Chapter 843 Battle
After a slight dizziness, Kuang Feng found that he had come to a huge open space.

In this open space, many official reincarnations have gathered.

Many armored vehicles surrounded the open space to prevent any emergencies.

To be precise, Resource Planet 103 is actually somewhat similar to the Earth tens of thousands of years ago, with a virgin forest in sight.

The comfortable air makes people sober up a lot.

Behind the clearing is a mountain that has been half hollowed out.

This is a mine, and the staff were evacuated as early as the accident occurred, and many excavators can be seen randomly parked on the mountain like this.

But these are not important, the resource planet is originally used to obtain resources.

Everyone's attention was focused on the sky, that huge streamer channel.

You can see the white mist emanating from the outside of the passage, sometimes condensing into some strange beasts.

Like a tiger, like a python...

But it only lasted for a while and then dissipated naturally.

Gu Feng licked his lips: "Is this the passage made by the predators?"

The portal of Resource Planet 103 is placed in the Shancheng Joint Campus.

As the principal of the United School District, Fengfeng naturally ran in curiously to have a look.

But the last few times he came in, he had never seen this huge streamer channel appearing in the sky.

Based on the current intelligence, the thing that appeared in the sky was obviously made by the predators.


Duan Jianhui's family.


An electronic notification sounded from Duan Jianhui's mobile phone.

"Depend on!"

Duan Jianhui threw his phone on the bed angrily: "What kind of rubbish teammates are these!"

"It's late at night, you'd better be quiet." Lu Yan glanced at him.

Duan Jianhui said very unhappy: "I will be a dog when I play games in the future! My teammates tonight are too bad."

His game skills are really not bad.

After all, the strengthened physical fitness is all-round. Even with the influence of restricted tasks, his reaction and hand speed are still far superior to ordinary people.

"This teammate hung up the phone while calling and calling, can you believe it?!"

"There are still two!"

Lu Yan glanced at the time displayed on the phone, it was [-]:[-]: "Your teammate must have fallen asleep."

"Oh, I'm so angry."

There is no way, even if Duan Jianhui can hit ten, it is impossible to hit his teammates along the network cable.

It can only be sulking while sitting.

Lu Yan saw that he had finally calmed down, so he continued to browse the forum.

He noticed that there were many new posts on the forum.

The content is related to the Shancheng United Campus.

It's vague, though, and doesn't spell out exactly what's going on.

I can also see posts from many students from the joint school district, saying that they were called up to evacuate in the middle of the night, and they didn't know what happened.

Lu Yan silently wrote down the IDs of the students who posted the post, and was going to see if he could check them out when the time came.

Just kidding, he is also one of the vice principals after all.

Dick dick~
Just as Lu Yan was scrolling through the post, a strange call popped up suddenly.

He pressed answer easily.

"Excuse me, is it the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War?"

Old Li's dignified voice came from the other end of the phone.

Lu Yan was silent for a while, not acknowledging the title.

Just asked: "What's the matter?"

"Can I trouble you to come to the joint campus as soon as possible? It seems that this matter is quite big..."

Lu Yan hummed and hung up the phone.

After all, it is usually Kuangfeng who contacts him, but this meeting has actually changed people, no matter how he thinks about it, he feels that there is a big problem.

Besides, Zhao Xiaohai's child is also in the United Community.

So he didn't plan on inkblotting either.

"what happened?"

Duan Jianhui turned around and glanced at Lu Yan.

Speaking of which, he somehow felt that Lu Yan was always answering the phone in the middle of the night.

"Not sure, but it looks like something happened to the United School District."

Lu Yan stood up from the sofa, stretched his waist, and said, "Let me go and have a look."

"It's a little too anxious."

Duan Jianhui said slightly jokingly: "Um, that's right, you are the vice principal after all."

Lu Yan didn't respond, and just jumped out from the balcony.

Although he didn't use the Eight-door Dunjia Formation or Super Race state, his speed on the road is not slow under normal conditions.

In the blink of an eye, he had flown several miles away.

It would have taken several hours by car.

At Lu Yan's speed, in just a few minutes, he could already see the brightly lit joint campus in the distance.

Heavily armed soldiers can be seen everywhere at the main gate, and the security seems to be stricter than when the gate was guarded last time.

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War, this way."

Lao Li's voice rang in Lu Yan's ear.

Feeling this weak pulling force, Lu Yan did not resist.

Fall in front of the temporary portal along the direction of the traction.

Lu Yan glanced at the huge portal and said.

"How is this going?"

"Entrance to Resource Planet 103."

Lao Li straightened his glasses and explained: "This is a temporary portal opened, and the predators have already appeared."

Lu Yan's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't speak, and motioned for Lao Li to continue.

"The known information so far is that these predators are a strange race called immortals. Although they are not the immortals in our myths and legends, their combat effectiveness..."

"I know the fairy clan, let's talk about the key points."

Old Li was slightly taken aback, but he didn't refute anything, and continued: "We have already invested nearly two thousand reincarnations, and the headmaster is in charge of the wind. Unfortunately, the situation has not been stabilized. The information from the resource planet Look, we are completely at a disadvantage..."

"Go straight in from here?"

Lu Yan pointed to the temporary door beside him.

Lao Li nodded subconsciously, and wanted to continue explaining the situation.

Lu Yan had already stepped in.

After a slight dizziness, a strong smell of blood came oncoming.

Lu Yan appeared in the open space, the portal behind him was still lit up from time to time, teams of mixed reincarnators and ordinary soldiers ran towards the front line under the command of the captain.

He stood on this open space and looked around. This place seemed to be the base made by the strong wind.

The outermost perimeter is some armored vehicles for defense, and the center of the open space is used as a temporary medical aid point. Some reincarnated people with limbs and arms are lying on the ground like this, probably waiting for someone to send them out.

After all, even if the samsara person has only one head left, he can spend samsara coins to recover his injuries when he returns to the samsara space.

Therefore, the wounded present still endured the pain and barely kept quiet.

"Hey, is it the vice principal of Tyrannosaurus?"

A reincarnation with only half of his body shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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