The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 817 Mysterious Light

Chapter 817 Mysterious Light
"You are not from Earth."

The tone of the Muzhen star was a bit dignified.

He has been to Earth several times, but he has never seen such a freak as Lu Yan.

One punch directly blasted an open space the size of a football field, and it seemed to be just a random blow.

With such amazing destructive power, he doubted that even if he had turned into a monster, he might not be able to deal with it.

"Who knows."

Lu Yan patted the head of the Muzhen Starman, then withdrew his hand.

As an evil hunter in the universe, judging the situation is the basic operation.

Facing such a difficult opponent, the people of Muzhen Planet did not have the idea of ​​fighting to the death.

He resolutely restrained his momentum, squeezed out a smile on his somewhat stiff face, and said, "This prey can be given to you."

"No, after seeing you, I want to talk to you more."

Lu Yan showed a smile in line with society's expectations.

If he remembered correctly, this Muzhen person was also driving a spaceship, and even if that kind of spaceship was small, he wouldn't mind taking one more person.

Anyway, it is estimated that the degree of completion of the training mission this time is not very high. It is better to go to the universe to see if there are any treasures that can enhance his physical fitness.

The people from Muzhen Star didn't know what Lu Yan's plan was, but asked cautiously, "What do you want to know?"

Lu Yan has not restrained his strength yet, and Symmetra's perception ability is naturally used.

He felt that Dagu and Lina had already rushed towards this side.

After all, the scene he created with that punch just now was quite astonishing. The Victory Team would not sit idly by on the spot and quickly send people to investigate.

"Let's change places first."

Lu Yan turned to look at Lucia and said, "Do you want to come with us?"

Lucia doesn't know the language of the earth, but judging from her head shaking like a rattle, it is obvious that she is rejecting it.

Lu Yan didn't force it, anyway, it was enough to catch a Muzhen star.

He grabs the people from Muzhen and soars into the sky before Dagu and the others arrive.


The top of Mount Chimine not far from Sendai city.

Lu Yan sat casually on a raised boulder.

Looking at Lu Yan who had returned to his normal state, the Muzhen star frowned unconsciously.

Before seeing Lu Yan's power, such an ordinary Lu Yan was no different from ordinary people on Earth.

But after such a toss, he is very clear about the terrifying power contained in this seemingly ordinary human on earth.

By the way, Lu Yan has used the power beyond normal people twice, and has a certain understanding of the judgment of this number of times.

First of all, the so-called number of uses is not as simple as punching once, and there is no time limit.

The determination of this number of times is actually counted as one time when the strength in the body has been exhausted.

Although due to his own special circumstances, normally speaking, his strength cannot be exhausted.

But the judgment of the reincarnation system doesn't care about this, and the power of temporary recovery will not be counted.

To put it simply, a battery has a capacity of [-] mAh. When it is fully charged, the battery will be fully charged no matter how long it takes. up.

Fortunately, the difficulty of this world of experience is nothing to Lu Yan. It is impossible for any monster to last until his strength is exhausted.

"Now tell me what you want to do?"

The Muzhen star was bored just sitting there, so he took the initiative to ask.

Lu Yan looked at the scenery at the foot of the mountain, and did not choose to answer the question of the Muzhen star, but instead asked, "Where is your spaceship?"

Although the people of Muzhen Xing felt that Lu Yan's attitude seemed to look down on him, but they didn't dare to get angry.

He just silently pressed the high-tech device on the back of his hand.

Not long after, a streamlined airtight small spaceship appeared on the top of Chifeng Mountain.

The whole body of the spaceship is silver-white, and the exterior is made of unknown metal, and there are no gaps at all.

And the so-called small spaceship is actually relatively speaking.

If you look at it up close, it's not much different from a big truck.

Lu Yan walked over and touched the outer shell of the spaceship, then turned to Mu Zhen and said, "I want to see the universe."

The Muzhen star curled his lips and explained: "Schromekin II is a spaceship for single use, and there is no extra space for you to take it."

"It's okay, I can drive by myself."

Lu Yan said gently.

Planet Muzhen: "?"

"Don't be delusional. I don't own this spaceship. It is issued to hunters for temporary use. Even if I die on this planet, this spaceship will return to Juzhen by itself."

"It's not important, you just need to teach me how to use it."

Lu Yan still maintained an amiable smile.

The Muzhen star said sternly: "Impossible, don't even think about it!"

Lu Yan put his hand on the head of the Muzhen star again.


After half an hour.

Lu Yan reached a consensus with the people from Muzhen Planet, and drove the Schromekin II to the atmosphere alone.

Leaving Mu Zhen Xingren standing on the top of Chifeng Mountain, he looked at the [-] yen in his hand and fell into deep thought.

in the spaceship.

In the cockpit with a 360-degree view, Lu Yan pressed one hand on the cylindrical console, skillfully manipulating the movement of the spaceship.

No wonder some people say that the purpose of the development of science and technology is to simplify responsible work.

At first, Lu Yan thought that it would be troublesome to operate such a spaceship, but as a result, as long as he pressed his hand on the console, he could move it as he wanted.

He didn't need any advice from the people from Muzhen, and he was able to drive proficiently.

Seeing that it was getting farther and farther away from the surface, Lu Yan suddenly thought of a question.

Where should he go?
Although he knows that there are many cosmic beings in this universe, some with sophisticated technology and some with unique abilities.

But the problem is that there are many people in the universe, but the universe itself is also ridiculously large.

If you bump around like headless chickens, who knows when you will run into other cosmic beings.

When Lu Yan considered this question, the spaceship had already entered space.

In the lonely and silent environment, it seems that the whole person has become a little smaller.

At this moment, a dazzling human-shaped light appeared in front of the spaceship.

Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed.

In his impression, this kind of guy doesn't seem to have appeared in Di Jia's plot, right?

The light man's line of sight seemed to see Lu Yan in the cockpit through the shell of the spaceship.

"I can feel the immense power in your body."

(End of this chapter)

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