The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 837 The Ultimate Power

Chapter 837 The Ultimate Power

On the beach, you can still feel sporadic wind and waves.

However, there are no more disasters that can threaten the inhabitants of the land.

Dagu, who was directly kicked out of Dijia's state, was frantically running towards the direction where Dijia and Lu Yan were fighting.

He didn't know what happened to make the two sides fight.

But it is absolutely impossible for Dijia to use the body to fight.

Before Dagu ran far, he heard a loud noise, and then saw blood-like colorful lights emanating from the top of Tijia's head.

There is obviously a huge difference in body size, but the current situation is clearly that Dijia is being suppressed and beaten by Lu Yan like a child.

This is not surprising.

After so many physical fitness enhancements, Lu Yan's normal physical fitness has reached the level of a king.

Although because there is no reference, the concept is not particularly specific.

But under normal circumstances, it is still easy to blow up a mountain with one punch, not to mention that after opening the door to death, the hundred-fold increase simply made the quantitative changes pile up to the point of qualitative changes.

In this state, every punch Lu Yan punched seemed to be able to cause the air to vibrate.

Not to mention counterattacking, Dijia couldn't even maintain a balanced situation.

By the way, strictly speaking, Tiga's fighting style is actually more like a mage than a reckless fighter.

Even if the ability used does not require the chanting of spells, it still has the ability to move forward.

There is not much to say in this gap, but in front of Lu Yan in this state, there is no chance to show it.

There were muffled sounds, accompanied by Dijia's screams due to pain.

This situation is not like a battle, but more like a one-sided beating.

In fact, this ability to fight against blows is no longer weak.

Each of Lu Yan's punches was unimaginably heavy, and every blow would naturally create ripple-like power fluctuations.

Even from such a distance, Dagu could clearly see the fluctuations that represented terrifying power.

Lu Yan punched out again.

This time, it hit the energy indicator on Tiga's chest.

Colorful streamer blood poured out of Dijia like no money.

After enduring such a terrifying blow, Di Jia could no longer maintain his standing posture, and fell backward on the spot.

"A little disappointed..."

Lu Yanling stood in mid-air and pursed his lips: "It's fine to kill him."

He raised his hand slowly, and the divine light that was as light as the dust condensed on the palm of his hand.

"Death to me!"

Camilla rushed towards Lu Yan dragging her seriously injured body.

She does have a lot of resentment towards Tiga, but that doesn't mean she can just watch someone do something to Tiga.

Besides, the reason why Di Jia and Lu Yan fought was because of her, which made her even more unable to calm down.

Accompanied by her shrill roar, when she flew into the air, she had already turned into a huge Ultraman form.

The sense of oppression brought by the huge size is real, but Lu Yan just smiled casually.

Hit the light and dust that was originally prepared for Tiga towards Camilla.

The divine light condensed with light and dust is not flying fast, but it also depends on who it is compared with.

At least there is no possibility of failing to face the oncoming Camilla.

The divine light hit Camilla on the spot, and her huge body stayed in mid-air, and bright streamers began to burst out from all parts of her body.

Di Jia finally slowed down, just in time to see the scene where Camilla was cut by the divine light.

The fact that the road is different does not mean that he has no feelings for Camilla.

The milky oval eyes are visibly reddened to the naked eye.

Dagu, who was still running here, was suddenly shrouded in golden light, soared into the air, and merged into Di Jia's body.

After Dagu entered, the flickering energy indicator of Dijana turned blue again, which represented full energy.

And Di Jia's whole body was lit up with a faint golden light.

This appearance seems to be more in line with the title of Giant of Light than the normal Tiga.

Lu Yan shifted his attention away from Camilla and focused on the glowing Di Jia.

He knew that Tiga had a form called Shining Tija.

From the setting point of view, the more light there is, the stronger the power of Shining Tiga, and there is no upper limit.

Now Dijia looks a little similar, but it shouldn't be.

Di Jia was in no mood to care what Lu Yan was thinking.

With his hands crossed, a white light came out from his arm.

Enhanced version of Zapelio Rays.

After all, Dijia himself has never used the state of Shining Dijia, but with the help of the big ancient power bank, there is no problem in exerting part of his power.

The blazing high-temperature energy rays hit, but Lu Yan did not choose to dodge seriously.

Instead, he directly punched Zapelio Guangguang with a powerful and heavy fist.

The violent energy explosion made the entire night sky as bright as day.

The violent heat wave caused by the stalemate made Lu Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

"Let you feel it."

Before the words fell, another more terrifying force erupted in Lu Yan's body.

The resulting hurricane swept across the entire sky, and even the clouds in the sky collapsed instantly.

The glaring electric current surged frantically outside his body, and the sound of lightning and thunder was as terrifying as the end of the world.

Endless golden whirlpools rose from his body.

Just the aura emanating from it naturally wiped out Zapelio's light on the spot.

Haiyang, which had been calmed down a little bit with the efforts of Dagu and TPC, set off a more violent shock again at this moment.

The Far East Headquarters at sea could also feel the violent vibration from that distance.

The energy monitor in front of Ye Rui failed without any accident under the huge energy reaction.

Both Jujianhui and Director Sawai had to hold onto the table with both hands to ensure that they would not be shaken down.

"In the end what happened?!"

Dagu, who was in Dijia's body, looked at the only figure in the sky that seemed to be in the sky, and the whole person fell into a state of sluggishness.

"What a terrifying power..."

Faced with such a powerful momentum that is almost unimaginable, let alone Dagu, even Dijia himself was a little at a loss.

He really felt that Lu Yan himself had the power to destroy the universe.

Tens of millions of years of hard work destroy the universe, and destroy with a snap of the fingers.

It is a completely different concept!

"Are we really going to fight Mr. Yan?"

Even through a layer of protection, Dagu's voice trembled slightly. The natural reaction of low-level life forms in front of god-like gods is not transferred by human will.

Can't bring up the slightest fighting spirit at all.

Dijia's bitter voice sounded: "'s not our decision now."

Feeling Lu Yan's aura, he certainly knew that this was an opponent he couldn't win at all.

They don't even have the qualifications to be their opponents!

(End of this chapter)

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