Chapter 728
The Ruthless Emperor is slender, dressed in white, with loose hair, peerless and aloof.

The Dacheng Saint Physique is sitting, with a burly body and long hair covered with dust.

These two look like Beauty and the Beast.

But there is no doubt that both of them exude a shocking coercion.

Lu Yan ignored this point, and just looked at the two in front of him with a little curiosity.

He is a little strange, the state of these two is not quite right.

Dacheng Saint Physique exhaled foul air from time to time, as if he was suppressing something, unable to wake up.

And the ruthless emperor dressed in white is even more special, his eyes are sometimes clear and sometimes confused, as if he has no soul, or sometimes disappears.

It gave Lu Yan the feeling that the ruthless emperor in front of him was just a supreme body.

He's been sitting here for months.

When he got bored halfway, he picked a fruit from the holy mountain and ate it. During this period, he became sober for a while, and before Lu Yan could communicate with him, he returned to the current chaotic state again.

Fortunately, the spiritual fruit on this holy mountain tastes good and can strengthen the body, so Lu Yan is not in a hurry to leave here.

Speaking of which, the spiritual fruit he ate during this time was actually an elixir.

However, the elixir plant in the ancient forbidden land was divided into nine parts, which were planted on the nine holy mountains and cultivated with spiritual springs.

The medicinal effects of the nine spiritual fruits produced were different. After Lu Yan ate each of them, he determined which one had the effect of strengthening the body.

After eating another spiritual fruit, Lu Yan shook his head helplessly as he looked at the two people who couldn't communicate at all.

The conditions for strengthening the body have been met, but the number of trading tasks has not exceeded half.

But staying in this place, there is no chance to trade with people.

A bit of regret suddenly appeared in his heart.

Really shouldn't have killed the Supremes so quickly...

After all, those ancient supreme beings were really old and immortal, and they didn't know how many good things they had hidden in their hands, and they could qualify for trading by just taking out one or two things.

Among other things, with so many supreme beings, even if each person trades only once, it is enough for him to complete the task.

It's a pity that they are all killed by him now.

Not to mention trading with the Supremes, even the Big Dipper Starfield is gone.

Before meeting a new star of life, there is almost no need to think about trading.

But how vast the universe is, without the cosmic coordinates, even the Great Sage could easily get lost in the lonely sky and die.

Unless it is the great emperor who has the ability to wantonly traverse the universe.

Although Lu Yan's combat power can skyrocket to the point of killing the emperor by relying on various explosive abilities, he doesn't know anything about the use of various divine powers and laws.

Not to mention anything else, even the little monks in the Lunhai Realm can transmit sound, but Lu Yan can't.

Not to mention crossing the universe to find a life star.

Of course, he is not helpless.

At this moment, a burst of spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared on the side.

The transcendent stepped forward.

He subconsciously glanced at Emperor Ruthless, then turned to Lu Yan and said, "I found a new star of life, which is said to be called Ziwei Starfield."

Hearing this news, Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

Someone is fine, at least there is no need to hide in the ancient forbidden land.

In the past few months, he has memorized all the plants and trees in the ancient forbidden land, and he can even point out where a piece of gravel is placed.

It's not good to have a strong memory.

Once you've seen it, it won't feel fresh again.

"Okay, you send me there, and then you wait here, and if they regain their senses, you can tell me."

Lu Yan stretched his waist, and said to the transcendent in what he thought was the most gentle tone.

Then the transcendent decisively refused.

He still wants to continue to explore this world, and he is not in the mood to keep such people awake.

Lu Yan felt a little regretful, but he wasn't too tough. He could only send a new "summoned beast" out to guard the point.


Ziwei ancient star field.

This is also an incomparably vast world, stretching for thousands of miles.

The total area is not smaller than the disappeared Big Dipper Star Field, and it may even be wider.

With a dry weed in his mouth, Lu Yan walked aimlessly through the beautiful mountains and rivers.

"It seems that this is a small emotion."

He muttered thoughtfully.

It seems that the Transcendence is very dissatisfied with being used as a means of transportation by itself.

Before, Lu Yan was directly thrown in front of those supreme beings who attacked Chengxian Road, but now he was just thrown into the wilderness of Ziwei Starfield.

However, the situation of the Transcendent is different from other summoned beasts, and the transaction between him and the Transcendent is equal.

It is also not suitable to use the posture of a superior to force.

"We still have to find a replacement."

While thinking, Lu Yan walked towards the edge of the jungle.

After leaving the jungle, a large city appeared on the horizon ahead.

The ancient city is extremely huge, and the city wall is made of black spar, and under the sunlight, the black light flickers.

After finally seeing such a populated place, Lu Yan naturally would not skip it and walked towards the city.

"A major event happened, do you know? I heard that another great sage has fallen on the Beidou battlefield."

"Yeah, I heard that there is a fist-sized piece of Feathering Immortal Gold that still has divinity, which sparked a fight."

"What? Didn't you say that all the good things on that battlefield were taken away?"

"How could it be so easy to find out where so many ancient supreme beings have fallen?"

During this period of time, wherever there were monks, the things they talked about were related to that battle.

The unprecedented shocking battle, the heat is not so easy to retreat.

There is even a high probability that the starry sky after the war will become a treasure hunting place for monks.

"Don't talk about that yet, let's hurry up and see the Eucharist."

Many monks rushed towards the center of the city.

Hearing these discussions, Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

He casually grabbed a monk who was about to rush over, and asked kindly, "What happened in the city?"

The monk was about to get angry at first, but found that he couldn't break free from Lu Yan's grasp, so he suppressed his anger from the bottom of his heart, and forced an ugly smile: "It is rumored that the Eucharist has something to do with that Lu Xianren, we will wait for it naturally." I'm going to inquire about news about Lu Xianren."

Lu Yan nodded knowingly.

The Eucharist that the monk was talking about was probably Ye Fan.

"Although many people doubt it, I think it might be true."

The cultivator saw that Lu Yan hadn't spoken for a long time, and added: "After all, the Eucharist rushed back to the Beidou battlefield from the border of the universe, just to look for that person, although he didn't find it... If you don't know him, it shouldn't be like this."

(End of this chapter)

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