The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 744 The second round of chapter experience

Chapter 744 No.13 Reincarnation Experience
Union campus.

Principal's office.

Gu Feng sat on the office chair, playing with the phone in his hand.

He has a headache.

Originally, there was an invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War in the mountain city who was completely out of control, but now there was Yu Wulin.

Although these two don't seem to be anti-social types at the moment, and they haven't caused any major events in the real world.

But both of them belonged to the kind of troublesome guys who might not be able to deal with the entire mountain city reincarnation branch.

If they really want to do something, they can't stop it at all.

The brain capacity that was originally small is now more and more insufficient.

Kuangfeng muttered sadly.

"Should I call and apply for another job?"


Duan Jianhui's family.

After Yu Wulin was taken away, the atmosphere in the living room gradually became awkward.

Lu Yan watched the drama on his own, Lin Xin didn't get annoyed, she just sat across from him and watched.

Such a scene made Duan Jianhui feel like an outsider.

But this is obviously my home.

"Well, do you have anything else to do?"

Duan Jianhui was not sure about the relationship between the two of them, so he thought about his words.

Lin Xin shook her head.

When Lu Yan rejected her directly, it really made her depressed for a while, and she also made up her mind not to have any contact with Lu Yan.

However, after learning about Lu Yan's news again, the worry she felt made her realize that she was still not reconciled.

Just thought of trying it again.

Lu Yan suddenly raised his head, took a deep look at Lin Xin, and said calmly, "You should go back."

"You have to give me a reason. If you don't even have a reliable reason, then..."

Speaking of this, Lin Xin was silent for a while. It seemed that because she hadn't drunk or had expected this, her emotions were not as intense as before: "...It's quite frustrating."

"Don't overestimate yourself."

Lu Yan's tone was still calm, and his eyes even looked a little cold.

From a biological point of view, human emotions are essentially controlled by hormones.

The secretion of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, serotonin, etc., these hormones produce emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy in the human brain.

Therefore, as long as you still have a body, when these hormones are secreted, various emotions will be produced.

No matter how long you live, at most you will see a lot of things, and the threshold of hormone secretion will be raised, which will not lead to the complete disappearance of emotions.

In ancient times, before there was a systematic explanation, Lu Yan had been vaguely aware of this.

In order not to let his threshold become too high, most of the time he will deliberately exaggerate his reaction.

Whether it's deceiving himself or others, or anything else, he's just trying to make himself...

Like a person!
But in fact, it has long been difficult for him to generate all kinds of normal people's emotions.

It's the same reason that no matter how delicious the food is, you will get tired of eating it every day.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yan continued to watch the drama with his head down as if nothing had happened.

Duan Jianhui stood aside the whole time and shivered.

He had never seen Lu Yan show such an attitude.

Couldn't help but tugged Lin Xin, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you go back first?"

Lin Xin lowered her head and left without saying a word.

After closing the door again, Duan Jianhui put his hands on his hips and secretly sighed in his heart: Women are really troublesome...


After such an interruption, Duan Jianhui did not continue to ask Lu Yan to accompany him to the mall to buy equipment.

I silently teleported to the reincarnation space, and did not teleport back until it was close to the time of reincarnation experience.

Lu Yan has been nestling on the sofa watching dramas, quietly waiting for the notification sound of the reincarnation system.

"Old Lu, turn off the light."

Duan Jianhui lay peacefully on the bed in the living room, with only one head still exposed from the quilt.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you really planning to sleep here?"

"Ham, anyway, I will be unconscious after every practice mission, so I might as well just fall asleep."

Probably because of the purchase of equipment, Duan Jianhui is quite sure about this training mission.

Lu Yan nodded, and was about to walk over to turn off the lights.

The notification sound of the reincarnation system sounded first.

【Ding! 】

[After 30 seconds, the No. 13 reincarnation experience will start. 】

【The host please stay where you are and don't move around, otherwise you will be wiped out. 】

【warn!warn! 】

[It is detected that the host deviates from the original place, the host please return to the original place immediately, otherwise it will be wiped out! 】

Lu Yan completely ignored the familiar mechanized beep. Anyway, he had to brush up on the difficulty of the task. He kept walking and went to turn off the light in the living room.

He also doesn't know why this reincarnation system always likes to threaten reincarnators with obliteration. Isn't it afraid of encountering a race full of iron-headed children, and it will end before it starts?
[The obliteration begins! 】

[Unknown reason detected, erasure failed. 】

[Urgent processing... Activating a backup plan...]

Lu Yan is too familiar with this set of procedures, so it's better to have a full body massage before each experience mission.

Sit back on the sofa.

"It is recommended to directly start the backup plan next time."

Lu Yan shook his head amusedly, and closed his eyes slowly, regardless of whether the reincarnation system would accept it.

"Send it."


【Ding! 】

[Transmission complete! 】

[Mission World: (Unknown)]

【Mission Objective: Become a qualified bookstore owner. 】

[Punishment for mission failure: obliteration]

【Task details:】

(1: Ask the host to sell ten books, the price of the books has been marked, and no changes are allowed.)
(2: Before the book is sold, the host cannot leave the scope of the bookstore. Every time a book is sold, the host's activity area will expand.)
(3: Books are the carrier of knowledge. The host is requested to maintain the majesty of the bookstore, and no one is allowed to cause trouble in the bookstore, but the host must not intentionally cause trouble, otherwise it will be regarded as a mission failure.)

[1: The restriction has been lifted, and the host can grow himself in this world by himself. 】

[2: In addition to the basic evaluation, this experience mission will also conduct an overall evaluation with reference to the improvement of the host's physical fitness. 】

Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Although there are many descriptions of the task this time, it is easy to understand.

To put it simply, let him be a book seller, and every time he sells a book, the area he can move in becomes larger.

Even if he has never encountered such a weird mission, he is not flustered. The most important thing right now is to confirm which world this is.

Lu Yan first looked around at the situation around him.

The houses are made of wood, and the decor of the bookstore has an old decaying smell.

He is now lying on an old rattan chair, which makes a creaking sound when he shakes it, and feels that it will collapse if he exerts force.

(End of this chapter)

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