Chapter 853
Lu Yan flew in mid-air with a slightly dignified expression.

Below him is a forest of chaotic rocks, these rocks are as big as a lying cow, with strange shapes, and no vegetation can be seen.

He found a serious problem.

Because after temporarily losing the life perception provided by Symmetra, he couldn't rely on the perception of life breath to distinguish the direction.

And the ghost knows what kind of galaxy this resource planet is in. The skills of identifying directions in the real world are not applicable on resource planet 103.

Yes, he got lost.

The reason why he was able to find the location of the Immortal Race Mechanical Fortress earlier was because of the huge passage in the sky.

But if you want to return to the camp, you don't know which sign to look for.

At first, after Lu Yan realized this, he could choose to go back the same way.

But when he left so freely, he returned to ask for directions after a while, and he felt that he seemed a little too naive.

With this thought in mind, Lu Yan started wandering around the resource planet, trying to find some scattered teams of reincarnations.

But unfortunately.

The reincarnators on Resource Planet 103 only had the 2000-odd people brought by the storm before, and they lost more than half of them.

For the remaining few people, falling on this resource planet, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lu Yan was spinning around in the sky like a headless chicken.

At this moment, a huge portal suddenly opened in the distant sky.

It is hundreds of feet high, even if Lu Yan is far away, he can clearly notice it.

gada gada~

Gunship helicopters appeared in the portal, making a lot of noise.

Lu Yan wiped away the beads of sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"Finally found it, it's really hard for me."

By the way, this is actually because the two-way channel was reopened after confirming that the invasion crisis had been brought under control.

There is not only one such two-way channel on Resource Planet 103, but all over the entire planet.

After all, the size of Resource Planet 103 is not much bigger than Blue Star.

If the transportation distance is not shortened, the transportation cost of mineral resources is indeed a bit high.

It was closed before because of the appearance of fairy invaders.

After this portal was opened, it seemed to cause a chain reaction.

One huge portal after another appeared one after another like mushrooms after rain.

However, although these huge portals are all over the entire resource planet, the exits are all the joint campuses of the mountain city.

If the position of the exit could be adjusted freely, it would not be so slow to mobilize reinforcements.

Lu Yan randomly picked the nearest portal and rushed out.

After a slight dizziness, Lu Yan appeared in the back hill of the joint campus.

There are still many reincarnations stationed here, with layers of handles, and a large number of armored vehicles aiming at the exit position on the outermost periphery.

This is to prevent some immortal disciples who slipped through the net from sneaking out.

Moreover, among the guards, Lu Yan also saw a few acquaintances.

Yun Changge sized him up curiously: "Didn't you leave long ago?"

"Take a stroll inside."

Lu Yan was perfunctory without asking about the aftermath, and flew in the direction of Duan Jianhui's house decisively.


"Ah... so boring, Lao Lu, let's go and play with Peng Zhi?"

Duan Jianhui lay paralyzed on the bed, sighing for a while.

Lu Yan glanced at him, took the instant coffee and continued to watch the drama without any surprise.

Two days have passed since Resource Planet 103 was invaded.

For some unknown reason, the official reincarnation department did not announce the immortal clan's invasion.

At least I couldn't find information about this on the forums.

Even if there were some speculative speculations, at most it was suspected that the Shancheng United School District seemed to have held a drill in the middle of the night.

This kind of public opinion, on the other hand, proved the skills of the official reincarnation department.

After all, the casualties of the reincarnated people in the Shancheng branch are still quite large, and there are tens of thousands of immortals. It is surprising that such a big matter can be tightly covered.

Regarding this, Lu Yan had no intention of revealing it on purpose.

He did know about the existence of those star races a long time ago, if it was the entire official reincarnation department, it must have known earlier than him.

To make a bold guess, the official may have already contacted the starry sky race, but it has not been announced.

The main reason is that the star race is different from the reincarnation.

Although reincarnated people also have powers beyond ordinary people, they are still locals anyway.

But the star race is different.

In various senses, these star races are all aliens.

Hastily announcing information related to aliens will easily cause panic as long as it is slightly instigated by others.

"Go out for a walk, it's too boring to be nestled these days."

Duan Jianhui waved his hand in front of Lu Yan's eyes: "I read from the Shancheng Official Account that there seems to be a gathering of reincarnators near us. It's similar to a two-dimensional club, and the scale is quite large."

"Go and have a look, I heard that there are many female reincarnations."

Lu Yan squinted at him.

"If it's a reincarnation, do you think you won't know me?"

Hearing this, Duan Jianhui took out a mask from somewhere and handed it to Lu Yan.

"Is it okay to wear this?"


"I don't think so."

Lu Yan stood in front of the main entrance of the commercial street wearing a mask.

He pressed his temple, feeling a little headache.

This is said to be a gathering of reincarnations, but it is actually more similar to a form of comic exhibition.

As long as you prove your identity as a reincarnation, you can enter for free.

And if you are an ordinary person, you have to buy a ticket.

The organizers were quite willing to spend money and bought up an entire commercial street. The scale did not seem small.

It's just that the advertisements posted everywhere made Lu Yan feel that the commercial atmosphere of this event was a bit too heavy.

"Come on, let's go in, we both can get free tickets."

Duan Jianhui dragged Lu Yan and walked inside.

After casually lifting up a [-]-jin stone slab at the entrance, the guard arranged by the organizer let the two of them in.

Young girls in cool clothes came and went, Duan Jianhui didn't look sideways, but suddenly said with some emotion.

"If Peng Zhi was here, he would probably like this event very much."

Lu Yan was silent for a while: "Why do you make it sound like he's dead?"

At this moment, a somewhat familiar voice sounded beside Lu Yan.

"I didn't expect you to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War, so it turned out to be like this."

Yu Wulin was wearing a pair of beach shorts. After walking over, he pulled down his sunglasses to reveal his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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