Chapter 737 Neuropathy
Seeing that Lu Yan was about to strike directly as he spoke, Yu Wulin didn't show much surprise.

He just paused for a while and said, "What I need to remind you is that this is a copy of the Eight Realms level. I don't know how strong these passengers are."

Generally speaking, in order to reflect the danger of the elite screening dungeons, the characters appearing in the dungeons have a high probability of being able to crush reincarnations of the Eight Realms level.

What's more, their current abilities and items are in a state of being banned. It is still very difficult to directly rely on their own physical fitness to go directly.

Lu Yan nodded knowingly, but he didn't really make a move.

He had observed Yu Wulin's reaction, and when he proposed to use violence to solve it, this guy didn't show anxiety or too strong a stop behavior.

There are two possibilities, either this guy is tired of life and is not afraid of death at all, it doesn't matter whether these passengers will riot or not.

Or, he is confident and confident that no matter how terrifying the power of these passengers explodes, it will not be able to threaten his life.

Of these two possibilities, Lu Yan prefers the latter.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to Yu Wulin's situation, so he decided to pass this dungeon first.

Lu Yan's hand was still on the head of the passenger in front of him, he grabbed the passenger's hair, and pulled him back so that he could meet his gaze.

There were seven passengers in total in the carriage.

Four men and three women, two of the women and two of the men are old people.

The other man and woman were relatively young, they looked to be in their twenties, and a middle-aged male passenger from the Mediterranean Sea was left sitting in a corner in a daze.

All the passengers have a wooden expression, combined with the dark outside the window, it gives people an extremely weird feeling.

The old man in front of Lu Yan was thin and thin, his hollow eye sockets were slightly sunken, but the cheekbones on both sides of his cheeks protruded like a skull covered with a layer of human skin.

Just the appearance of such a show makes people feel terrified.

However, Lu Yan did not intend to be frightened at all. He pulled the old man's hair and asked, "Are you a resentful soul?"

The old man opened his mouth, as if he had just recovered after being woken up.

Then he replied in a hoarse and slow voice: "No."

"You shouldn't be asking that."

Yu Wulin noticed the movement on Lu Yan's side, and pointed out: "You, whether you are a resentful soul or a good soul, will definitely answer no to this question, so you can't ask anything. You can ask which of them are resentful souls."

"In this way, after asking each passenger once, we can integrate the information and find out the differences in their answers."

It was rare for Yu Wulin to become serious.

Looking at this dungeon in this way, it really doesn't need to fight, but it pays more attention to the ability of logical thinking.

Probably the only difficulty is that it is possible for this wronged soul to tell the truth, which needs to be discerned by the reincarnated person.

Lu Yan gave Yu Wulin a understanding look.

Then the hand holding the hair was pressed again on the old man's head, and the other hand supported the old man's chin.

Then the two hands suddenly exerted force, one in front and one in the direction of force, directly twisting the old man's head from his neck.

A pool of blackened blood splashed onto the wall of the carriage, causing a stench to permeate the carriage.

Yu Wulin: "?!"

Lu Yan looked as usual, put the old man's head on the seat next to him, then turned and walked towards the next lucky passenger.

Yu Wulin: "..."

Yu Wulin stayed in place the whole time, watching Lu Yan like a hardworking old farmer breaking off one melon after another in the melon field.

He felt his teeth ache.

In life, most of the time others suspect that he is a psychopath.

But now, compared with Lu Yan, he felt that maybe he was more like a normal person.

It's really stupid.

In fact, during the division match, he was secretly selecting the right partner.

That's why he made a special contact with Lu Yan. During the process, he felt that Lu Yan was very suitable as his collaborator. He was powerful, not yet official, and could communicate in a friendly manner.

Who knew that this guy actually behaved in such a way.

He would rather choose a normal person with weaker strength than such an uncontrollable collaborator.

It's too wild to do this.

How dare the official reincarnation department invite such a guy to be the principal?

Just as Yu Wulin's thoughts were racing, Lu Yan had already removed the heads of every passenger, and placed them neatly on the aisle of the carriage like a street stall.

Watching this scene silently, Yu Wulin even felt that Lu Yan himself was even weirder than this dungeon.

Asking him to distinguish between innocent and good souls among the passengers, is it plausible that he turned all these passengers into street stalls? !
Lu Yan clapped his hands and stood up.

Looking at Yu Wulin, he said, "Is that all right?"

"What will do?"

Yu Wulin's voice sounded like a toothache.

"The task says that after these ghosts arrive at the subway station, what kind of array will be activated, and a large number of ghosts will be summoned to occupy this carriage, and at the same time kill all the creatures in the carriage."

Lu Yan shrugged, and added: "If any wronged soul is missed, the formation will be activated. We might as well get rid of all the passengers first, and they won't resist anyway."

"It's useless."

A hoarse voice sounded.

It was the old man whose head was wrung off by Lu Yan first.

Only one head is still talking, which looks like the scene in a horror movie.

Fortunately, whether it was Lu Yan or Yu Wulin, these two guys were not timid guys, and they didn't have much reaction to this sudden situation.

The old man with only one head left didn't mind, and continued to say in his weak tone: "We passengers are neither good souls nor resentful souls. An organism that is in or on the body of an organism and obtains nourishment from it..."

"If you delay like this again, I'll put your head in a chrysanthemum."

Yu Wulin interrupted the old man's rambling, and let out a long sigh.

He always felt that the painting style of his dungeon this time was weird.

In fact, he didn't mean to hide it.

Although according to common sense, each elite screens a dungeon, and each reincarnation can only experience it once, and the rewards cannot be repeated.

But Yu Wulin has indeed performed many copies of this resentment car, but those times are rehearsals for him, and he has not entered the real body.

A symbolic cold sweat broke out on the old man's forehead, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Put it in whose ass?"

(End of this chapter)

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