The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 869 Residential Buildings

Chapter 869 Residential Buildings

In fact.

Gayako is a classic horror image born in the Grudge series. Even if Lu Yan has never seen the Grudge, he has heard of the name Gayako.

Although Kayako was just a lonely housewife during her lifetime, the resentment after her death turned her into a powerful wraith, and happened to bear the world-famous curse of grudge.

So just its ability shown in the plot is exaggerated to an unsolvable level.

Immunity to physical damage, infinite resurrection and so on are standard configurations.

Teleportation, invisibility, super physical attack and mind control make it not inferior to slender ghosts and the like even in frontal confrontation.

The scariest thing is that its ability even involves space and time. Even if it is used in a superficial way, it has already broken through the level of conventional ghosts.

To be precise, when this horror image was created, no one considered the problem of being solved.

and many more……

Thinking of this, Lu Yan gradually frowned.

He finally found out what was wrong.

According to the kid in red, they were already ready to kill themselves before the birth of the reincarnation system.

But how is this possible?
These weirdnesses are clearly horror images of the real world, how could he have the idea of ​​killing himself before the birth of the reincarnation system?

If it wasn't for the experience world built by the reincarnation system to concretize these terrifying images, they would simply be just a terrifying image.

It's like when his girlfriend came and said he was born of you.

The logic makes sense at all.

Very strange.

too weird!

"Uh...Mr. Lu?"

The gray-haired old man in military uniform looked at Liu Yuan and frowned suddenly, his heart tightened.

I quickly thought about whether we said something wrong in my mind.

"Something happened."

Jiang Dan loosened his brows, revealing his usual kind smile.

If you think it makes sense, you simply think about it.

Anyway, I don't have time to get confused about what the truth is.

"It's fine if something happens."

Did the old man in military uniform care too much, and naturally changed the topic back: "So your suggestion is to deal with that weird one before making complete preparations."

Liu Yuan turned his attention to the information on Jiayeko again: "I need to worry, let's go now."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at the low-level members of the Special Affairs Bureau present, and added.

"After all, it is impossible for Kayako to kill people anytime and anywhere, so it is too good to delay for too long."

By the way.

The residents of City Y actually knew that Kayako had appeared in their city, so they didn't have any precautions at all.

As for why the Special Affairs Bureau announced the whereabouts of Kayako...

That actually involves a problem of social stability.

The human heart is very simple.

If the residents know that Kayako has appeared in their own city, and even if they escape to other cities, they will be found and killed by Kayako, it would be strange to do any crazy actions.

It is self-evident that it will have a small impact on the already shaky social order.

From the point of view of the Special Affairs Bureau, instead of making the whole city terrified, it would be better to spend the first month of life in a more depressing way.

That's why the Bureau of Special Affairs didn't release all the weird information.

After that time, the helicopter's fuel has also been replenished.

"Mr. Lu, please be careful, and try to protect yourself when necessary."

Before seeing Jiang Dan re-sit in the helicopter, the lower levels of the Special Affairs Bureau present looked a little serious.

Before the news of Liu Yuan violently beating the siren head was announced, I had already become a ray of light in the eyes of the public.

And with the passage of time, the cold fermentation is getting lower and lower.

If something happens to Jiang Dan in a very short period of time, it will have a slight blow to the public's confidence.

There is no hope and it is deprived again, it is still like whether that hope has ever appeared.

"don’t worry."

Liu Yuan grabbed the armrest of the helicopter door and responded with a smile.

I'm completely aware of the heavy burdens under me now, of course, even if I know, I just don't care.


an hour ago.

The helicopter landed in the main urban area of ​​City Y.

Liu Yuan and Lu Yan walked out of the helicopter.

In fact, anyone who retreats outside the city where Kayako is located will be judged to be from that city.

In other words, if Jiang Dan was dealt with by Jiaye that time, even if the people who retreated into City Y with me escaped, they would chase after Jiaye and kill them.

So that time, only Lu Yan would follow me to shoot.

Even if it was Lu Yan who volunteered, the Special Affairs Bureau had no plans to send someone to accompany him.

"Mr. Lu... Liu Yuan, is he really unsure?"

Lu Yan held the video equipment outside his hands, his voice was trembling uncontrollably.

Liu Yuan glanced at Lu Yan, then shook his head amusedly: "Who knows."

I'm still wrong about Lu Yan.

Facing an existence like Kayako, it is human nature to be afraid.

However, he chose to follow despite his fear, and gave his life to leave information about Kayako for those who came, which is still worthy of admiration.

"Hey, don't scare you, you're going back now, right?!"

Lu Yan was a little confused, is his calf so bad?
The two walked and talked like that.

Because the residents of City Y don't know about Kayako.

So along the streets, you can still see old people walking and children playing around.

And no one is talking excitedly to friends or family that no one beat up Siren Head.

It seems that he is unhappy that the weird incident has turned around.

"After all, before Kayako leaves a city, he will destroy electronic equipment. The information about Kayako is obtained in that way. No one must stand up."

Lu Yan consciously exerted force on the hand holding the video equipment.

My voice also changed from trembling in the first place to hesitating gradually.


Liu Yuan stopped behind a residential building.

It was an old residential building with decades of history, and even the windows of many rooms were intact.

It looked dilapidated enough to be completely habitable.

Residential buildings were cordoned off for seven weeks, with banners saying no entry was written.

Just looking at the residential building, I feel depressing and breathless.

Even the sky below that building was shrouded in thick white clouds.

It all requires the Special Affairs Bureau to pull down the banner.

Outside the weird world, when people in the institute saw such a scene, they definitely had the idea of ​​retreating and taking a look.

"Well... the Kayako is outside."

Lu Yan consciously lowered his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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