The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 697 Face the Supreme

Chapter 697 Face the Supreme
The ink dragon raised by the halberd crashed down, covering Lu Yan and An Pu and others behind him.

The projections of Huadao old man and another middle-aged man dissipated invisible like soap bubbles.

boom! ! !
The huge black dragon swept across, creating a deafening roar as if the sky was falling apart.

The original black mountain peak was erased on the spot, making this place a source of destruction.

Amidst the roar, the laws of the emperor's way burst forward, and the vast ocean of divine power continued to boil, intending to kill all the living beings here.

Although An Bo and those servants are all in the realm of ancient sages.

However, compared with the existence of Emperor Shi, who is the best even among the supreme beings, the gap is still unreasonable.

He couldn't even persist for a while, and was wiped away like a rotten one.

But Lu Yan still stood intact in place, no matter how agitated by the divine power around him, he naturally had a kind of detached elegance.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Shi frowned gradually.

"Is this the law of space? Or something else?"

Lu Yan rushed straight out of Molong's attack range, bloody red steam erupted all over his body, and in an instant he came in front of the Stone Emperor and punched him out.

In desperation, Emperor Shi threw the halberd horizontally, trying to block Lu Yan's fist.

But something weird happened.

Lu Yan's fist was like an illusion, it passed through the halberd easily, and hit the stone emperor's chest firmly.

After a sound of gold and stone colliding, Shihuang backed up a few meters, and his legs drew two deep marks on the ground.

The corner of Stone Emperor's mouth was bleeding, and his face became serious.

"What is this..."

The Wrath of Wronged Souls attached to the attack was launched accordingly.

But at least he is a character who has dominated the world, with such a firm mind, he returned to normal after a short period of confusion, and it seemed that he was not affected by the ravings of the wronged soul at all.

Compared with the ability of raving about injustice, what he needs to solve is Lu Yan's unselectable state.

Shi Huang was strong all his life, and he had fought against the powerful emperors such as Ruan Ren, Wu Shi, and Kong Kong, but now he was suppressed by an unknown pawn, he couldn't accept it.

"Do you think you can run wild in my Immortal Mountain with this weird ability?"

At his level, there is nothing he doesn't understand, and there is nothing he doesn't understand. He can guess the general situation just by looking at it.

Even if you can't understand how this is done in a short time, there is still no big problem in responding.

The Stone Emperor waved his halberd, which caused a huge hum, as if all the sun, moon and stars were resonating with it and glowing.

Lu Yan calmly punched again.

This time, however, the halberd managed to hit him.

The sea of ​​surging divine power surged, submerging Lu Yan in an instant.

He suffered a heavy blow, his muscles were torn, and his body was about to be destroyed.

Lu Yan broke out decisively and entered the Super Race state, using this sudden burst of power to escape from this ocean of divine power.


He exhaled lightly, glanced at the self-healing body, and stopped paying attention.

He just looked at Shi Huang with doubts on his face.

With the existence of "No Self", all of Lu Yan's abilities are equivalent to passive, unless he deliberately suppresses the effect, otherwise they are all in an active state.

He was obviously in a serious dodge state just now, why was he hit?
"You are indeed not weak, and that kind of secret technique is also amazing."

Sensing Lu Yan's pure power superimposed at the same time as the Dead Gate and Super Race state at this time, Shi Huang's tone softened a little: "You can crack it as long as you cross time."

He didn't want to fight to the death with such a strong man when the road to immortality was about to open.

Indeed, he still didn't understand what was going on in Lu Yan's state.

However, as a former emperor, the two powers of time and space are no strangers to him.

The reason for being able to hit Lu Yan is also very simple. Since it is impossible to hit the current Lu Yan, it is only necessary to hit the future Lu Yan.

It doesn't need to be too far into the future, as long as it is 1 minute in advance, or even a dozen seconds.

In other words, it wasn't Lu Yan who was attacked by Emperor Shi, so serious dodging would not work.

It was fine if Emperor Shi didn't explain, but after explaining, Lu Yan became even more confused.

In his impression, the Lord of the Undead Mountain was not as threatening as the Lord of the Ancient Forbidden Land.

Even Stone Emperor can think of a way to crack it, why can't that Desolate Lord?
Or, did the desolate owner do it on purpose?

"Your secret technique is useless."

Stone Emperor stomped on the ground with a halberd in his hand: "Leave the Hengyu Sacred Furnace, and I allow you to leave."

Lu Yan's train of thought was interrupted, and he was not in a hurry to think about Huangzhu's matter.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I prefer to punch to the flesh."

The pale golden air swirl surrounding his body became more and more boiling, burning like a flame, and at the same time, electric arcs began to jump around.

Super Saiyan II!

The terrifying power seems to be condensed into substance, and this space seems to be unable to bear such a heavy power, and begins to collapse.

In fact, Lu Yan noticed that the strength of the space in each experience world is actually different.

Although the power level of the Shrouding World is very high, the space can be easily torn apart.

Seeing that Lu Yan had no intention of retreating at all, Emperor Shi's face became a little ugly.

After all, he is not a mature man, and his blood is limited. Even if he is not fully sublimated, he will not be able to last long in an overly intense battle.

However, this kind of character lacks everything, except that it is impossible to lack courage.

"Then die!"

"Sacrifice the Immortal with my Emperor's blood!"

Before the words fell, the stone emperor was bleeding all over his body, and before the emperor's blood fell to the ground, it was roaring and burning, making a roar.

This universe is ignited, and both time and space are within the scope of his forbidden secret technique.

Live sacrifice to immortals, as can be seen from the name of this trick, it was created to deal with real immortals in the world one day.

Use your own blood and life as an introduction to sacrifice the enemy.

A divine chain of order protruded from the void, wrapping around Lu Yan's body, and the terrifying law wanted to burn him.

Realizing that Emperor Shi had used such desperate moves, the depths of the Undead Mountain were completely surprised.

"The Emperor Stone is ruthless."

"What is the origin of this person?"

"I can't see it. In terms of combat power, it seems to be an alternative enlightenment."

"Hehe, what if the Stone Emperor falls?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Although Shihuang is the master of Undead Mountain, the supreme beings who proclaim themselves here cannot become subordinates.

On the contrary, these surviving supremes actually wished that there would be fewer competitors.

After all, when Dacheng Saint Body came to cut off a piece of Undead Mountain, no Supreme came out to stop it.

As long as you don't threaten yourself, it is impossible to ask them to help.

At most, I hope that Emperor Shi will restrain himself and not destroy the Undead Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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