Chapter 663
The handsome man shook his head amusedly, his blood-red eyes flashed brightly.

"Stop wasting time with you."

Before the words fell, the handsome man seemed to have the ability to fly, and disappeared without any warning.

A distance of more than ten meters passed between the two.

Lu Yan stood on the spot without any defensive action.

From the handsome man's point of view, it was as if Lu Yan had no time to react because he was too fast.

"too weak!"

A sharp claw with a bloody afterimage slashed across Lu Yan's body, causing a short whistling sound.

The handsome man stared.

It doesn't feel right!

His sharp claws have cut countless bodies, and he is very familiar with the feeling of tearing muscle tissue.

But this time, the tactile feedback from the sharp claws told him that it was no different from grabbing a cloud of air.

The handsome man walked away at the touch of a button, taking the initiative to put a safe distance away.

"what happened?"

He knew that the top reincarnators would definitely have powerful rule-based abilities, but under the influence of the restricted missions, those rule-based abilities should not be able to be brought into play.

Why does it feel like the restricted task has no effect on Lu Yan?
Lu Yan has no obligation to answer questions.

He took the initiative to meet him, his figure was like an elegant flying bird, it was difficult to judge his movement trajectory, and he was extremely agile.

There was a muffled sound, and before the handsome man could react, a heavy punch hit his abdomen.

The speed was too fast, the handsome man couldn't stop it, and he couldn't accurately judge the opponent's movement.

He could only protect his vitals as much as possible, trying to overcome Lu Yan's counterattack.

But Lu Yan's punches were getting heavier and heavier, each punch was heavier than the next, as if there was no end to the storm, and he was about to beat him to death on the spot.

Now the handsome man began to fear.

He didn't expect such a powerful reincarnation to appear at this stage.

Earl Horst is bitter.

You know, as the earl of the blood clan, he is equivalent to a junior warrior-level powerhouse in horizontal comparison.

So far, only a few of the reincarnations have broken through the threshold of the warrior class.

Not to mention the existence of restricted tasks.

In his opinion, even if he is facing those warrior-level reincarnators whose strength is limited to less than [-]%, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

So Earl Horst originally came to do his best with the mentality of bullying the natives.

Who would have expected to meet such a freak as Lu Yan.

Now it seems that if there are no other accidents, he will die directly in this place.

"Damn it, don't you limit the mission?!"

Earl Horst endured the severe pain in his body and roared angrily.

"There are missions to limit power in the real world, but there are..."

While swinging his fist and hammering violently, Lu Yan still had time to answer the question: "However, I have killed one of the starry sky races of your level a long time ago."

When the elite at the Banquet Hotel screened the copy, he had fought a ghost general.

At that time, he still needed to rely on the increase of Death Gate to fight against the warrior-level powerhouse.

After so many times of strengthening, now he has reached the warrior level in terms of his physical fitness alone.

Even without the use of boosting methods such as dead gate and super race transformation, it can steadily beat the warrior-level blood clan.

Of course, the most important point is that he can ignore the restricted tasks of the reincarnation system.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy under normal circumstances.

Earl Horst no longer cared about limiting missions.

He was only shocked by...

Lu Yan had actually beheaded a warrior-level powerhouse before.

What kind of monsters are there among this year's reincarnation? !

You know, he has understood the basic situation, and he knows that Lu Yan's own reincarnation level is not high.

Lu Yan shook his hand, and stopped his violent beating.

He said with a smile: "Don't be so surprised, it's very difficult to complete the training task without any strength."

"Wait...wait a minute."

Earl Horst finally had a chance to breathe, and quickly waved his hand at Lu Yan, saying: "There should be no deep hatred between us, right? You must be curious about the situation in the starry sky. My name is Horst Demir, The Horst family I belong to is one of the oldest families in the blood family, Xing Kong has no secrets in front of Horst, as long as you spare my life, I can tell you everything you are curious about."

Earl Horst uttered a long paragraph like a cannonball, afraid that Lu Yan would hit him again if he spoke too slowly.

Lu Yan kept silent, just looked at Earl Horst with a smile.

He had such a smiling expression when he hammered himself. It was difficult for Earl Horst to see his specific thoughts from Lu Yan's expression.

asked hesitantly.

"You... what do you think?"

After Lu Yan was silent for two seconds, he calmly said softly, "I'm just wondering if you are worth a card."

There are only dozens of cards in the magic sealing box, and before you know it, a lot of them have been used up.

When you realize that you need to save it, the number of blank cards is running out.

Earl Horst didn't understand what Lu Yan meant by the card, so he could only stare at him in bewilderment.

Lu Yan rubbed Earl Horst's head habitually, lost in thought.

He is not ignorant of the starry sky either. In the elite selection dungeon of Yucai Experimental Middle School, he happened to know about the existence of the Blood Clan from the teacher of the Law Clan.

The overall strength of the blood race is not considered weak, but looking at the entire starry sky, the blood race is not considered the top group.

And this blood clan named Horst Demir will be sent to do this kind of work, and obviously his status in the family is not much higher.

That is, an unranked member of an unranked race.

The secrets to understand are limited no matter how you think about it.

Its own combat power is also hip, and it is not worthy of the qualification to be made into a summoned beast.

"I just have a question, are you the only guest from the starry sky in the plan to seize the portal this time?"

Hearing Lu Yan's question, Earl Horst nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

I also felt that this kind of answer could not highlight my own value, so I quickly added.

"Because the big clans in the starry sky like the immortals, Buddhas, and gods don't look down on a mere resource planet, and this is a planet under the control of the reincarnation system. They touch the eyebrows of the reincarnation system for a resource planet. Those big families seem to be losing more than they gain."

Earl Horst explained carefully, while observing Lu Yan's expression.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Those big clans are not willing to take action, how dare you?"

(End of this chapter)

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