Chapter 867 Siren Head

According to the type of aircraft engine, there are propeller aircraft and jet aircraft.

A helicopter is the most standard propeller aircraft.

In addition to not flying as fast as a jet, it will also fly at a much lower altitude than a jet.

But no matter how low it is, the height they stay at is close to a thousand meters.

Liu Yuan looked at the huge smoke and dust below, unable to judge Lu Yan's situation at all.

Holding the combat action recorder in his arms, he didn't understand it at all.

Why did it just jump right off?

Secret Service Headquarters.

A group of people were also a little dumbfounded watching the real-time images sent back by Liu Yuan.

"This...Mr. Lu committed suicide?"

"Now I have some doubts whether this Mr. Lu has something wrong with his mind."

The discussion hall was full of discussions like a vegetable market, and everyone's disputes became more and more serious.

In the end, the gray-haired old man in military uniform stepped forward to preside over the situation.

"Look again, Mr. Lu should be sure, Liu Yuan, your altitude will drop another 300 meters."

Under the command of the old man.

The military helicopter hovering over the Yellowstone National Highway began to descend.

But before the helicopter landed in place, Liu Yuan had already spotted Lu Yan walking out of the smoke.

Except for some dust on the clothes, the whole person is completely unscathed.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yuan opened his mouth wide in surprise, and couldn't believe it was real.

"Mr. Lu, are you really human? That's already in the category of innate divine power..."

What was shocking was that it was only Lu Yan, not the pilot of the helicopter and a small number of low-level people outside the Secret Service.

Few low-level people even had some fear and speculation about Liu Yuan.

Of course, it doesn't matter how those people react.

Shi Fu actually cares.

I just want to find the answer from under the weirdness, the so-called help to eliminate the weirdness is just a matter of convenience.

I patted the dust under my body, and finally wandered under the national highway.

According to the information of the Special Affairs Bureau, Siren Head will take the initiative to run to kill all humans who retreat into my activity area.

Liu Yuan has come to the central area of ​​Huangshi National Highway now, no matter where the siren head is now, he should be able to get there very quickly.

At the stall waiting for the siren head to appear, Liu Yuan swayed around in a hurry like an old man.

It is a pity that it is really difficult to arouse the interest of watching the barren and lonely picture.

Knee-high weeds had grown beyond the gaps in the intact road.

Although there are not many weeds that have turned yellow, he still has to lament the suffocating vitality of the plants.

Along the national road, you can sometimes see the white-painted car shell.

A small number of vehicles were distorted into shape, as if they had been beaten by some kind of violence.

In these cars that retain their basic shape, the doors are all open.

It's hard to imagine what happened.


Shi Fu kicked a low-heeled shoe that was washed white by the rain, and he could vaguely tell that the low-heeled shoe should have been white.

Outside the visible range, there is such a world.

It's like being outside the inhabited area before the world is destroyed.

In such an environment, if there is no adjustment of the propeller noise from the helicopter overhead, even I will inevitably feel a little bored.


I let out a heavy breath.

He gave up the idea of ​​continuing to stroll, and he didn't care if the underground was dirty, so he just sat up with his legs crossed.

Finally, let me sit for too long.

To distinguish is to find out where the sound of an air raid siren suddenly sounded.

Harsh and awkward.

In such a barren world, it looks awkward.

"Are you here?"

Liu Yuan plucked his ears out of adaptation, and then stood up.

Siren Head's size is significantly smaller than that of the slender ghost, and his height is less than ten meters, so it is possible to see it with or without obstructions.

But when I turned around and glanced around, I didn't see the figure of Siren Head.

The two people under the helicopter obviously also heard the air raid siren just now.

We all know that Siren Head is not just a siren sound.

The principle of the sound is still vague, but what is certain is that it can freely simulate any sound, and it can even emit a sonic type of attack.

So although we also found no trace of the siren head, the driver still pulled up a low altitude carefully.

There is no guarantee that the low altitude of several hundred meters will be attacked by Siren Head.

Liu Yuan glanced at the helicopter below, and was going to ask if we saw the trace of Siren Head.

It was just a moment later that the roar from Ye Zui made me dispel that thought.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, he could see a huge figure running towards his direction.

The most eye-catching thing is its head that looks like a broadcasting speaker at the entrance of a village.

As for the body, it is slightly different from the human body structure, and it seems to be flesh and blood tissue.

The word "thin as a bamboo pole" placed under it is an exaggeration, but a realistic one.

But even Siren Head's figure looks very slender.

However, there is no doubt about the sense of oppression generated by the huge monster that is more than ten meters long and rushes towards people.

Looking at the situation above, Lu Yan couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

In my eyes, the size of Siren Head and Liu Yuan is as disparate as a tiger and a big chicken.

I can fully imagine what it will be like to block it.

If the distance is too far, I can't help but want to yell slowly and avoid it.

However, Liu Yuan himself is not the same as Lu Yan, we are the same, he just squinted his eyes and looked directly at the siren head rushing towards him.

As the distance between the two got closer, Liu Yuan could feel the ground shaking caused by the siren head's running wildly becoming more and more obvious.

700 m.

700 m.


100 meters,

70 m.

Ten meters!

Before approaching that distance, Siren Head suddenly stood still.

He raised his arm and swatted it like a fly.

And Liu Yuan dodges or avoids, but seems to raise one arm casually to block the side.

There was a tooth-piercing sound of metal clashing.

Siren Head froze.

It imagined that the slap that slapped Shi Fu's lower body into pieces did not appear.

On the contrary, it's like shooting a hill, especially if you have to retreat an inch.

Shi Fu easily used the back of his hand to push Siren Head's arm inward a little, it looked like Siren Head had no strength at all.

I looked Siren Head's head up and down to see where his eyes were.

He simply stared at its head like that and said, "If you want to talk?"

Whether the siren head made a sound or not, first he quickly withdrew his arm in a friendly manner.

Then the other arm fanned out from the other side unexpectedly...

(End of this chapter)

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