The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 671 The Ancient Temple

Chapter 671 The Ancient Temple
In fact, Lu Yan may not know as much as Ye Fan.

So naturally he wouldn't say much.

However, in his opinion, the mysterious dragon corpse and bronze coffin took a lot of trouble to come to such a desert planet.

Maybe want to do something.

Of course, it is also possible that this planet is a transit station.

Have to look again.

The other students were not as calm as Lu Yan, and seemed panicked.

The main reason is that the environment outside the coffin is really different from what they imagined.

It is all reddish-brown soil and gravel, and there are only a few protruding rocks on the open ground.

From their point of view, they should be on Mount Tai now. How could they come out after being locked in the bronze coffin for a while and become like this now.

Many people are pale.

Everything in front of me is like another strange world.

Even the male students are full of strong anxiety and fear.

"I think you should go and appease your classmates, you see they are all terrified."

Lu Yan smiled and said to Ye Fan beside him.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yan stepped forward.

Ye Fan was slightly taken aback, but did not leave Lu Yan's side.

He wanted to see what Lu Yan would do now.

Facing the unknown, apart from fear, will also make some people have the desire to explore.

"Let's go ahead and explore together, shall we?"

Someone suggested.

The rest of the people did not object.

It's not that I want to find anything, but I simply don't want to stay next to the bronze coffin.

After all, facing nine hundred-meter-long dragon corpses and a huge bronze coffin made them a little uneasy.

Besides, staying here is actually useless, this is obviously not on Mount Tai, and there will be no rescue team if you continue to stay here.

Don't forget, they are actually here to climb the mountain. Except for some people who carry a few pieces of chocolate to supplement their physical strength, they have no other food.

If they don't find a food source soon, they won't last long with so many of them.

Soon, the students reached a consensus and collectively went to explore the distant light source.

When the students started to move forward, Lu Yan had already climbed a boulder.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo followed closely behind.

"These three guys."

Liu Yunzhi was a little upset. In his opinion, in the face of such an unknown event, he should discuss everything with everyone.

"Hey, there's writing on it here."

Pangbo pointed to the boulder and said.

Hearing Pangbo's words, the people following behind also quickened their pace and leaned over to check the situation.

After all, there are words, which means that there are people here, or there were people here.

Lu Yan looked at the light source in the distance, but didn't go over to join in the fun.

He had already seen it when he passed by just now.

The handwriting on the boulder is Zhong Dingwen. Although he hasn't used it for a long time, he does recognize it.


Ye Fan recognized these two words, and his heart was shocked.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and glanced at Lu Yan.

"What do you mean?"

"Is Yinghuo a place?"

Most people don't know the meaning of these two words.

Zhou Yi, an elegant-looking man in the crowd, turned pale when he heard Ye Fan's words, and murmured: "The fire is shining, we are confused... We really have no way to go back."

Another man named Wang Ziwen explained: "In ancient times, people called Mars Yinghuo."

"That means we are on Mars now? Are we no longer on Earth?!"

As soon as this guess came out, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe this fact.

Some people tried to refute it, but both the surrounding scene and the geological environment seemed to confirm this point.

After confirming this situation, many female students broke down emotionally.

Originally, when they didn't know where this was, they could still count on whether a rescue team would show up.

But if they are really on Mars now, everything can only depend on themselves.

When everyone was in despair, Ye Fan and Pang Bo remained calm.

And Lu Yan has continued to appear forward.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo also noticed Lu Yan's movements. They looked at each other and followed.

"Ye Fan and the others are leaving."

A classmate called out a reminder.

Liu Yunzhi became more and more upset, and scolded angrily: "What are these three guys doing? You don't know anything now, and they are still running around?"

Everyone was a little hesitant to continue exploring like Ye Fan and the others.

After all, it has been confirmed that they are on Mars. With them, it is impossible to go back. Some people have even sat down on the ground in frustration and started to mess up.

Of course, the desire to survive is a biological instinct, and more students are still unwilling to wait for death like this, so they have to do something.

The students also followed in the direction Lu Yan left one after another.

The sky had already darkened, and two bright moons hung high in the sky.

At this time, Lu Yan had come to a ruined wall.

This should have been a huge building complex originally, but it has now become ruins.

For Lu Yan, it was already confirmed that this was an extraordinary world, so he wouldn't be too surprised to see these buildings.

Did not choose to stop, but continued to move forward.

However, his behavior fell into the eyes of Pang Bo and Ye Fan, as if he knew that there were buildings here.

Pang Bo poked Ye Fan with his finger, and said in a low voice, "Who is this guy? Why do I feel that he is not like an ordinary person?"

"I don't know either, but..."

Ye Fan watched Lu Yan's back: "I guess he should know something."

The students who followed them were a little excited after seeing the ruins.

Such a piece of buildings on Mars, I don't know how many years ago, made them have a lot of conjectures related to gods.

After Lu Yan walked out of the ruins, he stopped.

Because not far in front of him, an ancient temple appeared.

This is the only intact building I have seen so far, and there is still a little light flickering inside.

In front of the ancient temple, there is a vigorous old linden tree standing quietly, and there are five or six crisp green leaves on the linden tree.

In such a dead desert, it seemed very abnormal.

But Lu Yan didn't care about this.

He was looking thoughtfully at the land below the ancient temple.

The life perception provided by Symmetra told him that there was some kind of huge breath of life under the ancient temple.

Lu Yan noticed that the inscription on the plaque of the ancient temple was also Zhong Ding Wen, meaning Daleiyin Temple.

The name of this ancient temple made him a little puzzled.

He has known about the Great Leiyin Temple, and strictly speaking, he even destroyed it in the low-profile prehistoric version of Journey to the West.

"How can there be such an ancient temple?"

The rest of the people also came here one after another. After seeing this ancient temple, they couldn't hide their surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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