The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 685 I Have Malice

Chapter 685 I Have Malice
Listening to Lu Yan's description, everyone present fell into silence.

In fact, although the name of the Nine Secrets is huge, most people actually don't know the detailed effects of the Nine Secrets.

It was only by chance that Jiang Yifei learned about some of the effects of the Nine Secrets.

He compared it in his mind, and was surprised to realize that what Lu Yan said seemed to be true.

Ye Fan, who stood aside and had no sense of presence, was the first to learn about the so-called Nine Secrets.

If the effect is really the same as the description, then these nine secret techniques can be called immortal techniques.

This made Ye Fan's heart flutter.

A fierce light flashed in Jiang Yichen's eyes, who was sitting on the five-colored beast.

He still didn't believe that what Lu Yan held was the complete Nine Secrets.

You must know that except for the emperor, almost no one can get together the nine secrets.

Will this guy who looks like a beggar be the emperor?

This is not a joke.

Of course, although he didn't believe it, he was still a little curious about what the jade slip in Lu Yan's hand was.

He winked at the knight beside him.

The knight understood, directly sacrificed a psychic weapon, and shot at Lu Yan fiercely.

Because the attack was too sudden, the leader Jiang Yifei didn't seem to have time to react.


Ye Fan had been secretly paying attention to Jiang Yichen, but now he saw the knight making a move and couldn't help shouting a reminder.

The psychic weapon flashed across the street like a blue lightning, and the terrifying destructive force drew a huge gully on the ground.

The blue lightning-like psychic weapon slashed through Lu Yan's body, but as if it hadn't touched anything, it passed by Lu Yan and hit the house behind him, causing a burst of smoke and dust to explode.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was very surprised.

If it is said that this attack will be carried out head-on, perhaps these knights of the Jiang family will not think it is a big deal.

After all, in Huanggu Jiang's family, the strong who can withstand this kind of attack can be called a crucian carp crossing the river.

But directly ignoring it like Lu Yan does now means something different.

"Jiang Yichen!"

Jiang Yifei scolded in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

He looks elegant, but he is very prestigious among the group. Even Jiang Yichen, who has always been cynical, dare not refute him directly.

After Jiang Yifei finished scolding, he turned around and smiled at Lu Yan: "My friend, Jiang Yichen was spoiled by the elders at home, please don't take offense."

It is no exaggeration to say that if it were an ordinary Lunhai realm monk, he would definitely be cut off in one fell swoop.

Although Jiang Yifei spoke harshly to Jiang Yichen, he wanted to expose it directly.

After all, he was a disciple of the Jiang family, so Jiang Yifei still had to protect him.

However, Lu Yan seemed to have no such thing, with a kind smile on his face.

"It's okay, is there a deal?"

Jiang Yifei was not indecisive either, he smiled and said, "If the jade slip in your hand records the Nine Secrets, then of course it can be traded."

Using the four-pole volume of the "Hengyu Jing" to exchange for a kind of nine secrets is about to let those clan elders come, and they will exchange as many as they have.

"What kind?"

The smile on Lu Yan's face became brighter and brighter.

"Dou Zi Mi."

Jiang Yifei was very decisive.

He knew the effect of the Douzi secret. At the beginning, there was an amazingly talented elder in their clan who possessed this kind of secret technique. Unfortunately, that elder disappeared later.

At this time, those knights had surrounded Lu Yan calmly.

Lu Yan's face remained unchanged, and he threw a jade slip into Jiang Yifei's hand.

Jiang Yifei threw his consciousness into the jade slip, and after a while, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

Even he was a little restless.

"'s really a Douzi secret?!"

Who would have thought that in a practice desert like Yandi, there is actually a mysterious guy selling the Nine Secrets.

It's almost as incredible as selling nukes in school.

The scariest thing is that they are still selling real nuclear bombs.

The next moment, everyone looked at the other eight jade slips in Lu Yan's hand at the same time, their gazes were extremely hot.

"The old man is innocent."

Lu Yan smiled lightly, then stretched out a palm, motioning for them to hand him the four-pole volume of the "Hengyu Jing".

A middle-aged knight looked at Jiang Yifei.

Obviously letting him make a decision.

Such a weighty secret technique, if you finally come across it, can you let it go?
If God does not take, you will be blamed instead!
Jiang Yifei took two deep breaths.

Finally, he suppressed the greed in his heart and regained part of his sanity.

His first reaction was to grab the other eight secret techniques.

However, since this mysterious person dared to sell the Nine Secrets in a big way, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no support.

In their group, there was no powerful elder following them.

I'm afraid that if I don't grab it, I will be wiped out by the group instead.

He finally chose the safest way, and immediately rushed back to report to the family, and let the elders of the family handle the matter.

Jiang Yifei shook his head, took out a copy of the quadrupole scroll and handed it to Lu Yan.

He said sincerely: "My friend, I wonder if you would like to come back to Jiang's house with us, maybe we can conduct a few more transactions, don't worry, we have no malicious intentions."

Lu Yan did not reply to Jiang Yifei immediately. He was relieved to see that the number of transactions in the training mission had finally reached zero.

Then he slowly raised his head, and his eyes swept over several young members of the Jiang family.

"Sorry, I have malicious intentions."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he said, "Now that the transaction has been completed, let's calculate the price of taking action against me."

After the words fell, he put away both the Nine Secrets Jade Slips and the "Hengyu Jing".

A thick bloody smell spread from his body, and everyone present was shocked.

Jiang Yifei's smile froze on his face, he shook the Nine Secrets Jade Slips in his hand, and said in a somewhat awkward tone: "My friend, what do you mean?"

Lu Yan didn't answer.

He walked towards Jiang Yichen on his own.

His speed was not fast, but every step seemed to be stepping on Jiang Yichen's heart, carrying an indescribably terrifying pressure.

"You...what do you want to do? We are the Huanggu Jiang family! If you dare to attack me, there is no place for you in the entire Eastern Wilderness!"

Jiang Yichen's body tensed up, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

The knights present were also ready to attack at any time, and they would rush forward when Jiang Yifei gave an order.

However, it was Jiang Yichen who was the first to be unable to bear such pressure, and flew in the opposite direction by driving the strange beast.

The strange beasts under the seat kept running, wishing to return to Huanggu Jiang's house immediately.

"There is no escape."

Lu Yan controlled Qu Renzhiwei's attack range, and precisely targeted the strange beast under Jiang Yichen's seat.

The strange beast roared and threw Jiang Yichen off on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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