Chapter 806 Contact
Seeing that everyone on the Internet recognized the name, Lu Yan opened the character interface with satisfaction.

To his surprise, just changing the name like this actually increased the plot modification rate by 5%.

It's a pity that there was only this one time, and no matter how much he spread rumors on the Internet, the speed of plot transformation did not change at all.

Lu Yan sighed softly, and turned his gaze to the TV.

This meeting happened to be on a talk show, and it was still live.

"The giant that suddenly appeared in front of us, I heard that everyone on the Internet calls it Juli Chaoshanba."

A host wearing a pink dress first spoke a long paragraph to the camera, then turned his head to look aside, and continued to add: "Excuse me, captain in the middle, is this super mountain bully our human friend? Is there any?" Maybe he will pose a threat to us humans?"

Captain Jian Hui, who was wearing the uniform of the Victory Team, smiled gently and spoke in a leisurely manner.

"What about Juli Chaoshanba, he has powers that we humans can't imagine, and we don't know his way of thinking for the time being..."

Watching this talk show, Lu Yan inexplicably felt a subtle sense of familiarity.

Suddenly, he frowned.

He remembered the episode.

This talk show was interrupted by the Kirielods at the end of the show.

"Hey, Yanjun, are you watching a talk show?"

The girl waiter dressed as a maid walked to the door of the store and stood there.

Although there are quite a few shop assistants in this maid cafe, after a few days of understanding, Lu Yan is almost familiar with these people.

The girl who ran out to catch him before was called Muliang Xinmei, a college student at Northeastern University, but her family was not very good, so she came to this coffee shop for a work-study program.

Yes, the university that Muliangxinmei went to is indeed called Tohoku University, which is the highest institution in Sendai City and even the entire Tohoku region of Japan.

"Anyway, there are no guests, so just take a look."

Lu Yan crossed his arms and leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, casually said, "By the way, how far is Sendai TV station from us?"

Mu Conscience held the menu and thought about it.

"It's not far, it only takes about ten minutes by car from here."

Lu Yan nodded knowingly.

The recording location of this interview program is Sendai TV Station, that is to say, if he rushes over there, he might even meet Captain Junjian Hui.

However, even though he confirmed this point, he had no intention of taking action.

Anyway, after waiting for so many days, he doesn't mind waiting a few more days.

Compared with this kind of mature woman with a deep city, he still thinks that Dagu's iron and simple is easier to fool.

If he rewrites the plot, as long as he is ruthless, he will have no problem killing Dagu.

By then, even the main character will be gone, so how can there be any further plots?
So it's not that difficult.

What he is more concerned about now is actually the issue of improving his physical fitness.

In his impression, Altman is strong if he is strong, but there is really no quick and effective way to increase his physical fitness.

Isn't this forcing him to cooperate with evil aliens?
While Lu Yan was thinking about this question, something happened in the interview program.

The host in the pink dress seemed to be possessed by something, his eye sockets turned purple-black, and he floated out of thin air, while still saying some strange words.

Muliangxinmei also noticed what was happening on the TV, and grabbed Lu Yan's clothes corner in fear.

"What, is this a broadcast accident?"

The staff of the TV station reacted quickly and quickly cut off the signal of the live broadcast.

Seeing this, Lu Yan pulled the clothes out of Mu Liang Xin Mei's hands calmly: "Didn't it say that it is from Kiriarod?"

He changed the subject and said to Mu Conscience Beauty.

"I have something to go out, please help me to ask the store manager for leave."

After speaking, he took off the waiter uniform he was wearing outside, turned around and walked outside.

Muliangxinmei seemed to want to ask something, but considering that she was not that familiar, she finally forcibly held back.

In order to save some money, Lu Yan did not choose to take a ride.

He just trotted all the way to the Sendai TV station.

On the way, he heard a violent explosion.

Thick smoke rose in the direction of Sendai TV station.

Of course, it was not the TV station building that exploded.

It was an office building facing the TV station building, which was detonated by the Kirielod people.

The purpose is just to warn Junhui.

By the time Lu Yan arrived nearby, the commotion had subsided.

A cordon was set up around the exploded office building, and there were still a large number of police cars and ambulances waiting around.

After all, it is the city center, and the explosion still affected many people.

Lu Yan hid in the crowd and saw Dujing and Lina, members of the Victory Team.

But none of these people was what he was looking for.

His eyes quickly scanned the crowd, and finally he saw the handsome man who was dealing with the reporters, the Dagu member of the victory team, and also the human body of Ultraman Tiga.

By the way, Dagu's original name should be Yuan Dagu, but during the translation, it was mistranslated as Zhenjiao Dagu.

As for which one sounds better, Yuan Dagu or Zhenjiao Dagu, it's a matter of opinion.

Lu Yan simply felt that the names Yuan Dagu and Juli Chaoshanba matched each other very well.

Lu Yan leisurely walked towards Dagu.

With so many people present, violence will definitely not work.

However, he had no intention of using violence.

Just like this, he got close to the Dagu team and said in a meaningful tone: "Are you the one chosen by Juli Chaoshanba?"

When Dagu saw Lu Yan approaching, he originally wanted to ask him if he needed any help, but he didn't expect to hear such a sentence.

Dagu said with a smile on his face, "Excuse me, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Oh yes, the name Juli Chaoshanba was randomly chosen by me, it should have been called..."

Lu Yan looked at Dagu with a smile, and added: "Ultraman Tiga."

Hearing this, Da Gu's face immediately changed drastically, and even a fine layer of sweat dripped from his forehead.

At the beginning, he really planned to let everyone call the giant Ultraman Tiga, but before the victory team was announced, the folks had already named the giant.

Now that the people have reached a consensus, Dagu has not emphasized this matter.

Therefore, in his cognition, the name Ultraman Tiga should only be known to him.

Dagu never thought that he heard Ultraman Tiga from a strange man, and knew that he was the one chosen by Tiga.

"I don't understand, you... who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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