Chapter 676 Vibrant
"Omniscient and omnipotent? Or move mountains and fill seas? Do you think these are gods?"

Lu Yan asked back.

Ye Fan pursed his lips, not knowing where to start.

As modern people, they hardly believe in the existence of God, but now they have to face it.

It seems easier to accept that God is a more powerful being.

Pang Bo's eyes moved back and forth between Ye Fan and Lu Yan.

Obviously, after separating from them, Ye Fan must have seen something.

Lu Yan noticed that Ye Fan was speechless, chuckled, and said, "Maybe the gods are a race, maybe they evolved from humans, but does it matter? When you have no power, no matter how much you know, you can change." Nothing."

Ye Fan lost his mind for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although Pang Bo was full of doubts, he did not choose to interrupt Ye Fan's thoughts at this time.

After a while, Ye Fan seemed to have figured it out, and asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment.

"I want to know... With your ability, can you return to Earth now?"

Ye Fan is not married yet, but he actually has parents.

He couldn't imagine how sad his parents would be when they heard the news of his disappearance.

Hear the question.

"It's easy for me."

Lu Yan nodded, thinking of what Crocodile Zu had told him, and then added: "Actually, it's not called the Earth, it should have been called Zandi Star."

A trace of confusion flashed in Ye Fan's eyes.

Emperor Burying Star?Which emperor was buried?
It sounds like the planet that raised them seems to have many secrets hidden in the mist.

"who the hell are you?"

Pangbo also understood.

Although he didn't know why, Ye Fan obviously didn't treat Lu Yan as an ordinary person in his words.

Combined with the series of events that happened today, Pangbo probably guessed about what happened after they left the crowd.

"What are you talking about? Everyone is tired."

A female classmate named Li Changqing suddenly yelled at Lu Yan and the three of them, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she buckled everyone's hat.

In fact, few people can sleep peacefully. Liu Yunzhi just saw that Ye Fan was upset, and deliberately asked Li Changqing to pick things up.

Who knew that Ye Fan didn't even look at Li Changqing, and said directly to Liu Yunzhi: "I'm not in the mood to play intrigue with you right now."

Although the tone was calm, it made Liu Yunzhi feel a little flustered.

Realizing that he was overwhelmed by Ye Fan's words, Liu Yunzhi's expression suddenly darkened: "What did you say?"

"Everyone calm down."

Seeing that the conflict was about to escalate, Zhou Yi took the initiative to stand up as a peacemaker: "After going through such a thing, everyone's emotions must be a little unstable, but we can only survive if we help each other."

Lu Yan watched with a smile on his face, without expressing any opinion.

For him, this is nothing more than a way to pass the boring fun of the journey.

Ye Fan suddenly made a silent gesture, and then slowly walked towards the four-meter-long bronze coffin in the center.

As if hearing something, he involuntarily reached out and stroked the bronze coffin.

It is covered with patina and rust, engraved with a large number of patterns, exuding a simple and vicissitudes of life.

Everyone watched him standing motionless in front of the bronze coffin, with doubts on his face, not knowing what happened.

It was clear that one second it seemed like they were about to fight, but the next second they suddenly turned their heads to touch the coffin.

Pang Bo wanted to go forward and pull Ye Fan away. After all, he was leaning on the bronze coffin, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. No matter how he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

However, when Pangbo came to Ye Fan's side, he found that his expression looked calm, he hesitated for a while, and did not choose to act rashly.

Lu Yan also walked over curiously, and walked around the coffin.

He was pretty sure that there was no life in the bronze coffin.

So Ye Fan's state is more like an epiphany than a bewitched state.

Lu Yan stretched out his hand and stroked his chin, thoughtfully.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the protagonist of this experience world, and he can have adventures casually.

It took nearly an hour for Ye Fan to wake up.

He stared at the bronze coffin in front of him with ecstasy, and said to himself: "The way of heaven has damaged more than enough and made up for it..."

Just when Lu Yan was about to ask, the whole bronze coffin suddenly shook violently, shaking everyone in the coffin to this side.

They experienced this feeling when Nine Dragons Coffin arrived at Mars, so no matter how violent the shaking was, everyone didn't panic too much. They knew that Nine Dragons Coffin had arrived at the station.

After a final roar, the shaking stopped.

The coffin lid of the bronze coffin deviated from its position and slid aside, and bright light came in through this gap.

At this moment, many people burst into tears and shouted without image.

It is no longer as desolate as Mars.

It's a vibrant new world.

The air smells of earth.

These survivors scrambled out of the bronze coffin, and what they saw was magnificent and beautiful.

The grass is green and the mountains rise one after another.

Compared with the dead Mars and the dim bronze coffin, such a scene is even more precious.

Someone wept with joy on the spot, lying on the ground and kissing the green grass.

Lu Yan walked out unhurriedly, looked at the scene, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It turns out that this is the world of experience."

Because after the bronze coffin fell to the ground, his training tasks were finally revealed.

Before that, it has always been closed.


There was a deafening roar from the cliff below the bronze coffin.

Then the nine dragon corpses and the bronze coffins slid down the cliff slowly, the speed of sliding became faster and faster, and finally it became like falling, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Except for Lu Yan, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

In their view, if they didn't rush out immediately, they would probably fall into the cliff together with the bronze coffin.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there was a huge roar from the bottom of the cliff just now.

Just the roar makes everyone's ears buzzing now. It's hard to imagine how terrifying the creature that made this sound would be?
"Let's get out of here quickly."

"Yeah, what if the thing under the cliff runs up?"

Everyone looked shocked.

Who knows what kind of terrifying monsters will exist on the road walked by the gods.

However, to everyone's surprise, not only did Lu Yan not stay away, but he stepped on the ground and jumped towards the cliff.

"What is he doing?"

Everyone looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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