Chapter 717

Lu Yan stood up, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, even though his body was still stained with mud, he looked extraordinarily detached.

He raised his hand and pressed his temple, and then slowly returned to the familiar kind eyes.

"Integrity" is in effect.

He could feel his brain become extraordinarily clear.

It's like waking up after taking a nap, looking out of the sunny window, feeling refreshed.

No drowsiness from less sleep, nor groggy after too much sleep.

At this time, the thinking is extremely clear.

After taking a look at the plants and trees in front of me, it was as if I had taken a photo and stored it in my mind, which is truly unforgettable.

"Is this the feeling of adding a little intelligence?"

Lu Yan looked at his hands thoughtfully.

He didn't need to specifically confirm that he could confirm that his elevated attribute was intelligence.

After all, he has no intelligence.

However, he has also learned about the attribute of intelligence, which was introduced in detail in the strategy written by Bai Buqian.

Strength, life, and intellect.

Among these three basic attributes, strength and life are easy to understand.

Intelligence, on the other hand, is actually more like spiritual power.

In game terms, it's like spell power combined with the mana bar.

More or less, it will also enhance one's own IQ. Of course, how much can be added varies from person to person.

From this point of view, "Wu Que" is indeed a passive skill.

Although it can also be used as an attack method, it is not as good as the God of Death's will that has been strengthened many times.

The really powerful point is the passive effect.

Directly raising the weakest attribute to be the same as the strongest attribute is equivalent to spending a lot of attribute points for nothing.

The stronger the strongest attribute, the stronger the weakest attribute.

He is quite satisfied with the effect of this human clan township technique.

Moreover, Lu Yan has noticed that whether it is "Wu-Se" or "Wu Que", these two kinds of human clan-suppressing skills seem to belong to the kind of ability that the stronger the strength itself is, the more amazing the effect of the increase will be.

If you give a township skill like this to an ordinary person, it's not even as useful as giving two purple abilities directly.

This made Lu Yan more interested in other human clan skills.

Of course, it would be more interesting if there is no need to carry the stele before the seal is lifted.

Lu Yan looked up at the meteors that kept passing by in the sky.

At first he thought it was a rare meteor shower, but after careful observation, he realized that these were all stars.

An extraterrestrial star that was shaken down by some force!

This is a very shocking scene.

He stepped down and flew into the air.

I looked around, and soon found something unusual.

Even from an unknown distance, one could clearly see the huge crack as if the sky had split open.

Immortal light constantly gushes out from the big crack.

Moreover, all the forbidden areas of life are full of gods, as if the entire Big Dipper Star Territory is undergoing changes.

Lu Yan looked in the direction of the big crack and pursed his lips.

"Where... seems to be the direction of the ancient forbidden land?"


"The right time, the right place, is now!"

"The fairy road is wide open, let's go in!"

The roar of the ancient supreme made the stars and rivers in the sky tremble, and many big stars shattered.

In the rumbling sound, there is a fairy sound.

There are huge dharma appearances that have spread outside the territory. It is difficult to say the exact number of these dharma appearances, but each dharma appearance contains a supreme way.

These are the ancient supreme beings, they are repairing the Dao fruit, restoring their combat power, and they are going to enter the fairyland.

The aura of the ancient emperor and the great emperor permeated the Big Dipper Star Field, and they were obviously ready to sublimate to the fullest at any time.

The Supreme in the Undead Mountain was the first to dispatch.

Because it was broken by Lu Yan a hundred years ago, none of the supreme beings in it fell into a deep sleep.

It was a terrifying figure covered in mist, riding on a huge divine tiger, with fierce flames.

A figure of an old man walked out of the Immortal Mountain with a walking stick, with a kind face and kind eyes, but he came out of the dust like a banished immortal.

Many great sages and patriarchal figures are outside the territory, peeking at the specific situation through the ancient formation platform.

When they saw the two ancient supreme beings walking out all of a sudden, even if they were mentally prepared, they still felt creepy and too powerful.

And this is just the beginning.

The appearance of Old Man Hua Dao and Emperor Qihu seems to have kicked off the upcoming war.

All the remaining life restricted areas have ancient existences walking out.

There is an ancient chariot driving out of the fairy mausoleum, and there is chaos in the chariot. There is no doubt that this is another ancient supreme.

There is a Taoist walking through the air, with the scene of the destruction of the sun, moon and stars flashing in his eyes, making people suspect that he may be the ancient Tianzun of the age of mythology.

The gigantic unicorn, tens of thousands of miles long, rushed out from the ancient mine in the early days, and lay across the sky, extremely ferocious and shocking.

"The real ancient emperor and great emperor have appeared!"

On the Big Dipper Starfield, all living beings trembled.

Those who were able to escape had already fled outside the domain in advance, and those who remained on the Big Dipper Star Domain at this time were old monks and mortals who could not escape.

At this time, the Big Dipper Starfield was constantly trembling with the appearance of these ancient supreme beings.

The innumerable monks are paying attention to the situation in the Big Dipper Starfield, which can be said to be a shock to the whole world!

Some people guessed the identities of some ancient supreme beings from their appearances and appearances, which caused an uproar.

There were constant exclamations, which made people's scalp tingle.

Those former emperors and great emperors, who oppressed the nine heavens and ten lands and ruled the universe, are still alive after a long period of time. This is too subversive.

Only those truly big men, the great sages and the patriarchs are a little bit psychologically prepared.

But they couldn't have imagined that the number of such existences was so large.

There are ancient supreme beings born in several forbidden areas of life, and it is not certain that they are the only ones.

These powerful figures who once ruled the world arrived at the big crack above the ancient forbidden land at an unimaginable speed, and then waited quietly.

Even so, the divine power fluctuations they radiated seemed to destroy the vast world, and the space was turned into ashes, and the terrifying breath permeated and penetrated everything.

Eastern Wilderness Northern Territory.

Lu Yan was rushing towards the ancient forbidden land.

From time to time, he raised his head to observe the situation, and then sighed helplessly.

He was already at full speed.

But this distance is too far away.

The Beidou star field is too big, and most monks can't cross a region in their entire lives. It took him more than ten days to rush from the Eastern Wilderness Central Region to the Northern Territory.

And the ancient forbidden land is in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory, which is a distance that makes ordinary monks despair just thinking about it.

The embarrassing thing about Lu Yan now is that his combat power is indeed very strong, but he doesn't have the ability to cross the void like those powerful people.

Knowing that there must be a huge change in the big crack, but he couldn't get there in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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