools rose from his body surface, and together with the nearby erupting submarine volcanoes, everything in the world was eclipsed.


Lu Yan raised his head slowly.

Looking at the blonde hair on top of his head, Saitama was inexplicably jealous.

Without making Lu Yan wait for too long, Qiyu shot directly angrily.

"Seriously punch!"

Before the attack hit him, Lu Yan already felt a suffocating sense of oppression, and even had the illusion of being destroyed in place.

This is Saitama, a powerful being with infinite possibilities.

The condensed fist wind arrived first, engulfing Lu Yan in an instant.

boom! ! !
Terrifying power fluctuations erupted.

The shock wave formed by fist strength surpassed the speed of sound, and the entire area was squeezed into a vacuum in an instant.

The sky trembled, and the sea level in the area where Lu Yan was located dropped nearly a hundred meters neatly.

After this punch, the human beings on the entire planet seemed to hear the whimper of the planet.

The sea water was pressed to the extreme like a spring, rolled back towards the sky, and then fell again, as if artificially created a downpour.

In the rain, Qiyu noticed Lu Yan's situation, and his pupils tightened on the spot.

Although he didn't think he could kill Lu Yan with just one punch, he still couldn't believe that Lu Yan was so unharmed.

"Sure enough, you have also become stronger."

Saitama gritted his teeth.

The sea water fell on him and was evaporated in an instant.

Lu Yan didn't bother to wipe it, he looked at Qiyu and said with a smile: "Look at what you said, isn't this what you taught well?"

Hearing this, Qi Yu froze for a moment.

The two sides are in a life-and-death position, and suddenly they boast that they have taught well, which is plausible!

"It's useless to delay."

Qi Yu threw all the distracting thoughts out of his head, and rushed towards Lu Yan again.

The two figures collided together.

Terrifying energy surged out from the bodies of the two, and violent air currents washed over the entire planet.

It's like someone keeps hitting a crumbling hornet's nest with small stones, maybe it will fall to the ground and shatter into pieces.

The sky has been covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, completely blocking the sun.

Black and red lightning danced wildly, and tsunamis caused by air waves one after another hit the land, destroying all the small islands and coastal cities.

The whole planet is whining!
Below the battlefield between the two, Wukong is getting uglier and uglier.

I couldn't help shouting loudly: "Brother! Find a way to make him stop!"

He could feel that the Earth was now irreparably damaged, and it was getting worse as the two fought.

But facing the current Lu Yan and Qi Yu, Wukong has no ability to intervene in the battle, so he can only count on Lu Yan to solve Qi Yu's problem.

Unfortunately, with Qiyu's hatred for Lu Yan, there is no possibility of stopping.

What Wukong responded was another explosion that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The sky trembled, and Qiyu suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yan. His fist was so fast that it hit Lu Yan like a bright fireball.

The shocking and incomparable air wave suddenly erupted, and the sky and the earth shattered!

In Qiyu's eyes, everything seemed unimportant.

He just wanted to get rid of this demon Lu Yan now, no matter how much he paid.

After one punch, Lu Yan's figure drew a brilliant trajectory in the sky and fell into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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