Chapter 701 Desperate
This big black dog that can spout people's words actually has an unusual origin, but it's a pity that the frontal combat power is very weak.

It can only be said that Ye Fan is worthy of being the son of luck in this world, and even though he has been hunted down, he can still make many friends.

At this time, the young people who followed Ye Fan were quite good-looking, and they were all descendants of the big bandits.

"I can't help it, the Mother Qi Cauldron is too rare."

Another young man beside Ye Fan sighed helplessly.

You must know that Ye Fan's Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things is the top fairy material enough to grow into an extreme emperor soldier.

The preciousness of the Jidao Emperor's Armament need not be repeated, no one is not envious, after all, even most of the holy places and supreme religions do not have such a real background.

But Ye Fan, a little monk, owns such treasures, it is no different from a child holding gold and silver in the market.

"Don't act rashly, see who else will come."

In this situation, Ye Fan remained calm.

Lead a group of people to continue walking to the central area of ​​the ancient city.

It has been several years since I took the Kowloon coffin to the Big Dipper Starfield, counting the time spent studying in Lingxu Cave.

He has grown from a boy to a young man again, and he has a deeper understanding of the Big Dipper Star Region, a place where the strong are respected.

Ye Fan had actually heard about Lu Yan's commotion.

I thought I had a real backer, but I didn't expect to hear the news that Lu Yan had fallen in the Undead Mountain a year ago.

This made him helpless and regretful, but at the same time raised his vigilance towards the world.

Of course, he didn't throw away the Flying Thunder God Kunai that Lu Yan gave him before.

After all, in his opinion, Lu Yan and they all came here from the earth, so they are no matter what they are from the same hometown.

And he took good care of him back then, even if such a relic of an old man was useless, he had no intention of throwing it away.

"Are you really not going to shake off those tails? I'm worried that someone will not be able to resist."

Li Heishui frowned and suggested.

There are more and more people with malicious intentions gathering, which is a very dangerous sign.

"It's okay."

Ye Fan acted as if he didn't see the people behind them, and said with a smile: "I want to see who is the most impatient to kill me and win the tripod."

In fact, Ye Fan is really not too panicked now.

Although he is not even in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm now, any great power can directly snatch the cauldron of all things from his hands.

But now, apart from various major religions and holy places, even casual cultivators want a piece of the action.

So far, I have seen casual cultivators at the half-step powerful level show up.

It is precisely because of the current mixed situation that no one will be the first to stand out in broad daylight, and instead fall into a weird balance.

However, Li Heishui, Jiang Huairen, the descendants of the big bandits, couldn't maintain such a relaxed posture like Ye Fan.

"Little Ye Zi, are you sure you want to continue walking like this?"

Everyone recommends taking a break from the limelight.

Ye Fan secretly glanced at the big black dog, and decided to tell everyone his plan.

"I have prepared a killing array for them."

As the big black dog who once followed Wushi Great, he can arrange many formations.

Although the formations arranged by the big black dog are prone to errors, and it is very troublesome if there are errors in the teleportation formation, but if you kill the formation, even if there is a mistake, it is nothing more than a weakened lethality.

Hearing this, the big black dog grinned.

After all, arranging a killing array is too exhausting.

However, after Ye Fan took out a holy fruit, the big black dog slapped his chest, expressing that he would complete the task successfully.

Ye Fan looked back at Fan's surroundings, nodded, and said, "It's right here."

The group of them did not continue to move, so they rented a yard and lived in it.

Except for the big black dog, they didn't dabble in any formations, so they simply waited quietly, watching the big black dog busy.

Just after everyone stayed here, more and more powerful people followed in the past few days.

With half a step of power, the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter have all appeared.

There were even auras of real powerhouses appearing, which was beyond Ye Fan's expectations.

He is not afraid of half-step power, but power is a real heavyweight, and most of the holy masters of the holy land are of this level.

Although he was worried that the big black dog's killing array would not be able to threaten Da Neng, but the matter was at this point, and there was no other way.

"People from the Jiang family are here too."

Jiang Huairen has strong eyesight, and he can capture his true face even from a long distance.

But when he said the news, his tone seemed a little annoyed.

Although he is a descendant of Da Kou, that Da Kou was actually a disciple of the Jiang family at the beginning, but he left the Huanggu Jiang family on his own initiative a long time ago.

Ye Fan was neither happy nor sad.

"The news that the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things has returned to me was released by the Jiang family. It's normal for them to come."

"The Jiang Family's Hengyu Sacred Furnace was taken away by Senior Lu, and later left in the Undead Mountain. I heard that the Jiang Family has always sent people into the Undead Mountain to find out about the situation."

Li Heizi took it for granted: "The ancient family that once mastered the extreme emperor's weapon must not be able to tolerate losing the extreme emperor's weapon. Little Yezi's All Things Mother Qi Cauldron is the most suitable substitute."

This is not whimsical.

It is rumored that the dragon-patterned black gold tripod in the Yaoguang Holy Land was forged by 28 sages, countless holy masters and elders in the Yaoguang Holy Land after [-] years.

As for whether there are any secrets in this, probably only the high-level officials of the Holy Land of Shaking Light know.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

The night is like water, full of stars.

At this moment, the entire ancient city is very quiet, but everyone knows that there will be killings tonight.

Those who coveted the motherly spirit of all things seemed to have reached a certain consensus. Everyone appeared in the sky in tacit understanding, and slowly approached the small courtyard where Ye Fan and his party stayed.

Ye Fan stood calmly on the roof, carefully identifying who came.

The young leaders of the Holy Land, such as Wanchu Shengzi, Dayan Shengzi, Zifu Shengzi, etc., have shown their real bodies. For the younger generation who intend to compete, such fairy materials as the mother of all things are very important. Call it a fatal temptation.

"There is also the ancient killer god dynasty, and even the Golden Family from the Northern Territory has come. The lineup is strong."

Wu Zhongtian stood in the courtyard and said with emotion.

"Heihuang, try to wait for everyone to come in, and then start the endless killing array."

Ye Fan's tone was still so calm.

But the big black dog was not so calm, and squinted at Ye Fan, very unhappy.

"Damn it, you still want to let everyone in, do you know how dangerous the emperor's situation is?"

As it got closer to the small courtyard, the atmosphere became more dull and depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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