The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 739 Destroy the copy?

Chapter 739 Destroy the copy?

Lu Yan frowned.

This requirement alone seems to be tailor-made for myself.

However, his first reaction was not joyful, but he doubted the credibility of this information.

Although these conditions for controlling the reincarnation system sound harsh, how vast is the starry sky
Now that the conditions for controlling the reincarnation system have been given, he doesn't believe that no one has tried it.

I also want to know that the spiritual strength is not the only way to add points to the reincarnation system.

With so many races in the starry sky, no strong man has tried to cultivate a reincarnation under his own control?
If these conditions are really considered carefully, it is not as difficult as it sounds.

Lu Yan looked at the old man with suspicion.

Yu Wulin sat where he was, not caring whether the information was true or not.

In order to enhance his rule ability on the technology side, he has been adding intelligence from the beginning. If the conditions for controlling the reincarnation system are really like this, it means that he has completely lost this qualification.

If the conditions are not like this, it is impossible for him to react too much with a piece of false information.

"It seems that you two boys don't believe it."

The old man's eyes moved back and forth between Lu Yan and Yu Wulin.

"Yes, I don't believe it."

Lu Yan expressed his opinion without concealment.

Just then, the subway hummed harshly.

The obvious physical sensation told them that the carriage was slowing down.

Yu Wulin glanced out the window and said with a smile, "Time is going to pass."

The task time for this copy of the Resentment Carriage is only one hour.

After so much tossing, an hour is almost over.

Originally, Yu Wulin was going to clear the dungeon, and then find a way to get this carriage.

Who knew it would turn into what it is now.

"Then you still pass the customs?"

The old man shook his head and asked, with an indescribable irony.

No matter how they get along with each other, the contractors still have to strictly follow the style of the reincarnation system.

If this dungeon mission fails, these two guys will eventually die here.

To the old man's surprise, neither Lu Yan nor Yu Wulin had an indifferent attitude, as if they were not worried about the task at all.

Lu Yan also took the time to glance at Yu Wulin, and said, "Anyway, time is running out, why don't we kill these passengers first."


Yu Wulin sighed with regret.

It's not that it's a pity for the mission's reward, but it's a pity that his plan to get this carriage fell through.

After a buzzing sound, the moving subway slowly stopped.

It's copy time.

At the same time, four of the heads of the passengers placed in the aisle of the carriage suddenly opened their eyes.

There was a strange glint in his eyes.

Under such a horrifying scene, Lu Yan and Yu Wulin acted as if nothing had happened, indifferent.

"Good guy, this old man is not a resentful soul."

"It doesn't matter."

The two talked to each other, and there was no awareness of bad things in their words.

With the appearance of the four resentful souls, dark purple lines lit up on the aisle in the carriage, crooked, at first glance it seemed as sloppy as a child's graffiti.

The four resentful souls began to speak an unknown language, and as time passed, the lines in the carriage became clearer.

By the way, due to the loss of their bodies, the resentful souls cannot quickly fill the lines, and can only rely on unknown spells to assist the communication of the magic circle.

Lu Yan looked at it for a while, then walked over uncooperatively and wiped off a piece of magic circle pattern with the tip of his toe.

The corner of Yu Wulin's mouth twitched.

The main reason is that he found that this operation is actually feasible.

Normal reincarnators are cautious in elite screening dungeons, and follow the rules, for fear of making mistakes and causing the reincarnation system to kill them.

Naturally, no one would try Lu Yan's playful approach.

In the terms of the game, the connection between the resentful souls and the magic circle should be called a cutscene. What's the matter with modifying the cutscene without authorization? !

But since it was so effective, Yu Wulin naturally wouldn't resist.

In the eyes of the four resentful souls wanting to eat people, the two kept wiping away the lines of the magic circle.

Wraith: "..."


One of the female resentful souls suddenly let out a shrill scream, as if scratching the blackboard with her fingernails, making Lu Yan frowned unconsciously.

The sharp and piercing screams echoed in the small space of the carriage.

Yu Wulin was about to go over and get rid of this head.

But before he approached, the head of the female wraith, including her body on the seat, began to gradually turn into dark purple spots of light.

The grains of light fell on the lines of the magic circle, filling them up in the blink of an eye.

The moment the magic circle was completed, a dazzling light burst out.

A lot of shrill screams came from the magic circle.

Translucent human-shaped resentful spirits rushed out of the magic circle constantly, each screaming hysterically, making people upset and at the same time producing a strong sense of vomiting.

The darkness outside the carriage was illuminated by a strange dark purple light, which barely provided some visibility.

The outside is an endless barren area with strange rocks and no signs of life.

It seems that this is a planet that has been abandoned for an unknown period of time, and only this carriage is left to drive forever.

The screams sounded like some kind of rallying cry.

A large number of translucent resentful souls visible to the naked eye came from a distance to surround the carriage.

This is a race that has been completely exterminated, and it has deep grievances, otherwise it would not be able to give birth to such a boundless number.

Every resentful soul exudes a terrifying aura, and the lowest level of spiritual aura is at the warrior level.

The disturbing screams finally stopped, and every resentful soul wandered around the carriage with crazy bloodthirsty eyes.

"This is a scene worthy of the Eight Realms level."

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan slowly let go of his ears, and suddenly laughed.

Yu Wulin squinted at him, and said with a deep face: "There are people from us everywhere in the sky, on the ground, in the car, and on the entire planet. How can you fight us?"

Lu Yan was a little excited, and after hearing Yu Wulin's words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

He turned his head expressionlessly and said, "Believe it or not, I will really kill you first."

Yu Wulin coughed dryly in a pretentious manner.

Seriously said: "This number is too much, should we consider how to get out of here now?"

Lu Yan walked to the door of the carriage and said calmly.

"The reincarnation system should not allow us to destroy a copy."

(End of this chapter)

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