The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 855 Can't Understand

Chapter 855 Can't Understand
Hearing what the wind said, Wu Zigang and Lao Li also carefully looked at the two figures on the screen.

"The one with the sunglasses looks familiar, I didn't recognize it..."

Wu Zigang's eyes widened in confusion: "But isn't that guy wearing a mask our vice principal?"

At any rate, he also had close contact with Lu Yan.

Even if he is wearing a mask, if you look carefully, you can still roughly tell the difference.

"The other guy, you can't ignore it." Kuang Feng recalled the previous divisional confrontation, and he was still very sure of Yu Wulin's fighting power.

"Uh... how about Minister Fengfeng, please call Principal Lu and ask?"

A relaxed smile appeared on Lao Li's face unconsciously.

In fact, those who can be attracted by this kind of activity are basically low-level reincarnations.

If high-level reincarnators want to hold parties, it is obviously more convenient to hold parties directly in the reincarnation space.

The mysterious force obviously knew this too, and they dared to put the reincarnated person in with the certainty of being able to control it.

Kuangfeng grinned, sweeping away the previous gloomy look.

"That's it, I'll call the Tyrannosaurus God."


A bustling commercial street.

So far no one has realized that there is anything wrong with this event and is still having fun.

Lu Yan looked at Yu Wulin beside him with some displeasure.

From the very beginning, this guy stuck to him like a dog's skin plaster, no matter where Lu Yan went, he followed behind.

If he didn't know that even killing Yu Wulin would be meaningless, Lu Yan couldn't help but want to do it.

Duan Jianhui had a great time.

It seems that I also participated in some team game competitions of reincarnations. With the large crowd of onlookers, there is also a bit of an e-sports atmosphere.

Seeing that he was having so much fun, Lu Yan didn't bother to call him.

Under Yu Wulin's harassment, he made the decision to go back and watch dramas on the couch.

"Are you sure you want to leave? There will be more activities in the evening, we have invited popular stars, and there will be a firework show."

At the exit of the event, two guards stretched out their hands to stop Lu Yan: "Anyway, it's not long before dark, so it's a pity to leave now. Is there something we didn't do well?"

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling face with your hand.

Although the two guards were trying to stop them, they still behaved very politely, which made Lu Yan feel embarrassed to say anything.

However, Lu Yan glanced at Yu Wulin who was still following behind him, and still said that he was leaving now.

"Sir, please don't embarrass us, we are not allowed to leave halfway."

"What if I insist on leaving?"

"Then please make up the consumption, if not, we will call the police."

The smile on Lu Yan's face softened a little.

If he didn't feel something was wrong at this time, it was his own problem.

How can there be such a commercial activity that is not allowed to exit?

And if you think about it carefully, before he came, he really didn't see the tourists who left.

Although I haven't figured out what the organizer wants to do, it is certain.

There is definitely something wrong with this activity.

Dick dick~
At this moment, Lu Yan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the gust of the caller ID, he didn't answer the call immediately, but swept over the two guards thoughtfully.

Then he turned and left, and at the same time connected the phone and put it to his ear.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus, are you still at the gathering of reincarnators?"

Lu Yan responded casually, "What's wrong with this activity?"


The overly straightforward reply made Kuang Feng stunned for a moment.

"Have you discovered it? It really is worthy of the invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War."

Kuangfeng first praised Lu Yan habitually, and then explained seriously.

"There is a problem, and it's a big problem. We investigated and found that the review process for this event has not been completed, and the person responsible for the review was replaced two days ago..."

"...It's almost like this. With the current strength of the Shancheng Branch, it is too reluctant to deal with this matter. The big brother just happens to meet, can you help me?"

After listening to Kuang Feng's series of narrations, Lu Yan silently hung up the phone.

He pressed his temple with some headache.

I really can't understand why this kind of thing can happen to him even if he is pulled out by Duan Jianhui to join in the fun.

And strictly speaking, he is not a reincarnation with an official background at all, so why does Feng Feng come to him for help whenever something happens?

Who is the branch chief of Shancheng?
"Did you come to help me?" Yu Wulin poked his head over.

Lu Yan hummed casually, not wanting to talk to this guy.

But Yu Wulin went on to say: "I can detect the approximate location of the explosive material."

Don't forget, his main rule-based ability is on the technology side.

While Lu Yan was becoming stronger, others did not stand still.

As a matter of fact, even Lu Yan doesn't know how far Yu Wulin's technological level has developed.

"Why do I suspect that you made this explosive substance?"

Lu Yan squinted at him.

Yu Wulin jumped up like a frightened cat.

Quickly waving his arms: "How come, I'm too lazy to engage in such low-level stuff."

"If you can find it, then you can solve it."

Lu Yan showed Yu Wulin Kuangfeng's number: "You can discuss it yourself, I'm going back."

After finishing speaking, he didn't remind Duan Jianhui of his plan, he just moved into the air with a single step.

Even though Yu Wulin's actions throughout the day made Lu Yan a little annoyed, Lu Yan still recognized his ability.

Yu Wulin raised his head and waited until Lu Yan was gone, then shrugged casually and walked towards the center of the commercial street.

"As expected, I still don't understand..."


Duan Jianhui's family.

"Old Lu, you are too disrespectful, you actually sneaked away."

Duan Jianhui pushed the door and entered the room in a disheveled manner.

Lu Yan slumped on the sofa and watched the drama, glanced at the time, it was 01:30 in the morning.

Judging by Duan Jianhui's appearance, it is estimated that he was caught by the wind to deal with the aftermath, otherwise it would not have ended so late.

"It's fine if people are fine."

Lu Yan stretched his waist and said with a smile.

Duan Jianhui also smiled wryly: "It's not bad, at least a supper is included."

Lu Yan didn't bother to ask about the specific situation, nor did he care about the follow-up of this matter.

For him, being able to sit down and drink coffee and watch dramas is enough.

If you get too involved with the official department, it will be really troublesome.

"Let's stay at home, I don't want to encounter this kind of thing again."

Duan Jianhui looked like a salted fish.

Time passed quietly in such days.

In the blink of an eye, it was time to practice reincarnation again.

(End of this chapter)

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