The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 730 The Righteous King Jinwu

Chapter 730 The Righteous King Jinwu

After Prince Jinwu gave an affirmative answer, Ye Fan's heart plummeted.

The old Zhundi of the Jinwu tribe.

The old Golden Crow once survived the Tribulation of becoming Emperor, because the ancient Supreme One shot and injured Dao Xiantai, and after suffering for thousands of years, it finally died.

But looking at it now, that is not sitting, it is clearly studying the law of Nirvana and living out the second life.

Accumulation has long been enough. If no one interferes, Emperor Cheng will be sure.

It's just that once the old Golden Crow was bitten by a snake, he was worried that he would be disturbed by those supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life, and kept accumulating himself silently, waiting for the opportunity to become enlightened.

And because of Lu Yan, all the ancient supremes have fallen.

Naturally, the old Golden Crow would not miss such a wonderful opportunity, and even in order to be on the safe side, it took so long before he chose to cross the tribulation.

But to the old Jinwu, it was wonderful, but to the monks, it was sad.

There is only one way of emperor, as long as this person becomes enlightened, all those who come after him will not be able to become emperor again in this life, only after his death 1 years later, after his mark in the world dissipates.

Some people cried out, some were silent.

Especially Yingjie, who aspires to enlightenment, cannot bear this result.

Their way is broken.

"Who is it?!"

"Why now!"

"I'm not reconciled!!!"

In the boundless lightning, there is a golden figure standing alone, fighting, and merging his supreme brand with the universe, becoming the only one.

This is not the first time for the old Jinwu to cross the Emperor Tribulation, he has felt this kind of heavy pressure before.

If he is not sure, he will not choose to cross the catastrophe.

In Tianyuan City.

People gradually recovered part of their senses from the shock, and the two supreme patriarchs who were standing beside Ye Fan and the others took two steps back calmly.

It is true that once Ye Fan's sacred body is completed, he can challenge the Emperor Ban, but it is not completed yet.

And even if he really becomes enlightened, there will still be some gaps compared with the real emperor.

Not to mention, once the old Golden Crow becomes enlightened, Ye Fan probably won't be able to grow up again.

Even if the old Jinwu would not personally act due to his status, those who wanted to curry favor with the Emperor would attack Ye Fan.

After figuring this out, the eyes of many monks looking at Ye Fan became subtle, as if they were looking at a corpse that was still alive for the time being.

A living great emperor, all races in the universe must tremble and go to see him.

Because no one wants to offend a real emperor.

This is the power of the Great Emperor, unless someone goes against the heavens and becomes an immortal, the Great Emperor will be the most brilliant existence in an era.

and many more.

Thinking of this, someone suddenly froze.

If you say fairy...

In this life, there is indeed an existence that is indistinguishable from a fairy, and has a certain friendship with the Eucharist.

Ye Fan also thought of this.

"The one who can survive is the emperor."

Looking at Prince Jinwu regained his composure, and then added: "And even if your father really becomes emperor, would he dare to touch me?"

Above Huosangxing.

The catastrophe continued, and a Golden Crow that seemed to be made of gold was criss-crossing in the endless sea of ​​thunder.

Everyone in the Jinwu clan laughed loudly, and some people shed tears, which was moved and shocked.

"Emperor, let me see how arrogant the human saint can be."

Many members of the Golden Crow clan are full of hatred for Ye Fan. Ye Fan killed too many powerful members of the clan in the past, and they are powerless to fight against.

If the old Jinwu becomes the emperor, everything will be different.


Immortal sounds resound from all over the universe, and immortal light emerges in the void.

The cultivators could feel that the universe was filled with the aura of the Golden Crow.

His Dao, Dzogchen!

"Congratulations to the emperor's enlightenment!"

All the members of the Jinwu clan knelt down together, tears welling up in their eyes.

A long, high-pitched sound shook the entire universe.

Emperor Jinwu spread his wings for nine days and issued a decree.

Xuan Human Eucharist came to Huosangxing to plead guilty!

This method aims to cross the endless star field in an instant and fall to Tianyuan City where Ye Fan is at this time.

The moment the decree exuding golden light appeared above the ancient city, it became the focus of everyone's attention.

The majestic coercion of the Great Emperor emerged, which immediately turned Ye Fan's face ashen.

He really didn't expect that the first decree of the Golden Crow's enlightenment was actually related to himself.

But he didn't feel honored at all, instead he felt heavy in his heart.

Did the Golden Crow not care about Lu Yan behind him at all?
Of course, since the other party has expressed his opinion, Ye Fan can't just catch him without a fight.

He tightly held the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, and sent a sound transmission to the Black Emperor to make it open the formation pattern across the void, and at the same time said loudly: "Does the Great Emperor want to be an enemy of Immortal Lu?"

"Little friend was joking."

The voice of Emperor Jinwu came out from the decree, and an avatar walked out of the decree: "If you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. If you want to come to Lu Daoyou, you will not know right from wrong."

Although it is just an incarnation, it still has the power of a great emperor, invincible in the world.

After the incarnation of the Golden Crow walked out, all the monks and mortals in the city fell to their knees,
And Lu Yan, who was still smiling and standing there, became particularly obvious.

The cultivator kneeling next to him saw Lu Yan being so bold, and tugged at his trouser leg in fear.

He whispered: "Brother Dao, what are you doing, don't die!"

The monk who worshiped the Eucharist knelt on the ground trembling and cursed secretly.

"Damn it, don't implicate us if you want to die."

on the high platform.

Ye Fan and his party were all focused on the Golden Crow at this time, and did not notice Lu Yan.

On the contrary, it was the incarnation of the Golden Crow who first discovered Lu Yan who stood out from the crowd.

The battle that broke out in the Big Dipper Starfield, the Golden Crow Emperor paid attention to the whole process.

That figure like a fairy and a demon has long been engraved in his memory.

When they met at this moment, they naturally recognized them on the spot.

How could that person appear here?Is it because of yourself?

Emperor Jinwu secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, hesitating for a moment whether he should continue or not.

"If you are an emperor, if you are as narrow-minded as you, you should be a devil."

Enduring the coercion of the Golden Crow, Ye Fan simply cursed.

Since the other party has such an attitude, of course he will not be submissive.

The Mistress of Guanghan Palace, who was kneeling on the ground beside him, heard Ye Fan's words and shouted heartily, "Stop being rude!"

Everyone thought that the Golden Crow Emperor would make a move, after all the Emperor cannot be humiliated.

Even Ye Fan was ready to break Flying Thunder God Kunai.

But what surprised them was that the Golden Crow Emperor suddenly put away his coercion and said, "The Holy Body makes sense."

Ye Fan held Kunai that had been broken into two halves in his hand, and with a confused face, he subconsciously asked, "Um... what did the emperor say?"

The Great Emperor Jinwu put his hands behind his back, and said righteously.

"Using force to suppress people is different from the ancient supreme."

(End of this chapter)

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