Chapter 735 Cooperation
"Look what's fun..."

Duan Jianhui repeated Lu Yan's words as if he was muttering to himself, and then he looked like he was looking crazy.

"It's early in the morning, it's not yet dawn, what fun can there be?"

Lu Yan didn't answer Duan Jianhui's doubts, he just opened the door and walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, the cold breath of the morning rushed over his face.

There is no autumn in the mountain city. I don’t know if it’s because of the approaching winter. The weather becomes colder during this time.

Walking on the street, you can see citizens wearing down jackets sporadically.

However, with Lu Yan's current physical fitness, let alone this temperature, even if he stood naked on the glacier, his body would not experience any discomfort.

Even though the damp cold wind was blowing, he was walking on the street in just such a thin T-shirt.

It is not accurate to say that he is walking, he has the exact direction of travel.

That's where the old town is.

Lu Yan had been here before, and when he walked not far from the barber shop, he stopped.

Because he noticed that the dusty rolling door of this barber shop...

It looked like some sort of sharp tool had been used to cut the entire roll-up door open.

The most important thing is that Lu Yan can be sure that there was absolutely no movement during the cutting, otherwise the nearby residents would not be sleeping as soundly as they are now.

Lu Yan stood where he was, his eyes gradually narrowed, and he said calmly, "Why did you come here?"

He knows who the people here are.

In fact, it was because he sensed this strong and familiar breath of life that he chose to go out to have a look.

Yu Wulin.

Maybe it's hard to remember who he is just by name.

To be more specific, this guy is the man in the windbreaker who ranks second on the Longguo reincarnation stele, and he has a strong technical ability.

At the time of the regional competition, he also made a lot of effort.

Yu Wulin hugged Lin Xin in the posture of a princess and slowly walked out of the shadows.

There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "You have a good eye, this girl...

very moist. "

Hearing this, Lu Yan's eyelids twitched.

He suddenly remembered how this guy lost his nerve during the division match.

Most of the time, Lu Yan felt that this guy was more mentally ill than himself.

Lu Yan glanced at Lin Xin in Yu Wulin's arms, and the perception provided by Symmetra told him that this woman was still alive, but she was just unconscious.

Now that he was sure that no one was killed, Lu Yan turned his attention to Yu Wulin again: "Why did you come to the mountain city suddenly?"

Yu Wulin casually threw Lin Xin to the ground and said seriously.

"This matter is of great importance. If you really want to know, you have to pay more."

Blood-red steam spewed out of Lu Yan's body in an instant, and he slowly clenched his hands into fists.

"If you are not normal, I can help you to be normal."

Seeing this, Yu Wulin was stunned for a moment, probably never expecting that Lu Yan would dare to make a move in the real world.

Then he laughed again, and said casually: "This matter has nothing to do with this girl, I'm just going to ask you for help."

Lu Yan maintained his state of death, and looked at Yu Wulin again.

Strictly speaking, he had never seen such a headache.

While his strength is unfathomable, he still behaves as he pleases. Judging from directly knocking Lin Xin out when he finds something wrong, he doesn't have any moral burden.

Lu Yan even doubted whether he could kill this guy.

He hasn't forgotten that this guy has at least three or more rules-based abilities.

Everyone knows the rule-based ability on the technology side.

There is also an ability like impersonation, after 100% impersonation, possesses all the abilities of the person being impersonated.

Although Lu Yan didn't know whether Yu Wulin had succeeded in playing himself or not.

But even if he can't master his own special effect, judging from the fact that this guy is so confident, he probably played other undead beings.

Among other things, there is a high probability of having abilities such as rebirth from a drop of blood.

This situation is too complicated, Lu Yan decided not to.

The next moment, his figure instantly disappeared in place.

After a loud roar, the alley was filled with smoke and dust.

The huge shock caused the cars parked not far away to sound harsh sirens.


Yu Wulin stepped out of the smoke without haste, raised his hand and waved it in front of him pretendingly.

"Don't worry, I didn't say I won't tell you, but can you use such a powerful force in the real world?"

Lu Yan didn't respond, but stood where Yu Wulin was originally standing, spread and tightened his palms.

The tactile sensation returned from the fist just now told him that he was hit just now, but without knowing why, Yu Wulin suddenly disappeared.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Lu Yan withdrew from the state of death gate, and asked seemingly casually.

He is relatively restrained in the real world, after all, he has no intention of destroying the world he has lived in for so long.

Even now, he does possess such ability.

"This place is not suitable for talking."

Yu Wulin grinned, as if the conflict just happened didn't exist, he waved to Lu Yan, and said, "Let's go find a breakfast shop and have a bowl of porridge first, I'm really hungry after tossing around all night, let's take it easy..."


In a breakfast shop not far from the alley.

Because it's not yet dawn, even the breakfast shop has just opened.

There were only two people sitting in the store, Lu Yan.

"...So you mean, there is a space overlap at Dongjiekou?"

Lu Yan is no stranger to this so-called space overlap. It was because of this situation that he first encountered an urgent mission.

"Hey, look, how expensive this stuffed soy milk is now."

Yu Wulin pointed to the menu on the wall, answered irrelevant questions, then raised his hand to beckon to the boss, shouting: "Boss, he will pay for this meal."

Lu Yan didn't say anything about it, anyway, Kuangfeng said, money is enough.

Yu Wulin chuckled, and slurped down a mouthful of porridge, those who didn't know what he was eating thought he was eating some delicacies.

After drinking a bowl, Yu Wulin opened his mouth to explain: "The space overlap at Dongjiekou is not the same as the space overlap that has become more and more frequent during this period."

"Don't worry about how I know about this. In short, this overlapping space is a copy selected by elites."

"You must be more aware of the danger of this thing than I am."

Speaking of this, the smile on Yu Wulin's face became brighter and brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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