The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 860 Fatal Injury

Chapter 860 Fatal Wounds (4K)

This scholar's attire does not appear to be modern at first glance.

Moreover, with disheveled hair and red eyes, in the Sovereign Hotel at this time, if it were said that he was human, few people would believe him.

If it were a normal person, his legs would have been so frightened that his legs would have weakened by this time.

However, after listening to the scholar's words, Lu Yan immediately became happy.

Sequence 86, the headless scholar.

If he were to name it, he thought it would be more accurate to call it Bai Lian Scholar.

After comparing with Sun Zhengyuan, he is sure that the weirdness of this world is the horror image of the real world.

What's more, Lu Yan has actually heard the story of this Bai Lian scholar.

In fact, if he knew this story, it would be impossible for this scholar Bai Lian to pose any threat at all.

The underlying logic of this story is that the idea of ​​dying is extremely powerful and can support the completion of the last thought before death.

It is rumored that a traitor killed the scholar, and the scholar was sentenced to beheaded. On the execution ground, the scholar said to the traitor: After I die, I will definitely turn into a ghost and demand your life.As a result, the traitor said: If your head can fly up and bite Bai Lian on the execution ground, then I will believe you.

Then the executioner slashed down, and the scholar's head flew up and bit Bai Lian.

Seeing this, the traitor laughed loudly, because the last thought of the scholar before his death was to bite him for nothing, and revenge would be impossible.

After hearing the story here, people with no problem in their minds should already understand how to deal with the weirdness of this Sequence 86.

This is why people from the Special Affairs Bureau will always try to figure out the logic of these weird rules.

As long as you know the rules of weirdness, most of the weirdness can be easily solved by ordinary people.

Seeing that the beheading knife on the scholar's head was about to fall on its neck.

Lu Yan suddenly became curious and said.

"If you can make a lithography machine, then I will trust you."

Scholar: "?"

Before the scholar could speak again, the beheading knife fell.


A bloody head fell and rolled on the ground twice before subsiding.

After a few seconds of silence, the bloody head suddenly opened its eyes.

But this human head did not rush directly towards Lu Yan.

Instead, it was placed on the ground like this, and from its eyes, it seemed to be really thinking.

Lu Yan didn't intend to disturb it either.

Anyway, even if such a strange existence at the front of the sequence is killed by him, it will be resurrected somewhere.

Too lazy to do this kind of useless work, Lu Yan stepped over the head of the scholar under his feet, and continued to walk downstairs to the hotel.

There must be elevators in this tens of storey hotel.

However, Lu Yan came to find Slender Ghost, and he didn't come downstairs in a hurry, so naturally he would not choose to take the elevator.

In fact, the reason why Lu Yan came here was not to complete the task of cleaning up the unharmonious factors.

It was more because he felt that the thin and long ghost was caused by himself. Now that he knew about it, it was not easy to just sit back and ignore it.

After going down five or six floors along the corridor, Lu Yan could feel that the temperature in the corridor seemed to have become somewhat normal, but he could smell a strong smell of blood.

Basically, it can be judged that the reason why the temperature of the upper floors has become lower is because of the headless scholar.

Judging from the situation, he should have entered the range of the slender ghost.

After realizing this, Lu Yan touched the tip of his nose.

"So the strange ones won't join forces?"

It's a pity that because Symmetra has not yet completed its transformation, he can't judge what kind of life form these strange existences are based on life perception.

As for where the Secret Service and the people in the hotel are...

Lu Yan's nose flapped twice.

Judging from the bloody smell that got stronger and stronger as it went down, it probably wasn't very optimistic.

After going down a few more floors, the smell of blood was so strong that it seemed to condense into substance.

After all, the hotel is a closed environment. After the ventilation system is paralyzed, the smell of blood cannot be dispersed. It is not surprising that it is so strong.

Lu Yan took a step forward, but he took it back before his toes touched the ground.

It just stayed at this level.

He noticed the dense bloody footprints on the corridor.

And judging from the strong smell of blood, this floor is the floor with the most serious casualties.

