Chapter 732 The Return
Even if Emperor Jinwu hadn't attained enlightenment, he was still the strongest Emperor of Approval, so naturally he also won a few plants from the Big Dipper Starfield.

Originally, this basalt elixir was used as an insurance measure for him to overcome the catastrophe of becoming a Taoist, but now it can only be used as money for his life.

Fortunately, he had other elixir, so it didn't hurt as much as he imagined.

"A elixir of immortality, is it enough?"

Emperor Jinwu took the initiative to put the elixir in Lu Yan's hands, and kept thinking in his heart that a man should be able to bend and stretch.

Lu Yan took the basalt elixir, watched the number of transactions increase by one again, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's ok."

Hearing these words, Emperor Jinwu squeezed out a smile.


He didn't want to stay any longer. In front of Lu Yan, he couldn't feel the majesty of his emperor at all.

"Wait a moment."

Lu Yan opened his mouth and called the Golden Crow to stop.

Such a good emperor, he didn't want to let him go so soon.

"What else?"

The tone of the Golden Crow Emperor was a little blunt, and the clay figurine was still somewhat angry, let alone a great emperor who looked down on the eternity.

"Continue to trade."

Lu Yan still had a kind expression, but in the eyes of the Golden Crow, it was full of irony.

"The emperor doesn't want to trade anymore, so is it possible that fellow daoists still want to buy and sell by force?"



There was silence in Tianyuan City.

But outside the city, there was an uproar.

After all, the appearance of a living emperor and an immortal who slaughtered the Supreme appeared at the same time, and the powerhouses all over the universe were alarmed.

The Great Sage and Patriarch all came to Ziwei Starfield and waited outside Tianyuan City.

People rushed here almost unanimously.

A whole half a day passed, and the Golden Crow Emperor turned into his main body, his body covering the sky and the sun.

Everyone was stunned, as if they didn't expect the Golden Crow to leave directly.

A great sage who had a good relationship with the Jinwu clan boldly asked, "If you dare to ask the emperor, what can you gain?"

The Golden Crow Emperor didn't have the slightest thought of explaining, and suddenly spread his wings and left.

It even looks a little...


Everyone was puzzled and suspicious.

In Tianyuan City.

Lu Yan was in a good mood.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a great emperor, and his whole body is full of treasures.

Whether it is Emperor's Blood, Yuanyuan Daohuo, Shenyuan, etc., they can all reach the threshold of trading.

A Golden Crow Emperor actually allowed him to max out the number of transactions.

As for the 100 people required by the mission, this is also very simple, all you need to do is ask the Golden Crow to give the treasure to others, and then pass it on to Lu Yan.

Anyway, there are so many people in Tianyuan City, they can easily get together the number of people.

When operating like this, Lu Yan was still a little worried that this was a bug in the card system?

Later, I suddenly realized that my own existence itself was the biggest bug. Thinking of this, I immediately felt at ease.

【Ding! 】

[The deal with 100 people has been completed. 】

[Physical fitness improvement requirements have been met. 】

【Is it coming back? 】

Lu Yan did not return in a hurry, but turned to look at Ye Fan and the others.

The people in the whole city were dumbfounded, and even after the departure of the Golden Crow, they didn't let them recover from the shock.

They were all present watching the whole process, watching Lu Yan severely wounding the Golden Crow Emperor, and felt an indescribable emotion in their hearts.

Among other things, the people who saw this scene probably had little awe of the Great Emperor left.

Lu Yan waved at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan walked up to him in a daze, and watched Lu Yan slap his hands together, and made a lot of magical materials out of thin air, including the Nine Secrets, Emperor's Scriptures, etc., and even an Eternal Universe Sacred Furnace.

Lu Yan threw the elixir of immortality in his hand into the furnace, and said softly, "Give these to you, I'm leaving."

The main reason is that these things cannot be taken away. After he returns, he will burst out of the mission space.

Instead of letting everyone loot it, it's better to throw it to Ye Fan, who is still pleasing to the eye.

Ye Fan's eyes widened suddenly after hearing Lu Yan's words.

Now he doesn't care about these treasures that can cause death, and he cares more about Lu Yan's words to leave.

Combined with Lu Yan's act of presenting treasures.

He realized immediately that this departure is definitely not leaving Tianyuan City or Ziwei Starfield, but leaving this world.


Ye Fan didn't even notice that his voice was trembling because of being too surprised.

"Well, then..."

Lu Yan replied casually, "See you by fate."

Ye Fan subconsciously stretched out his hand, ready to say wait a minute, but before the words came out, Lu Yan disappeared in place without a sound.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan's mind went blank with a bang.

His eyes were flushed, and his outstretched arms were trembling slightly.

In fact, Lu Yan may have done it for fun or something else, but from Ye Fan's point of view, Lu Yan took care of him unconditionally, and finally left him so many treasures that would make the world crazy.

To him, Lu Yan is both a brother and a friend.

But now, he left this world without warning.

Let him fall into a huge mood swing.

"A fairyland..."


【Ding. 】

【Mission completed, start returning. 】

【Mission Completion Degree: S】

[Task Difficulty Rating: S]

[World Exploration Degree: A]

[Story transformation degree: B]

[World Difficulty Factor: S]

[Overall evaluation of the task: perfect]

[The effect of the title of sin and natural disaster is strengthened. 】

[Extra rewards have been prepared, please host to draw. 】

[Task reincarnation currency reward: [-] points]

[Samsara Stele Ranking Reward Distribution: Task Clearing Symbol × 1, Reincarnation Coin Reward: [-] points. 】

Lu Yan opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar living room, I felt a little emotional.

This time, the reincarnation experience took more than a hundred years.

If he hadn't been in this world for a long time, he would doubt which side is real.

It's not bad for him, if it's those teenagers who are doing reincarnation experience.

The time spent on either side will be completely disproportionate.

It's no wonder that even if there are limited missions, there will be cases of reincarnated people going crazy and hurting people in the real world.

Stretching, he habitually took a cup of steaming coffee to the balcony.

Without rushing to check his personal interface, he first clicked on the red dot on the reincarnation interface.

【Ding! 】

[The perfect prize pool has been allocated]

[Please start drawing your extra rewards]

Hearing the prompt, the corners of Lu Yan's mouth twitched.

Because after the attribute point exceeds [-], the strengthening of physical fitness can only be obtained in the experience world, so this prize pool should be called the main reward now.

It didn't take too long, Lu Yan looked at the crazily spinning turntable, and said softly.


【Ding! 】

【Extraction is complete! 】

(End of this chapter)

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