Chapter 862 Abnormal
Four in the morning.

Outside Jungle Park.

"So you mean, a young man with amnesia that you randomly found on the side of the road solved the weirdness of Sequence 97 and Sequence 86 in one go?"

"Well, although the details are more complicated, it can be understood in this way."

"The organization has already arranged psychological counseling for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Old Yang, I know that you are under a lot of psychological pressure on the front line, how about this, I will give you three days off, so you can take a good rest."

"I'm not crazy! Damn, I'm very sober!"

"Beep beep..."

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Captain Yang was so angry that he slapped his phone on the steering wheel.

He turned his head to look at Sun Zhengyuan, who was holding a portable notebook and was reporting to work, and then looked at Lu Yan who was lying on the back seat with his eyes closed and rested. He really didn't know who to get angry at.

By the way, because the area where the slender ghost is located, it will naturally affect the mental state of the people around it.

He simply decided to let Lu Yan throw the slender ghost back into the dense forest park first.

As for the aftermath of the Sovereign Hotel and the Bai Lian scholar who was still thinking about how to make a lithography machine, there was no need for Captain Yang to intervene.

After all, under the killing of the slender ghost, the office managed by Captain Yang can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Basically, there are only three or two cats of that size left.

The Special Affairs Bureau didn't mean to use people to death, and Captain Yang didn't need to do any more dangerous things until the office was fully staffed.

From this point of view, the Special Affairs Bureau is quite humane.

What made Captain Yang a little annoyed was that he reported Lu Yan's situation to his superiors, but no one believed him at all.

And because electronic equipment cannot be used in the area where the slender ghost is located, there is no way to photograph it as evidence.

In addition, Lu Yan didn't mean to prove himself at all.

It just so happens that everyone knows the mental pollution ability of Slender Ghost.

As a result, in the eyes of Captain Yang's superiors, this is because there is something wrong with Captain Yang's mind.

gibberish or something...

Very reasonable.

"Captain Yang, I think you might as well seek Lu Yan's opinion first."

Sun Zhengyuan closed the notebook, and quietly added: "Speaking is useless. If Lu Yan is willing to show his ability, it will be more effective than you saying a hundred sentences or a thousand sentences. Otherwise, you will be spitting on the stars and say nothing." Personally believe."

If he hadn't seen Lu Yan throwing the slender ghost back to the dense forest park like a chick, he would have found it hard to believe it was true.

"Do you see what he looks like to say?"

Captain Yang didn't turn his head back, he glanced sideways through the rearview mirror.

After getting along for a while, he found that Lu Yan really didn't seem to have any bad intentions.

Besides, he recalled his bad attitude towards Lu Yan when he first met, and while he was a little scared, he was not so afraid of Lu Yan anymore.

"It's almost dawn, aren't you sleepy? Why don't you look around for buns and go back to the office to catch up on sleep after eating."

Sun Yuanzheng yawned.

Captain Yang's spirit has been in a tense state. Hearing this, he really felt a little sleepy: "I think it's okay, what does Lu Yan say?"

Lu Yan didn't even raise his eyelids, he waved his hand, signaling them to figure it out.

How should I put it, the time of four o'clock in the morning is actually quite embarrassing.

The BBQ Fried Chicken has closed, and the breakfast shop opened a little earlier.

And because of the weird existence in this world, most people actually have no plans to make money desperately.

Anyway, as long as you can guarantee that you won't starve to death.

Besides, in front of those weird existences, they don't care whether you have money or not, they treat you equally.

It would be too much of a loss if the money was killed by weirdness before it had time to spend it.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yan and the others did not see any open shops on the way until they arrived at the office.

Sun Yuanzheng couldn't suppress his drowsiness, and he yawned profusely.

Getting out of the car wobbly, said: "I remember that there is still half a bag of compressed biscuits in Brother Zhou's place, so I'll just deal with it."

Although Brother Zhou's body probably hasn't completely cooled down yet, life and death are still taken lightly in the front line of the office where we face the weirdness.

Captain Yang didn't think there was any problem with this, and he was still saving food.

Sun Zhengyuan opened the door first and walked into the office.

When he walked in, he froze in place on the spot, and his mouth, which had been rambling all along, was immediately closed.

The distance between Captain Yang and Sun Zhengyuan is the front and rear feet. When he noticed Sun Zhengyuan's reaction, most of his sleepiness disappeared immediately.

He didn't rush in rashly, but waved at Lu Yan.

When Lu Yan came to his side, he whispered: "Be careful, something seems wrong..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Lu Yan walked into the office naturally without even stopping.

Seeing this, Captain Yang just felt that something was wrong and there was nothing he could do.

Gritting his teeth, he also followed Lu Yan in.

Noticing the scene in the office, he quickly understood why Sun Zhengyuan had such a reaction.

As mentioned earlier, this office is actually transformed from the opening of two shops.

The total area is about less than [-] square meters, and there are no wall partitions, so you can have a panoramic view of the entire office at a glance.

It can be seen that it is in the very center of that office.

A rope stretched out from nowhere.

A little boy about eleven or twelve years old was hanging from the rope, his pale and sickly limbs drooped naturally.

What is strange is that this child is wearing a long red dress, and there is a weight hanging under his feet.

It just faced the direction where Lu Yan and the others were with white eyes.

Such a picture gives people an extremely strange and disharmonious feeling.

Even Lu Yan felt a little nervous.

He really didn't think that he would be killed by this thing, but most of the time he couldn't be judged simply by strength.

It's like seeing a non-venomous snake. Even if you know that the snake can't pose any threat to you, you still have mood swings.

"This is the child in red from Sequence 15."

Captain Yang took a deep breath, and his voice was hoarse as if it had been squeezed out of his throat.

It is different from the strange sequence of Slender Ghost Shadow and Bai Lian Scholar.

The sequence of 15 means that it has the terrifying ability to destroy a country!
This is so abnormal.

There are only a hundred weird ones at the top of the sequence, and they are still distributed all over the world.

In a city that is not even considered a first-tier city, how come there are so many weird things in the front sequence all of a sudden? !

(End of this chapter)

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