He glanced at the 13th floor written on the wall, pushed open the heavy fire door, and stepped in without hesitation.

Come to the corridor.

I can notice the walls, the carpet under my feet, etc., and there are bloodstains everywhere.

Most importantly, he also saw several members of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Lu Yan had seen a few of them in the office before.

Nosebleeds, and a very obvious penetrating wound on the chest.

The bodies of these people were dumped randomly in the corridor like garbage.

In addition to these Secret Affairs Bureau personnel, there are also many hotel guests in pajamas.

Their deaths were miserable, and the only thing they had in common was that they all had a penetrating wound on their chests.

And judging from the penetration of the wound, it was all caused by a sneak attack from behind by the slender ghost.

Lu Yan's eyelids twitched.

Obviously has the power of crushing, so it must be a sneak attack with evil taste.

"Does that thing have to kill people from behind?"


Room 1307.

The room was dark with no lights on.

Captain Yang was paralyzed under the bed, sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked in sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Besides, his nostrils were still gushing blood.

This is a kind of ability that the slender ghost has. Humans in the area where it is located will experience mental madness and crazy nosebleeds.

Captain Yang didn't dare to take a big breath, so he could only lower his breathing rate and try to keep himself calm.

In fact, they made a mistake in judgment.

After all, facing the slender ghost of Sequence 97, the members of the Special Affairs Bureau of the two offices did not dare to enter the Sovereign Hotel at all. They could only stand outside the hotel and pull the cordon to meet the escaped guests.

However, what they didn't expect was that the range of activities of the slender ghost was not limited to the hotel area.

So when they found the slender ghost suddenly appearing behind them, they almost lost all hope.

Facing the weirdness that can teleport, there is no possibility of escaping.

In order to survive, he had to choose to run to the hotel.

In this way, he was forced by the slender ghost to escape floor by floor.

Originally, I thought that life would appear when I reached the top of the building, but before I reached the top, I ran into a headless scholar who was ahead of the sequence of slender ghosts.

The lesser of the two powers.

They could only turn around and turn back, and finally were blocked by the slender ghost on the corridor on the 13th floor.

Watching the team members around him fall down one by one, Captain Yang wanted to fight Slender Ghost with grief.

But it's a pity that he is just an ordinary person and can't beat him at all.

Even under the suppression of the slender ghost's mental ability, he couldn't even get close to the slender ghost.

With a nosebleed, Captain Yang was dragged into this room by two team members.

He lay limp under the bed, watching the two team members being killed by the slender ghost.

Fortunately, the slender ghost was not in a hurry to kill him, but to deal with those who could still move first.

This situation of quietly waiting for death to come, powerless, made Captain Yang almost crazy. Unfortunately, with his current physical condition, even suicide is an extravagant hope.

As time passed, he noticed that the screams outside the room had gradually faded away.

Obviously, after everyone was killed, it was his turn.

After realizing this, Captain Yang's body tensed up suddenly.

Captain Yang was so nervous that he could hear his own heartbeat clearly.

Unhurried footsteps sounded in the corridor outside the door.

The sound of footsteps like a reminder made Captain Yang hold his breath and closed his eyes in despair.

The lights in the room were turned on.

Lu Yan looked at Captain Yang who was lying under the bed with his eyes tightly closed and still trembling slightly.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then he said strangely, "You're not dead yet."

Hearing this slightly familiar voice, Captain Yang hesitantly opened his eyes again.

Captain Yang: "?!"

What about Slender Ghost?
Why did this kid come to the Sovereign Hotel?

And look completely unharmed?
Looking at Lu Yan standing at the door, Captain Yang fell into a state of confusion.

After a while, Captain Yang probably felt that it was inappropriate for him to lie down like this, so he staggered out from under the bed.

"How do you..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the eerie and terrifying figure of the slender ghost appearing behind Lu Yan.

And because the slender ghost was teleporting, it didn't make any sound, at least in Captain Yang's view, Lu Yan still looked ignorant.

Before he could say the reminder, he saw the slender ghost's deformed arm stabbing out like a black spear.

