The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 820 A Greater Crisis

Chapter 820 A Greater Crisis

In fact, if you really want to say it, in the worldview setting of Tiga Ultraman, the difficulty of making artificial Ultraman is quite low.

First of all, the ultra-ancient gene itself is something that most people have in their bodies, it's just a question of whether there are more or less.

Although it is impossible for most people to have the level of Dako, Masaki Keigo's level is slightly more than ordinary people...

To be honest, with the power of TPC, as long as you want to find it, you can't find it.

As for the optogenetic factor converter, the technical content is not high. In the world view of Ultraman Tiga, as long as there is such a direction, it can also be easily produced.

As for those giant stone statues, it may not be possible to think of a large number of them in a short period of time, but the single-digit giant stone statues are still in the category of hard work.

What's more, the "F plan" reached during the period of Ultraman Dyna can even use the scraps of the giant stone statue.

The current level of technology is not far behind that time.

Therefore, it is theoretically feasible to create an artificial Ultraman army.

In this way, the only problem left is the danger of being eroded by the power of giants to their own consciousness.

But in the cognition of the hawk generals, is the sacrifice of soldiers a problem?

The answer to this question, Jigang Tetsuji can clearly answer that this is a necessary sacrifice in order to achieve peace.

the other side.

Dagu and the others didn't know Jigang Zhesi's secret plan, and while thanking that there was no conflict, they led Lu Yan and the Muzhen star to the headquarters.

The Muzhen planet maintained the appearance of a human from the earth, and no one could recognize him as a cosmic person along the way. At most, he thought that this person looked a little gloomy.

As soon as he walked to the door of the command room, before Dagu went to verify his identity, he heard a soft sound.

This door full of technological colors will automatically open.

Obviously, although they invited Lu Yan to visit boldly, they have already been paid attention to since they arrived.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with this point.

Rather, if he was really allowed to come in for a casual stroll, he would wonder if the TPC system was a little too loose.

There were not many people in the command room.

Except for Nozui who has been nesting in the console, Sawai Soichiro and Nanyuan Masayuki are the remaining staff officers.

As well as the intermediary Hui and Zongfang Chengyi, they are all important figures in the Earth Peace United Organization.

Looking at these people in the command room, Lu Yan thought curiously, if he killed all these people at once, the rate of rewriting the plot would soar, right?

After seeing Lu Yan, Director Sawai was about to open his mouth to welcome him, when he suddenly felt a wave of malice, and his body stiffened unnaturally for a moment.

But there was nothing to be seen from Lu Yan's smiling expression, he could only take it as an illusion.

Then he stood up and said in a gentle tone: "This is Mr. Lu Yan, right? On behalf of the entire Far East Headquarters, I would like to extend my welcome to you."

After Director Sawai opened his mouth, the rest of the TPC executives present also showed good-natured smiles.

It is probably also a relationship between upward and downward effects. The TPC organization in this period as a whole is more inclined to gentle methods.

Lu Yan didn't feel unfamiliar, so he naturally found a place to sit.

Zhuangruo said casually, "What do you want from me?"

Although the pursuit of TPC executives is peaceful, it is also tainted with the attributes of a politician.

Therefore, when encountering Lu Yan's straightforward attitude, it was really uncomfortable for a while.

Several people looked at each other.

In the end, Director Sawai stood up and said bluntly.

"Since Mr. Lu Yan is so frank, I won't hide it anymore. We want to invite you to join the victory team."

Hearing this, Lu Yan frowned.

Regarding the judgment of the TPC executives, he had some guesses.

But I really didn't expect to be able to do this to this extent.

He sat up a little straighter and said, "What's the reason?"

Even if he joins the victory team, it will be of great benefit to him to break the plot.

But if TPC was so easy to join, it might have been infiltrated by the cosmic people long ago.

Just because you have shown strength, invite him to join?

Lu Yan was skeptical about this.

Director Sawai probably also knew that Lu Yan would ask such a question, so he turned his head and looked aside.

Captain Jujian Hui understood, and said, "Let me talk about the next thing."

"At the beginning, we discovered a meteorite that landed on the earth. After research, we were surprised to find that the material of this meteorite itself belonged to the earth..."

While listening to Ju Jianhui's narration, Lu Yan tapped his knee lightly with his fingers.

He remembered it halfway through.

This so-called meteorite is You Lian's time machine, and from her projection, she learned how to revive the giant stone statue to fight against the monsters, and the plot of Ultraman Tiga also unfolded from this.

This paragraph was mentioned briefly in the plot, and Lu Yan himself didn't think there was any problem.

But after Ju Jianhui explained carefully, he noticed some blind spots that hadn't been noticed.

For example, the matter surrounding the time machine, in addition to the matter on the earth, also has the matter of aliens.

And those substances that do not exist on the earth are still inside the meteorite.

This is enough to prove that this time machine has existed somewhere in the universe for a long time, and it can even be said to be observing the earth.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that as soon as Gorzan and Melba appeared, the time machine just turned into a meteorite and fell to the ground.

After all, when the time machine appeared, if it was later, Tijia's stone statue would have definitely turned into a pile of slag.

You Lian, as the head of the Earth Guard 3000 million years ago, has no doubts about his identity as a human being, and it is impossible for him to live for such a long time.

This raises a new question, who launched this time machine?Or, where did it come from?

However, the Victory Team didn't realize the reason why they invited Lu Yan to join these problems.

In fact, it is because You Lian's projection appeared again not long ago, and it shows that the earth is about to encounter a greater crisis.

It's a pity that You Lian's condition was too bad, and she dissipated again before explaining what the crisis was.

However, after the recovery of the giant, TPC executives basically have no doubts about what You Lian said.

Therefore, he involuntarily became nervous and wanted to unite all forces that could be united to deal with the upcoming unknown crisis.

It just so happened that Lu Yan was such a strong helping hand in their eyes, so it was logical to invite him to join.

(End of this chapter)

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