Blood splattered instantly!

Radioactive blood shapes spilled over the floor and along the walls.

A few drops of blood splashed onto the white bed sheet, and a few bloody flowers bloomed.

Captain Yang clearly saw that Lu Yan's body was pierced by the slender ghost, and the place where the pierced body was pierced was where the human heart was.

Seeing this scene, Captain Yang opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

The slender ghost took his arm out of Lu Yan's body and let it hang casually by his side, then turned his head without facial features to Captain Yang.

Neither Slender Ghost nor Captain Yang noticed at this time that Lu Yan did not actually fall down.

Not even his expression changed much.

In fact, because from the mission introduction, the world is not yet structured.

So in order to prevent the power from spreading too much and collapse the world.

Before he tested the upper limit of the world's strength, Lu Yan used "selflessness" to control his physical state.

Ability like "Serious Dodge", even a passive ability is controlled and not used.

Otherwise, even if the slender ghost sneaked up on him from behind, it would not have any effect.

Lu Yan looked down at the blood hole in his chest, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

He suddenly felt that he still lacked some perception ability.

In the low-armed world, the crisis warnings developed by his own war career may be enough.

But when those weird or powerful beings are in front of him, relying on the natural reaction of the body really won't do much.

Ten seconds later, Slender Ghost and Captain Yang both noticed Lu Yan's strange situation.

It stands to reason that even if you can stand for a while relying on the inertia of your body when you are dying, it is impossible to stand for so long, right?
Seeing that Lu Yan not only didn't fall down, but also reached out and shook his empty chest, Captain Yang felt a little scalp tingling for no reason.

"Little... boy, what are you doing?"

Hearing Captain Yang's words, Lu Yan raised his head, looked at him and said with a smile.

"A mere mortal wound."

Although the current situation is very critical, Lu Yan's words still made him feel a little out of control.

Captain Yang blinked and swallowed hard: "You... that injury?"

At this time, Slender Ghost also turned his attention back to Lu Yan.

It just doesn't speak, but it doesn't mean it's brainless.

If you really want to say it, the slender ghost's intelligence level is not lower than that of humans.

Lu Yan's abnormal situation made him a little uneasy, and he immediately chose to act first.

Before Lu Yan could turn his head, the slender ghost's extremely out-of-proportion arms stretched out again.

This time, it's hands.

It closed its arms and pierced Lu Yan's body again.

Then a huge burst of power erupted, and when the left and right hands exerted force at the same time, it was about to tear Lu Yan's body in half.

By the way, the slender ghost's frontal combat ability is really reliable.

Not to mention just a human body, even a heavy tank can tear it apart.

Even though Lu Yan didn't care about his physical condition, he was not a masochist, and he had no intention of waiting quietly for the slender ghost to kill him.

Resolutely raised his right hand, and at the same time grabbed the two arms of the slender ghost that had been inserted into his body, and had not had time to separate.

With terrifying power, he forcibly pulled the hands of the slender ghost from his body.

If it wasn't for the blood still gushing from his whole body, this move would have been as if he hadn't been injured at all.

The next moment, Lu Yan exerted his strength suddenly.

Grabbing the arms of the slender ghost, he smashed it into the room from behind him like an over-shoulder throw.

The heavy force smashed through the floor on the spot.

Before it was over, Lu Yan dragged the slender ghost again and smashed it back outside the door.

Just like this, beating back and forth, the ground became a mess, and even the bent steel bars in the cement could be seen.

Although the movement was shocking, Lu Yan was actually thinking about another question.

The main thing is that the weirdness at the front of the sequence can be resurrected in other places, even if he kills it now, it seems to be meaningless...

On the other side, Captain Yang looked at the slender ghost who looked like a toy in Lu Yan's hands, and his expression became extremely dull.

He didn't know how to react to the scene in front of him.

That is the slender ghost of Sequence 97!

Why can someone beat it like a toy? !
Obviously judging from the height, the slender ghost close to three meters should feel more oppressive...

(End of this chapter)

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